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Created April 26, 2017 06:56
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"call the olden days" - version for testing April 26th 2017
# Updates April 26th 2017
# Searches Trove (National Library of Australia) for historical articles matching input town name and search term
# Writes results to csv file and then proceeds to read them aloud with the "say_something" method
# This version takes the two search terms DIRECT FROM USER
# It does not (as in previous versions) require a csv of town names...
# The csv concept is likely to be useful in future, but for live-performance purposes it is too time consuming
# The "say_something" method will now work for Mac or for Linus
# This version has more direct user input for more flexibility
# In particular, it lets the user CURATE articles first, before proceeding to the reading
# (this approach won't necessarily work better in the long term, but for live use, flexibility and speed is important)
# Does not deal with the full result list from Trove, only the first 100 results per search
# This version has more methods rather than line-by-line code, but it is still pretty messy
# Search could be more effective for comprehensiveness
# e.g. sorting results differently (to avoid repetition), or possibly fetching the whole article rather than the snippet
# Clean up more code, it is still a bit messy and some features should be in methods
require "csv"
require "json"
require "net/http"
require "nokogiri"
require "date"
require "rbconfig"
def say_something(text, also_print = false, speed = 150)
# This method says text aloud through the command line
# Checks for operating system and uses appropriate say-aloud command line
# Works for linux and mac, could expand to others later
# Will print text either way
if (also_print == true) then
result = operating_system()
case result
when "linux"
`echo "#{text}"|espeak -s #{speed}`
when "mac"
`say -r #{speed} "#{text}"`
puts "say_something does not yet support this operating system"
def get_user_input(prompt_text = "\nPlease enter value")
# This method just gets direct input from the user with a prompt
# Returns the user input
# Nothing fancy, just a handy function
if (prompt_text.length > 0) then
puts prompt_text
input_text = STDIN.gets.chomp
def clear_screen()
until counter == 25
puts "\n"
counter += 1
def operating_system()
# This method checks the operating system name and returns this, if it is in the list
# Requires 'rbconfig' to run
# Returns "unknown" if operating system is not recognised
include RbConfig
os_name = "unknown"
case CONFIG['host_os']
when /linux|arch/i
os_name = "linux"
when /darwin/i
os_name = "mac"
when /mswin|windows/i
os_name = "windows"
when /sunos|solaris/i
os_name = "solaris"
def convert_date(text)
new_date_array = text.split(/\/|\-/).map(&:to_i)
new_date =*new_date_array)
new_date.strftime("%Y %d %B")
def fetch_trove_results(current_search_town, current_search_word, trove_key)
# This method constructs a single search request for Trove (of a very specific format!)
# Input: two search parameters (town name, and search term) and the API key
# Return: XML of results (if successful) or 0 if error encountered
# Note: will not necessarily fail if no results returned
# The search town and search term are currently both just passed as strings, eventually the town search will be expanded
#substitute spaces for Trove API
current_search_word = current_search_word.gsub(/\s/, "%20")
current_search_town = current_search_town.gsub(/\s/, "%20")
trove_api_request = ""
trove_api_request = trove_api_request + "#{trove_key}&zone=newspaper&encoding&q=#{current_search_word}+AND+#{current_search_town}"
trove_api_results = Nokogiri::XML.parse(`curl "#{trove_api_request}"`)
puts "Error getting API results"
def write_trove_results(trove_api_results, output_file_name, search_word, search_town)
# This method writes the Trove XML results to a csv file, one article at a time
# Input: XML results, output file name, search term and search town
# (the latter are just written to the csv to help assess results later)
# the '//article' key word signals the start of a Trove article
# Each article counts as a result
# Returns: the result count after writing the file
result_count = 0, 'w') do |csv|
csv << ["search_word", "search_town", "result_number", "trove_url", "trove_article_heading", "trove_article_title", "trove_article_", "trove_article_page", "trove_article_snippet"]
trove_api_results.xpath('//article').each do |trove_article|
result_count = result_count + 1
csv << [search_word, search_town, result_count, trove_article.xpath('troveUrl').text, trove_article.xpath('heading').text, trove_article.xpath('title').text, trove_article.xpath('date').text, trove_article.xpath('page').text, trove_article.xpath('snippet').text.gsub(/<strong>|<\/strong>/,"")]
end#of article
end#of writing csv
def curate_trove_results(input_trove_file, num_articles)
# This method helps the user to select the articles they want read aloud
# Input: a csv of Trove search results, written as above in the 'write_trove_results' method
# Note: Only takes in the more interesting parts of Trove results: heading (field 4), date (field 6), snippet (field 8)
# Return: a curated array of Trove results, wherein the last element (status) indicates true or false (i.e. to read or not)
puts "\nCURATING ARTICLES ******"
puts "Input from: #{input_trove_file}"
