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Created August 10, 2019 17:37
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Server and client method documentation.


Client options

Method name Description Default value
Build() Builds the options class. Does not apply here.
WithAuthentication(string method, byte[] data) Allows to use different authentication modes. null
WithCleanSession(bool value = true) Allows to use the client with MQTT clean session support. true
WithClientId(string value) Sets the used client id. Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N")
WithCommunicationTimeout(TimeSpan value) Sets the communication timeout. TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10.0)
WithCredentials(string username, string password) Sets the login credentials. null, required.
WithCredentials(string username, byte[] password) Sets the login credentials. null, required.
WithExtendedAuthenticationExchangeHandler(IMqttExtendedAuthenticationExchangeHandler handler) Allows to handle authentication in a custom way. null
WithKeepAlivePeriod(TimeSpan value) Sets the keep-alive period. TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15.0)
WithKeepAliveSendInterval(TimeSpan value) Sets the keep-alive send interval. null
WithMaximumPacketSize(uint? maximumPacketSize) Sets the maximum packet size. null
WithNoKeepAlive() Tells the client to use no keep-alive. Does not apply here.
WithProtocolVersion(MqttProtocolVersion value) Sets the MQTT protocol version. MqttProtocolVersion.V311
WithProxy(Action<MqttClientWebSocketProxyOptions> optionsBuilder) Sets the proxy. null
WithProxy(string address, string username = null, string password = null, string domain = null, bool bypassOnLocal = false, string[] bypassList = null) Sets the proxy. null
WithTls() Tells the client to use SSL / TLS. Does not apply here.
WithTls(MqttClientOptionsBuilderTlsParameters parameters) Tells the client to use SSL / TLS. null
WithTls(Action<MqttClientOptionsBuilderTlsParameters> optionsBuilder) Tells the client to use SSL / TLS. null
WithTopicAliasMaximum(ushort? topicAliasMaximum) Tells the client to allow a maximum number of topic aliases. null
WithReceiveMaximum(ushort? receiveMaximum) Tells the client to allow a maximum number of received packets. null
WithRequestProblemInformation(bool? requestProblemInformation = true) Tells the client to show request problem information. true
WithRequestResponseInformation(bool? requestResponseInformation = true) Tells the client to show request response problem information. true
WithSessionExpiryInterval(uint? sessionExpiryInterval) Tells the client to expire sessions after a amount of time. null
WithTcpServer(string server, int? port = null) Tells the client which MQTT broker to connect to (over TCP). null, required. If no port is set, the default port 1883 is used (or 8883 for SSL).
WithTcpServer(Action<MqttClientTcpOptions> optionsBuilder) Tells the client which MQTT broker to connect to (over TCP). null, required. If no port is set, the default port 1883 is used (or 8883 for SSL).
WithWebSocketServer(string uri, MqttClientOptionsBuilderWebSocketParameters parameters = null) Tells the client which MQTT broker to connect to (over WebSockets). null, required.
WithWebSocketServer(Action<MqttClientWebSocketOptions> optionsBuilder) Tells the client which MQTT broker to connect to (over WebSockets). null, required.
WithWillMessage(MqttApplicationMessage value) Tells the client which last will message will be sent. null
WithWillDelayInterval(uint? willDelayInterval) Tells the client which last will delay interval will be used. null
  • Remarks: Either WithTcpServer or WithWebSocketServer or both are required, of course.

Client methods and properties

Method name Description Default value
IMqttClientConnectedHandler ConnectedHandler The connected handler to perform actions when the connection is established. null
IMqttClientDisconnectedHandler DisconnectedHandler The disconnected handler to perform actions when the connection is lost. null
bool IsConnected A value indicating whether the client is connected or not. false
IMqttClientOptions Options The client options set to the client. null
Task<MqttClientAuthenticateResult> ConnectAsync(IMqttClientOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken) A method to connect the broker. Does not apply here.
Task<MqttClientPublishResult> PublishAsync(MqttApplicationMessage applicationMessage, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Publishes a message to a topic. Does not apply here.
Task SendExtendedAuthenticationExchangeDataAsync(MqttExtendedAuthenticationExchangeData data, CancellationToken cancellationToken Sends extended authentication data. Does not apply here.
Task<MqttClientSubscribeResult> SubscribeAsync(MqttClientSubscribeOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Subscribes the client to topics. Does not apply here.
Task<MqttClientUnsubscribeResult> UnsubscribeAsync(MqttClientUnsubscribeOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Unsubscribes the client from topics. Does not apply here.


ManagedClient options

Method name Description Default value
Build() Builds the options class. Does not apply here.
WithAutoReconnectDelay(TimeSpan value) Sets the auto-reconnect delay. TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5.0)
WithClientOptions(IMqttClientOptions value) Tells the managed client to use the configuration available under Client options null
WithClientOptions(MqttClientOptionsBuilder builder) Tells the managed client to use the configuration available under Client options null
WithClientOptions(Action<MqttClientOptionsBuilder> options) Tells the managed client to use the configuration available under Client options null
WithMaxPendingMessages(int value) Tells the client to use the number as maximum amount of pending messages. int.MaxValue
WithPendingMessagesOverflowStrategy(MqttPendingMessagesOverflowStrategy value) Tells the client which message overflow strategy should be used. MqttPendingMessagesOverflowStrategy.DropNewMessage
WithStorage(IManagedMqttClientStorage value) Tells the client which storage to use. null

