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Last active August 12, 2022 00:24
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amonsec load_scripts cna
# For some reason dude secreted it so im just gonna steal his shit and repurpose it
# Java packages
import aggressor.AggressorClient;
import aggressor.Prefs;
import cortana.Cortana;
import java.util.List;
# $1 - array of scripts to load
sub load_aggressor_script {
this('$script $client $cortana $prefs $list');
$script = [new ScriptManager: getAggressorClient()];
$client = [$script client];
$cortana = [$client engine];
# Get preferences
$prefs = [Prefs getPreferences];
$list = [$prefs getList: 'cortana.scripts'];
# Load/Reload scripts
foreach $value ($1) {
println("\c2[+]\c0 Loading: " . $value);
# Unload script if alread exist
if ([[$cortana scripts] containsKey: $value]) {
[$cortana unloadScript: $value];
[$list remove: $value];
# Load script
[$cortana loadScript: $value];
[$list add: $value];
# Refresh UI
[$prefs setList: 'cortana.scripts', $list];
[$prefs save];
[$script refresh];
# Banner
println('Cobalt Strike Aggressor Script Utility for Loading Aggressor Scripts');
println('Dude Secreted His Stuff So Must Not Want The Credit');
# Scripts to load
@scripts_to_load = @(
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