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Created August 2, 2023 18:40
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import sys
def is_diff(i_a, i_b):
if sorted(i_a.keys()) != sorted(i_b.keys()):
return False
for k in sorted(i_a.keys()):
if k in ['lr', 'vt', 'func']:
if i_a[k] != i_b[k]:
return True
return False
def get_str(k, v):
if k in ['buffer_entry_sizes', 'buffers']:
return '[%s]' % ', '.join('0x%X' % x for x in v)
elif k in ['inbytes', 'outbytes']:
return '0x%X' % v
return str(v)
def summary(cmd):
s = ''
for k in sorted(cmd.keys()):
if k in ['lr', 'vt', 'func']:
if s:
s += ', '
s += k
s += ': '
s += get_str(k, cmd[k])
return s
def summary_diff(a, b):
s = ''
assert sorted(a.keys()) == sorted(b.keys())
for k in sorted(a.keys()):
if k in ['lr', 'vt', 'func']:
if a[k] != b[k]:
if s:
s += ', '
s += k
s += ': '
s += get_str(k, a[k]) + ' -> ' + get_str(k, b[k])
s += ' (final state: %s)' % summary(b)
return s
def diff_p(a, b):
a_p = a.keys()
b_p = b.keys()
a_only = sorted([p for p in a_p if p not in b_p])
b_only = sorted([p for p in b_p if p not in a_p])
both_p = sorted([p for p in set(a_p + b_p) if p in a_p and p in b_p])
for p in a_only:
print 'Process Removed: %s' % p
for p in b_only:
print 'Process Added: %s' % p
a_i = {}
a_x = {}
b_i = {}
b_x = {}
for p in a_p:
p_i = a[p]
for n in p_i.keys():
target = a_i if not n.startswith('0x') else a_x
#print n
assert n not in target or sorted(target[n].keys()) == sorted(p_i[n].keys())
target[n] = p_i[n]
for p in b_p:
p_i = b[p]
for n in p_i.keys():
target = b_i if not n.startswith('0x') else b_x
assert n not in target or sorted(target[n].keys()) == sorted(p_i[n].keys())
target[n] = p_i[n]
a_only = sorted([p for p in a_i.keys() if p not in b_i.keys()])
b_only = sorted([p for p in b_i.keys() if p not in a_i.keys()])
both_p = sorted([p for p in set(a_i.keys() + b_i.keys()) if p in a_i.keys() and p in b_i.keys()])
for p in a_only:
print 'Interface Removed: %s' % p
for p in b_only:
print 'Interface Added: %s' % p
for n in sorted(both_p):
i_a = a_i[n]
i_b = b_i[n]
a_only = sorted([p for p in i_a.keys() if p not in i_b.keys()])
b_only = sorted([p for p in i_b.keys() if p not in i_a.keys()])
both_p = sorted([p for p in set(i_a.keys() + i_b.keys()) if p in i_a.keys() and p in i_b.keys()])
changed = sorted([p for p in both_p if is_diff(i_a[p], i_b[p])])
if len(a_only + b_only + changed) > 0:
print 'Interface Changed: %s' % n
for c in sorted(set(a_only + b_only + changed)):
if c in a_only:
print ' Removed: %5d - %s' % (c, summary(i_a[c]))
if c in b_only:
print ' Added: %5d - %s' % (c, summary(i_b[c]))
if c in changed:
print ' Changed: %5d - %s' % (c, summary_diff(i_a[c], i_b[c]))
def load_intf(fn):
with open(fn, 'r') as f:
return eval('{''}')
def main(argc, argv):
before = load_intf(argv[1])
after = load_intf(argv[2])
diff_p(before, after)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.exit(main(len(sys.argv), sys.argv))
import os, shutil, sys
IN_NONE, IN_PROC, IN_INTF = range(3)
def get_strkey(line):
line = line.strip()
return line[:line.index("':")].replace("'",'')
def is_empty(line):
return not line.strip()
def is_start_proc(line):
return "':" in line and '{' in line and '}' not in line
def is_end_proc(line):
return line == '},'
def is_start_intf(line):
return line.startswith(' ') and "':" in line and '{' in line and '}' not in line
def is_end_intf(line):
return line == ' },'
def is_command(line):
return line.startswith(' ') and ': ' in line and (line[line.index(':')-1] in '0123456789' or get_strkey(line) == 'default') and '{' in line and '}' in line
def get_sortkey(intf):
name, lines = intf
if name.startswith('0x'):
return '__zzz__%s' % name
return name
def sort_info(lines):
out_lines = []
state = IN_NONE
for line in lines:
print line
if state == IN_NONE:
assert is_empty(line) or is_start_proc(line)
if is_start_proc(line):
proc_name = get_strkey(line)
proc_intfs = []
state = IN_PROC
print 'entering proc: %s' % proc_name
elif state == IN_PROC:
assert is_start_intf(line) or is_end_proc(line)
if is_start_intf(line):
intf_name = get_strkey(line)
#print ' intf: %s' % intf_name
cur_intf = [line]
state = IN_INTF
elif is_end_proc(line):
for (i, i_lines) in sorted(proc_intfs, key=get_sortkey):
#print ' '+i
out_lines += i_lines
proc_intfs = None
proc_name = None
state = IN_NONE
elif state == IN_INTF:
assert is_command(line) or is_end_intf(line)
if is_command(line):
elif is_end_intf(line):
proc_intfs.append((intf_name, cur_intf))
intf_name = None
cur_intf = None
state = IN_PROC
return out_lines
def main(argc, argv):
with open(argv[1], 'rb') as f:
lines = [s.rstrip() for s in f.readlines()]
with open(argv[2], 'wb') as f:
f.writelines(['%s\n' % s.rstrip() for s in sort_info(lines)])
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.exit(main(len(sys.argv), sys.argv))
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