Managed client methods and properties

Method name Description Default value
IApplicationMessageProcessedHandler ApplicationMessageProcessedHandler The application message processed handler to perform actions when an application message is processed. null
IApplicationMessageSkippedHandler ApplicationMessageSkippedHandler The application message skipped handler to perform actions when an application message is skipped. null
IMqttClientConnectedHandler ConnectedHandler The connected handler to perform actions when the connection is established. null
IConnectingFailedHandler ConnectingFailedHandler The connecting failed handler to perform actions when the connection failed to be established. null
IMqttClientDisconnectedHandler DisconnectedHandler The disconnected handler to perform actions when the connection is lost. null
bool IsConnected A value indicating whether the client is connected or not. false
bool IsStarted A value indicating whether the client is started or not. false
IManagedMqttClientOptions Options The managed client options set to the client. null
int PendingApplicationMessagesCount A value that shows the amount of pending application messages. 0
ISynchronizingSubscriptionsFailedHandler SynchronizingSubscriptionsFailedHandler The synchronizing subscriptions failed handler to perform actions when the synchronization of subscriptions failed. null
Task PublishAsync(ManagedMqttApplicationMessage applicationMessages) Publishes a message to a topic. Does not apply here.
Task StartAsync(IManagedMqttClientOptions options) A method to start the client. Does not apply here.
Task StopAsync() A method to stop the client. Does not apply here.
Task SubscribeAsync(IEnumerable<TopicFilter> topicFilters) Subscribes the client to topics. Does not apply here.
Task UnsubscribeAsync(IEnumerable<string> topics) Unsubscribes the client from topics. Does not apply here.


Server options

Method name Description Default value
Build() Builds the options class. Does not apply here.
WithApplicationMessageInterceptor(IMqttServerApplicationMessageInterceptor value) Allows to work with all published messaged from the clients. null
WithApplicationMessageInterceptor(Action value) Allows to work with all published messaged from the clients. null
WithClientId(string value) Sets the client id used for the server. Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N")
WithConnectionBacklog(int value) Sets the number of connections to keep. 10
WithConnectionValidator(IMqttServerConnectionValidator value) Allows to validate connections with a custom handler. null
WithConnectionValidator(Action value) Allows to validate connections with a custom handler. null
WithDefaultCommunicationTimeout(TimeSpan value) Tells the server to use the default communication timeout. TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15.0)
WithDefaultEndpoint() Tells the server to use the default endpoint.
WithDefaultEndpointBoundIPAddress(IPAddress value) Tells the server to use the default endpoint IPv4 address. IPAddress.Any
WithDefaultEndpointBoundIPV6Address(IPAddress value)Tells the server to use the default endpoint IPv6 address. IPAddress.IPv6Any
WithDefaultEndpointPort(int value) Tells the server to use the default endpoint port. 1883
WithEncryptedEndpoint() Tells the server to use the encrypted endpoint. Does not apply here.
WithEncryptedEndpointBoundIPAddress(IPAddress value) Tells the server to use the encrypted endpoint IPv4 address. IPAddress.Any
WithEncryptedEndpointBoundIPV6Address(IPAddress value) Tells the server to use the encrypted endpoint IPv6 address. IPAddress.IPv6Any
WithEncryptedEndpointPort(int value) Tells the server to use the encrypted endpoint port. 8883
WithEncryptionCertificate(byte[] value) Tells the server to use the certificate for SSL connections. null
WithEncryptionSslProtocol(SslProtocols value) Tells the server to use the SSL protocol level. SslProtocols.Tls12
WithMaxPendingMessagesPerClient(int value) Tells the server to allow a maximum of pending messages per client. 250
WithPersistentSessions() Tells the server to persist sessions. Does not apply here.
WithStorage(IMqttServerStorage value) Tells the server to use a storage. null
WithSubscriptionInterceptor(IMqttServerSubscriptionInterceptor value) Allows to work with all subscriptions from the clients. null
WithSubscriptionInterceptor(Action value) Allows to work with all subscriptions from the clients. null
WithoutDefaultEndpoint() Disables the default (non SSL) endpoint. Does not apply here.
WithoutEncryptedEndpoint() Disables the default (SSL) endpoint. Does not apply here.

Server methods and properties

Method name Description Default value
IMqttServerClientConnectedHandler ClientConnectedHandler The connected handler to perform actions when a client connected. null
IMqttServerClientDisconnectedHandler ClientDisconnectedHandler The disconnected handler to perform actions when a client lost the connection. null
IMqttServerClientSubscribedTopicHandler ClientSubscribedTopicHandler The subscribed handler to perform actions when a client subscribed. null
IMqttServerClientUnsubscribedTopicHandler ClientUnsubscribedTopicHandler The subscribed handler to perform actions when a client unsubscribed. null
IMqttServerOptions Options The server options set to the client. null
IMqttServerStartedHandler StartedHandler The started handler to perform actions when the server started. null
IMqttServerStoppedHandler StoppedHandler The stopped handler to perform actions when the server stopped. null
Task ClearRetainedApplicationMessagesAsync() Clears the retained application messages. Does not apply here.
Task<IList> GetClientStatusAsync() Gets the client status. Does not apply here.
Task<IList> GetRetainedApplicationMessagesAsync() Gets tge retained application messages. Does not apply here.
Task<IList> GetSessionStatusAsync() Gets the session status. Does not apply here.
Task StartAsync(IMqttServerOptions options) Starts the server. Does not apply here.
Task StopAsync() Stops the server. Does not apply here.
Task SubscribeAsync(string clientId, ICollection topicFilters) Subscribes the server to topics. Does not apply here.
Task UnsubscribeAsync(string clientId, ICollection topicFilters) Unsubscribes the server from topics Does not apply here.
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