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Created December 5, 2019 10:56
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Stripe Code For Indin Users
$txn='121221|544545'; // any value that you want to get in webhook
$sku='sku_G8srn2mAbnQI8k'; // get product id
$data=['sku'=>$sku,'email'=>$email,'txn'=>$txn]; // pass this values to php file
<title> - Redirecting Please Wait...</title>
<!-- Load Stripe.js on your website. -->
<script src=""></script>
(function() {
var stripe = Stripe('');//live key
items: [{sku: '{{ $data['sku'] }}', quantity: 1}],
clientReferenceId:'{{$data['txn']}}', // to get some values in webhook
customerEmail: '{{$data['email']}}', // pass email value
billingAddressCollection: 'required', // must for indian users
successUrl: '',
cancelUrl: '',
.then(function (result) {
if (result.error) {
var displayError = document.getElementById('error-message');
displayError.textContent = result.error.message;
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