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Created April 27, 2023 10:01
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Pretty printing trees in F# using a Mendler-style catamorphism
/// Non-empty trees.
type Tree<'a> = TreeNode of 'a * List<Tree<'a>>
/// Syntactic simulation of the `Tree` base functor.
let (|TreeNode_|) (a, ys) = (a, ys)
/// Regular catamorphism for `Tree`.
let rec cata f (TreeNode (a, ts)) = f a (ts |> (cata f))
/// Compute a result from a single `Tree` node while having access to a function which computes a result from a single
/// sub-tree. For each sub-tree an intermediate result of some (unknown) type has already been computed.
type Psi<'a,'r> =
abstract Apply<'intermediate> : ('intermediate -> 'r) -> ('a * List<'intermediate>) -> 'r
/// Mendler-style "catamorphism" for `Tree`.
let mcata (psi : Psi<'a,'r>) (tree : Tree<'a>) : 'r =
let rec c (TreeNode (a, ts)) = psi.Apply c (a, ts)
c tree
/// A helper function for tree construction.
let node a trees = TreeNode (a, trees)
/// A very simple example tree.
let tree1 =
node 1 []
/// The main example tree.
let tree2 =
node 3 [node 1 [ node 0 []]; node 2 [node 5 [node 11 []]; node 7 [node 8 [node 10 []]]; node 12 []]; node 9 []]
/// Example: the sum of all integer elements of a tree.
let sum = { new Psi<int,int> with
member _.Apply nested (TreeNode_ (a, ts)) = a + List.sumBy nested ts
mcata sum tree2
// 68
/// More exciting example: pretty print a tree. Core principle: pass to each sub-tree what it needs to print before its
/// child nodes in addition to its own (single) indentation.
let printPretty = { new Psi<int,string -> unit> with
member _.Apply nested (TreeNode_ (a, ts)) = fun prefix ->
printfn "%d"a
let last = List.length ts
ts |> List.iteri (fun i t ->
printf (if i + 1 = last then "%s└─" else "%s├─") prefix // addition from parent + one "own" indentation
nested t (if i + 1 = last then prefix + " " else prefix + "")
let prettyPrintTree tree = mcata printPretty tree ""
prettyPrintTree tree2
│ └─0
│ ├─5
│ │ └─11
│ ├─7
│ │ └─8
│ │ └─10
│ └─12
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