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Created October 27, 2022 08:53
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Experimental typed and computation expression-based Giraffe HTTP handlers
module Handler
open System.Threading.Tasks
open Giraffe
open Giraffe.FormatExpressions
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
open Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
(* Core definitions *)
type Handler<'a> = Handler of (HttpContext -> ('a -> HttpFuncResult) -> HttpFuncResult)
let ret a : Handler<'a> = Handler (fun _ k -> k a)
let map f (Handler h : Handler<'a>) : Handler<'b> = Handler (fun c k -> h c (fun a -> k (f a)))
let apply (Handler f) (Handler v) : Handler<'b> = Handler (fun c k -> f c (fun g -> v c (fun a -> k (g a))))
let bind f (Handler h : Handler<'a>) : Handler<'b> = Handler (fun c k' -> h c (fun a -> let (Handler h') = f a in h' c k'))
(* Basic API *)
/// Recover the regular Giraffe 'HttpHandler' from a 'Handler' closed with 'HttpContext'.
let httpHandler (Handler h) : HttpHandler = fun next ctx -> h ctx next
/// Adapt a regular Giraffe HTTP handler to a typed handler.
let ofHttpHandler (giraffeHandler : HttpHandler) : Handler<_> = Handler (fun ctx next -> giraffeHandler next ctx)
/// Access the 'HttpContext' inside of a 'Handler'.
let context = Handler (|>)
/// Abandon (the remainder of) processing in current pipeline.
let skip = Handler (fun _ _ -> Task.FromResult None)
/// Finish processing in the current pipeline omitting the remaining steps in the pipeline, if any. This is called
/// "early return" in Giraffe.
let finish = Handler (fun ctx _ -> Task.FromResult (Some ctx))
/// Computation expression support for typed HTTP handlers.
type HandlerBuilder () =
member _.Return(a) = ret a
member _.ReturnFrom(h : Handler<_>) = h
member _.Bind(h, f) = bind f h
member _.Combine(left : Handler<_>, right : Handler<'a>) : Handler<'a> = left |> bind (fun _ -> right)
member _.Delay(fh) = Handler (fun ctx next -> let (Handler h) = fh () in h ctx next)
member _.Run(f) = f
member inline _.Source(same : Handler<_>) = same
member _.Source(ta : Task<'a>) : Handler<'a> =
Handler (fun _ next -> task { let! a = ta in return! next a }) // Note the similarity with `ret`!
member _.Source(giraffeHandler : HttpHandler) : Handler<_> = ofHttpHandler giraffeHandler
/// Computation expression support for typed HTTP handlers.
let handler = HandlerBuilder ()
/// Operators for typed HTTP handlers.
type Handler<'a> with
static member (<!>) (f, h) = map f h
static member (<*>) (hf, ha) = apply hf ha
static member (>>=) (h, fh) = bind fh h
static member ( *> ) (hl, hr) = ret (fun _ b -> b) <*> hl <*> hr
static member ( <* ) (hl, hr) = ret (fun a _ -> a) <*> hl <*> hr
static member (>=>) (hf, hg) = fun a -> bind hg (hf a)
static member (<=<) (hg, hf) = fun a -> bind hg (hf a)
(* A port of a tiny selection of functions from Giraffe *)
let private httpVerb validate = handler {
let! ctx = context
if validate ctx.Request.Method then return () else return! skip
let GET = httpVerb HttpMethods.IsGet
let POST = httpVerb HttpMethods.IsPost
let route (path : string) = handler {
let! ctx = context
if SubRouting.getNextPartOfPath ctx = path then return () else return! skip
let routef (path : PrintfFormat<_,_,_,_, 'T>) : Handler<'T> = handler {
validateFormat path
let! ctx = context
match tryMatchInput path MatchOptions.Exact (SubRouting.getNextPartOfPath ctx) with
| None -> return! skip
| Some args -> return args
let text (str : string) = handler {
let bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes str
let! ctx = context
ctx.SetContentType "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
let! _ = ctx.WriteBytesAsync bytes
return ()
let setStatusCode (statusCode : int) = handler {
let! ctx = context
ctx.SetStatusCode statusCode
return ()
(* Examples *)
/// A reusable handler which returns an often-used DTO after extracting it from the request body.
let personFromBody = handler {
// Access the HTTP context
let! ctx = context
// Bind to a 'Task' result directly
let! person = ctx.BindJsonAsync<{| Name : string |}> ()
// Typed result
return person
let exampleService : HttpHandler =
choose [
// Warming up: a very simple greeter
httpHandler (GET *> route "/hello" *> text "Hello" *> finish)
// Reusing a typed handler and more
httpHandler (handler {
do! POST *> route "/person"
let! ctx = context
let logger = ctx.GetLogger "handler"
// Reuse a typed handler
let! person = personFromBody
if person.Name = "Batman" then
// An in-line asynchronous step; simulate some long work
do! task { do! Task.Delay 1_000 }
logger.LogInformation "Batman detected"
do! setStatusCode 202
do! text "Hi Batman!"
return! finish
logger.LogInformation "Not Batman, ignoring"
do! setStatusCode 422 // This does not have effect due to `skip` below.
return! skip
return! handler { logger.LogError "This should not be logged (after skip)"; return! finish }
// No manual application of 'next' anywhere, in particular when working with Task-s.
// Reusing Giraffe handlers
httpHandler (handler {
do! GET *> route "/reuse"
// Using explicit 'ofHttpHandler' adapter
return! ofHttpHandler (Giraffe.Core.setStatusCode 202)
// Directly
return! Giraffe.Core.text "This text is returned by reusing the regular Giraffe `text` handler"
// A showcase of `routef`
httpHandler (handler {
let! name = GET *> routef "/hello2/%s"
let! ctx = context
let! _ = ctx.WriteJsonAsync {| Greetings = name |}
return! finish
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