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Created November 10, 2015 19:52
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  • Save SeanKilleen/3800151caa9f4dc96183 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SeanKilleen/3800151caa9f4dc96183 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Powershell Script to Check Firewall Openings and the accompanying CSV file.
# Run this script like: .\CheckFirewallOpenings.ps1 FirewallTests.csv
# NOTE: It presumes you're running the script on the machine you're checking access from. (e.g. if you're checking Server1 --> Server2, you'd be running this script on Server1.)
param ($portFileName)
function GetResultObject
param (
$props = @{
FromServer = $env:COMPUTERNAME
ToServer = $Server
Port = $Port
PortOpen = $PortOpen
Notes = $Notes
Purpose = $Purpose
New-Object PsObject -Property $props
function TestPing
return Test-Connection $Server -Count 1 -Quiet
function CheckOpenPortOnServer
param (
try {
$null = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient -ArgumentList $Server,$PortToCheck
return $true
catch {
return $false
function FirewallEntry
param (
$props= @{
RemoteServer = $Server
RemotePort = $Port
Purpose = $Purpose
return New-Object PsObject -Property $props
function RunPortCheck
param (
[String]$file #This is meant to be a CSV with Server, Port, and "Purpose" fields. Purpose describes why the port is needed, so that we can reason about things more easily.
$testsToRun = Import-Csv -Path $file
$serversAndPorts = @()
foreach($test in $testsToRun)
$convertedItem = FirewallEntry -Server $test.ToServer -Port $test.Port -Purpose $test.Purpose
$serversAndPorts = $serversAndPorts + $convertedItem
$results = @()
foreach ($item in $serversAndPorts)
If(TestPing -Server $item.RemoteServer)
$result = CheckOpenPortOnServer $item.RemoteServer $item.RemotePort
$resultObj = GetResultObject -Server $item.RemoteServer -Port $item.RemotePort -PortOpen $result -Purpose $item.Purpose
$resultObj = GetResultObject -Server $item.RemoteServer -Port $item.RemotePort -PortOpen $false -Notes 'Server did not respond to ping and may be down.' -Purpose $item.Purpose
$results = $results + $resultObj
$failedItems = $results | ? { $_.PortOpen -eq $false } | measure
If ($failedItems.Count -gt 0)
Write-Host "Womp womp, we failed."
Write-Host "Number of failures: " + $failedItems.Count
Write-Host "We're all good!"
foreach($result in $results)
$serverAndPort = $result.ToServer + ":" + $result.Port
If($result.PortOpen -eq $true)
$status = "SUCCESS"
$status = "FAILURE"
$statusMessage = "Status: ($status) -- Purpose: " + $result.Purpose
Write-Host $statusMessage
Write-Host "Full Results below: "
$results | Format-Table -AutoSize
RunPortCheck -file $portFileName
ToServer Port Purpose
Server1 8172 Deploy web apps via WebDeploy
Server2 80 Get to our main web app
Server3 443 Get to our web app via SSL
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