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Last active December 14, 2015 14:09
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  • Save SeanJA/5098918 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SeanJA/5098918 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Mosaic image take 2
class mosaic {
* @var int
private $increment = 0;
* @var string
private $class = 'class';
* @var string
private $altText = '';
* @var int
private $sharpness = 5;
* @var height
private $h;
* @var width
private $w;
* not used
* @var string
private $type;
* @var string
private $imageURL;
* @var string
private $outLookConditionalComment = 'mso';
* Set the image url
* @param string $imageURL
function setImageURL($imageURL) {
$this->imageURL = $imageURL;
list($this->w, $this->h, $this->type) = getimagesize($imageURL);
* Set some alt text
* @param string $altText
function setAltText($altText) {
$this->altText = $altText;
* Set the sharpness
* @param string $sharpness
function setSharpness($sharpness) {
$this->sharpness = $sharpness;
* Generate the whole thing
* @return string
function generate() {
$return = $this->getCSS().PHP_EOL;
$return .= $this->getMSOHackStart().PHP_EOL;
$return .= $this->getImageReplacement().PHP_EOL;
$return .= $this->getMosaic().PHP_EOL;
$return .= $this->getEndWrapper().PHP_EOL;
$return .= $this->getMSOHackEnd().PHP_EOL;
return $return;
* End of the wrapper
* @return string
function getEndWrapper() {
$wrapper = '</div>';
$wrapper .= '</td>';
$wrapper .= '</tr>';
$wrapper .= '</tbody>';
$wrapper .= '</table>';
return $wrapper;
* Get the mosaic table
* @return string
function getMosaic() {
$resource = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($this->imageURL));
$class = $this->getClass();
$mosaic = '<table width="' . $this->w . '" height="' . $this->h . '" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" bgcolor="#fefefe" class="' . $class . '">';
$mosaic .= '<tbody>';
for ($y = 0; $y < $this->h; $y+=$this->sharpness) {
$mosaic .= '<tr>';
for ($x = 0; $x < $this->w; $x+=$this->sharpness) {
$color = imagecolorat($resource, $x, $y);
//get an rgba colour
$rgba = imagecolorsforindex($resource, $color);
$rgba['alpha'] = $rgba['alpha'];
$colour_string = $this->rgb2hex($rgba);
$mosaic .= '<td width="' . $this->sharpness . '" bgcolor="' . $colour_string . '"><b></b></td>' . PHP_EOL;
$mosaic .= '</tr>' . PHP_EOL;
$mosaic .= '</tbody>';
$mosaic .= '</table>';
return $mosaic;
* Convert an rgb array to a hex string
* @param array $rgba Format array('red'=>N1, 'green'=>N2, 'blue'=>N3, 'alpha'=>N4);
* @return string
private function rgb2hex(array $rgb) {
if (isset($rgb['alpha'])) {
$out = "";
foreach ($rgb as $c) {
$hex = base_convert($c, 10, 16);
$out .= ($c < 16) ? ("0" . $hex) : $hex;
return '#' . strtoupper($out);
* The class for this mosaic
* @return type
private function getClass() {
return $this->class . $this->increment;
* Add one to the increment id
private function incrementClass() {
* Start the mso hack
* @return string
private function getMSOHackStart(){
$class = $this->getClass();
$msoHack = '<!--[if '.$this->outLookConditionalComment.']><style>.' . $class . '{display:none !important}</style><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="display:block;float:none;" align=""><tr><td>';
$msoHack .= '<img src="' . $this->imageURL . '" alt="'.$this->altText.'" style="display:block;" moz="3" valid="true" height="' . $this->h . '" width="' . $this->w . '"></td></tr></table><style type="text/css">/*<![endif]-->';
return $msoHack;
* End of the mso hack
private function getMSOHackEnd(){
$msoHack = '<!--[if '.$this->outLookConditionalComment.']>*/</style><![endif]-->';
return $msoHack;
* Generate the image replacement string
* @return string
function getImageReplacement() {
$class = $this->getClass();
$replacement = '<table width="' . $this->w . '" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" align="" moz="3" style="display:block;float:none" class="' . $class . '">';
$replacement .= '<tbody>';
$replacement .= '<tr>';
$replacement .= '<td style="padding:0px 0px 0px 0px;" class="' . $class . '">';
$replacement .= '<div class="' . $class . '" style="width:0px;height:0px;overflow:visible;float:left;position:absolute">';
$replacement .= '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="' . $class . '">';
$replacement .= '<tbody>';
$replacement .= '<tr>';
$replacement .= '<td background="' . $this->imageURL . '"><div class="' . $class . '" style="width:' . $this->w . 'px;height:' . $this->h . 'px"></div></td>';
$replacement .= '</tr>';
$replacement .= '</tbody>';
$replacement .= '</table>';
$replacement .= '</div>';
return $replacement;
* Get the css for the top
* @return string
function getCSS() {
$class = $this->getClass();
$css = '<style type="text/css">';
$css .= '.ExternalClass .ecxhm1_3{width:' . $this->w . 'px !important;height:' . $this->h . 'px !important; float:none !important}.ExternalClass .ecxhm2_3{display:none !important}';
$css .= '.' . $class . ' td b{width:1px;height:1px;font-size:1px}.' . $class . '{-webkit-text-size-adjust: none}';
$css .= '</style>';
return $css;
include 'classes/mosaic.php';
$m = new Mosaic();
$m->setAltText('A beagle!');
echo $m->generate();
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