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Forked from khchen/NtAllocateVirtualMemory.nim
Created December 8, 2023 20:07
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Author: Ward
Example of NtAllocateVirtualMemory, NtReadVirtualMemory, NtFreeVirtualMemory
import winim/lean
# There are no definitions for these APIs in winim yet, define them at first.
proc NtAllocateVirtualMemory(processHandle: HANDLE, baseAddress: PVOID,
zeroBits: ULONG_PTR, regionSize: PSIZE_T, allocationType: ULONG,
Protect: ULONG): NTSTATUS {.stdcall, dynlib: "ntdll", importc, discardable.}
proc NtReadVirtualMemory(processHandle: HANDLE, baseAddress: PVOID,
buffer: PVOID, bufferSize: ULONG, numberOfBytesRead: PULONG): NTSTATUS
{.stdcall, dynlib: "ntdll", importc, discardable.}
proc NtFreeVirtualMemory(processHandle: HANDLE, baseAddress: PVOID,
regionSize: PSIZE_T, freeType: ULONG): NTSTATUS
{.stdcall, dynlib: "ntdll", importc, discardable.}
address: PVOID
size: SIZE_T = 1024
if NtAllocateVirtualMemory(-1, &address, 0, &size, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE).NT_SUCCESS:
# Write something at the address
cast[LPSTR](address) << "This is a message."
buffer = newString(1024)
bytesRead: ULONG
# Read the message via API
if NtReadVirtualMemory(-1, address, &buffer, cint buffer.len, &bytesRead).NT_SUCCESS:
echo buffer
NtFreeVirtualMemory(-1, &address, &size, MEM_RELEASE)
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