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Last active June 13, 2021 14:41
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Advanced(?) domain-driven design in F#
let main argv =
printfn "Should be zero (netWeight emptyPallet): %A" Stock.shouldBeZero
printfn "harvesterPartsWeight: %A" Stock.harvesterPartsWeight
printfn "grossWeight harvesterParts: %A" (Stock.grossWeight Stock.harvesterParts)
printfn "grossWeight emptyPallet: %A" (Stock.grossWeight Stock.emptyPallet)
printfn "netWeight harvesterParts: %A" (Stock.netWeight Stock.harvesterParts)
printfn "value harvesterParts: %A" (Stock.value Stock.harvesterParts)
printfn "boxLabels harvesterParts: %A" (Stock.boxLabels Stock.harvesterParts)
printfn "boxLabels emptyPallet: %A" (Stock.boxLabels Stock.emptyPallet)
Should be zero (netWeight emptyPallet): 0
harvesterPartsWeight: 112
grossWeight harvesterParts: 122
grossWeight emptyPallet: 10
netWeight harvesterParts: 112
value harvesterParts: 1345
boxLabels harvesterParts: [BoxLabel "Engine"; BoxLabel "Electronics"; BoxLabel "Inertial navigation"; BoxLabel "Wiring"]
boxLabels emptyPallet: []
module Stock
open TypeEquality
type BoxLabel = BoxLabel of string
type PalletLabel = PalletLabel of string
/// A box represented by type 'a'.
/// or
/// A box with additional data of type 'a'.
/// or
/// A relation between a box with the given label and an entity represented by type 'a'.
/// or
/// A box with a data "hole" of type 'a' in it.
type Box<'a> = Box of BoxLabel * 'a
/// Similarly to type 'Box<a>'.
type Pallet<'a> = Pallet of PalletLabel * 'a
/// A marker type for thing related to boxes. Intended to be used only as a type variable and "has no values".
type IsBox = IsBox of IsBox
/// Similarly to 'IsBox'.
type IsPallet = IsPallet of IsPallet
/// Warehouse stock is physically organized in boxes and pallets. A box can contain other boxes. A pallet holds boxes.
/// No other nesting forms are allowed.
/// Values of type 'Stock<b,p,a>' represent this nested stock organization structure. A box contains data of type 'b'
/// and a pallet of type 'p'. Type 't' encodes the top level of the nested stock: either a box or a pallet.
type Stock<'b,'p,'t> =
| BoxLevel of Box<{| Data : 'b; InnerBoxes : List<Stock<'b,'p,IsBox>> |}> * TypeEquality<'t,IsBox>
| PalletLevel of Pallet<{| Data : 'p; Boxes : List<Stock<'b,'p,IsBox>> |}> * TypeEquality<'t,IsPallet>
/// A helper for constructing a tree of boxes.
let box (label : BoxLabel) (data : 'b) (innerBoxes : List<Stock<'b,_,IsBox>>) =
BoxLevel (Box (label, {| Data = data; InnerBoxes = innerBoxes |}), refl)
/// A helper for constructing a tree of boxes with a pallet root.
let pallet (label : PalletLabel) (data : 'p) (boxes: List<Stock<_,'p,IsBox>>) =
PalletLevel (Pallet (label, {| Data = data; Boxes = boxes |}), refl)
/// Recursively process a stock tree in bottom-up manner. The two provided (non-recursive) functions process a single
/// box (level) or the pallet (level) and have access to the intermediate results computed at the level below. This is
/// a recursion scheme, like e.g. 'fold'.
let rec catamorphism<'b,'p,'t,'r>
(f : Box<{| Data : 'b; InnerBoxes : List<'r> |}> -> 'r)
(g : Pallet<{| Data : 'p; Boxes : List<'r> |}> -> 'r)
(stock : Stock<'b,'p,'t>) : 'r =
match stock with
| BoxLevel (Box (label, dataAndNested), _) ->
f (Box (label, {| dataAndNested with InnerBoxes = dataAndNested.InnerBoxes |> (catamorphism f g) |}))
| PalletLevel (Pallet (label, dataAndBoxes), _) ->
g (Pallet (label, {| dataAndBoxes with Boxes = dataAndBoxes.Boxes |> (catamorphism f g) |}))
// The _complete_ type annotation is required for polymorphic recursion to work.
// That was the minimal but already powerful and modular model. Now come the examples.
type kg
type eur
type Weight = int<kg>
type Value = int<eur>
/// An empty pallet with its own weight.
let emptyPallet<'box> = pallet (PalletLabel "Pallet-1") 10<kg> []
/// A pallet with weights and values for the contents of boxes.
let harvesterParts =
pallet (PalletLabel "Harvester parts") 10<kg> [
box (BoxLabel "Engine") (100<kg>, 1_000<eur>) []
box (BoxLabel "Electronics") (1<kg>, 0<eur>) [ // Intermediate package, only its own weight, no value
box (BoxLabel "Inertial navigation") (10<kg>, 300<eur>) []
box (BoxLabel "Wiring") (1<kg>, 45<eur>) []
// It is statically impossible to create an invalid warehouse stock configuration: the following will not type check.
//let invalid =
// pallet (PalletLabel "Outer pallet") () [
// pallet (PalletLabel "Small pallet?") () [] // "The type 'IsBox' does not match the type 'IsPallet'"
// ]
// Similarly impossible:
//let invalid =
// box (BoxLabel "This box is larger than a pallet") () [
// pallet (PalletLabel "So let's put a pallet inside of it!") () []
// ]
// Now let's do some warehouse logic.
let netWeight stock : Weight =
(fun (Box (_, d)) -> let (weight, value) = d.Data in weight + List.sum d.InnerBoxes) // Just read this!
(fun (Pallet (_, d)) -> List.sum d.Boxes) // Net
let shouldBeZero = netWeight emptyPallet
let harvesterPartsWeight = netWeight harvesterParts
let grossWeight stock : Weight =
(fun (Box (_, d)) -> let (weight, value) = d.Data in weight + List.sum d.InnerBoxes)
(fun (Pallet (_, d)) -> d.Data + List.sum d.Boxes) // Gross
// A sanity check
if grossWeight emptyPallet + netWeight harvesterParts <> grossWeight harvesterParts then failwith "Wrong pallet!"
let value stock : Value =
(fun (Box (_, d)) -> let (weight, value) = d.Data in value + List.sum d.InnerBoxes)
(fun (Pallet (_, d)) -> List.sum d.Boxes) // Pallets themselves have no business value
// Some other computation which is not sum-like as everything above
let boxLabels stock : List<BoxLabel> =
(fun (Box (label, d)) -> label :: List.concat d.InnerBoxes)
(fun (Pallet (_, d)) -> List.concat d.Boxes)
module TypeEquality
// See my other gists.
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