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Last active December 4, 2016 02:39
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React.js + Dynamic.js transitions
const React = require('react');
const dynamics = require('dynamics.js');
* Using dynamics.js to transition things or just animate
* ------------------------------------------------------
* props:
* - runTo enum("start", "finish) - which way to run.
* - onComplete callback
* - onChange callback
* - type enum(look at dynamicjs docs) - how to run it.
* - animateFrom object - Start position for the animation (A)
* - animateTo object - End position for the animation (B)
* - animationProperties object - animation properties + more options for dynamics.js
* ------------------------------------------------------
* <DynamicTransition
* runTo={ this.state.animationToggle ? 'start' : 'finish' }
* onComplete={ () => {} }
* onChange={ () => {} }
* type='spring'
* animateFrom={{ translateX: 0 }}
* animateTo={{ translateX: -200 }}
* animationProperties={{
* friction: 100,
* duration: 1200,
* }}
* >
* <span>Hello!</span>
* </span>
class DynamicTransition extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
runTo: React.PropTypes.oneOf(['start', 'finish']),
children: React.PropTypes.node.isRequired,
animationProperties: React.PropTypes.object,
animateFrom: React.PropTypes.object,
animateTo: React.PropTypes.object,
onComplete: React.PropTypes.func,
onChange: React.PropTypes.func,
type: React.PropTypes.oneOf([
static defaultProps = {
onComplete: () => {},
onChange: () => {},
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate() {
animationProperties() {
return {
type: dynamics[this.props.type],
frequency: 200,
friction: 200,
duration: 400,
complete: this.props.onComplete,
change: this.props.onChange,
updateAnimation() {
const runTo = this.props.runTo;
const domNode = React.findDOMNode(this.refs.animated);
setTimeout(() => {
(runTo === 'start') ? this.props.animateFrom : this.props.animateTo,
}, 10);
render() {
return (
<this.props.component ref="animated" style={ }>
{ this.props.children }
module.exports = DynamicTransition;
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mgan59 commented Aug 31, 2016

What is <this.props.component ....> line #92 .... not sure I follow the intention?

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