# NOTE - limit article intake here too?
# take only the fields of interest for reading aloud, into an array of trove results
input_trove = { |row|
[row[4], row[6], row[8]]
prompt_suffix = "\n\t'n' to skip this article for reading "
prompt_suffix += "\n\tcarriage return or 'y' to keep this article for reading"
# loop through and ask the user if they want to mark the article for reading or not
# the new array of results has a status element, this can be used later to mark articles of interest
i = 0
curated_trove = input_trove.first(num_articles).map { |str_heading, str_date, str_snippet|
begin#error handling
status = 0
if i == 0
puts "(skipping header row)"
i = i - 1
puts "\nArticle #{i}"
puts "Heading: #{str_heading}"
puts "Date: #{str_date}"
puts "Snippet:\n#{str_snippet}"
response = get_user_input("\n\tContinue with article #{i}?" + prompt_suffix)
response = response.downcase
if (response != "n") then
status = 1
end#of user response for this article
end#of skipping header row
rescue Exception
puts "Error at record #{i}"
end#of error handling
i += 1
[str_heading, str_date, str_snippet, status]
def read_curated_trove_results(curated_trove)
# This method reads the curated Trove results aloud
# It only read aloud articles with a status of 1
# Input: curated Trove list (having passed through 'curate_trove_results' function above)
# Returns: nothing, just tries to read each article aloud when their status is set to 1
i = 0
curated_trove.each do |str_heading, str_date, str_snippet, status|
begin#error handling
if (status == 1) then
# only proceed with the extra formatting if this article is to be said aloud
# fancy date format
new_date = convert_date(str_date)
# remove the first part of the snippet, which is the same as the headline
str_snippet = str_snippet.gsub(str_heading, "")
# remove annoying dart strings common to Trove...I don't know how to do this in one command rather than two
str_snippet = str_snippet.gsub("...", " ")
str_snippet = str_snippet.gsub("..", " ")
# say the three items aloud
puts "\nReading Article #{i}"
say_something("date #{new_date}")
say_something(str_heading, speed = 140)
say_something("#{str_snippet}", speed = 140)
end#of reading aloud for this record
rescue Exception
puts "Error at record #{i}"
end#of error handling
i += 1
end#of reading through curated_trove_input
continue = true
puts "\nSTART TROVE EXPERIMENT ******\n"
# my Trove API key and default searches
my_trove_key = 'lop9t29sfm35vfkq'
default_town = 'Elmore'
default_search = 'tragedy'
puts "Hello. This is an experiment. I can call the olden days. I make use of the National Library of Australia Trove database."
puts "I send a search request to the Trove API, with your nominated search town and search word."
puts "All results will be written to a csv file that you can keep. I will then proceed with a live reading."
puts "You will have a chance to curate the articles, before I preceed with the live reading."
say_something("Hello. This is an experiment. I can call the olden days. I make use of the National Library of Australia Trove database.", also_print = false)
# Get search town from user input, use default value if no answer
say_something("\nPlease enter a search town in Australia. (This will default to '#{default_town}', you can press enter to leave this unchanged, or type 'exit' to escape)", also_print = true)
search_town = get_user_input("")
if (search_town.length == 0) then
search_town = default_town
elsif (search_town.downcase == "exit") then
continue = false
if (continue == true) then
# Get search term from user input, use default value if no answer
# Note: use 'this+AND+that' for multiple terms in term
say_something("Please enter a search word. (This will default to '#{default_search}', you can press enter to leave this unchanged, or type 'exit' to escape)", also_print = true)
search_word = get_user_input("")
if (search_word.length == 0) then
search_word = default_search
elsif (search_word.downcase == "exit") then
continue = false
if (continue == true) then
# Get user input on whether to num_articles the number of articles...subtract 1 from input to avoid confusion with header row
default_num_articles = 10
say_something("Do you want to limit the number of articles for possible reading? (This will default to #{default_num_articles}, you can press enter to leave unchanged, or else enter a new number, or type 'exit' to escape)", also_print = true)
response = get_user_input("")
if (response.downcase == "exit") then
continue = false
elsif response !~ /\d/ then
num_articles = default_num_articles
num_articles = response.to_i
if (continue == true) then
say_something("Thankyou. Calling the olden days about #{search_town} #{search_word}.", also_print = true)
say_something("Connecting to Trove database now.", also_print = true, speed = 150)
trove_api_results = fetch_trove_results(search_town, search_word, my_trove_key)
output_file_name = "trove_result_#{search_town}_#{search_word}.csv".gsub(/\s/,"_")
puts("\nWriting results to file now...")
result_count = write_trove_results(trove_api_results, output_file_name, search_word, search_town)
puts "\nSearch town: \n\t#{search_town}"
puts "Search term: \n\t#{search_word}"
puts "Result count: \n\t#{result_count}"
puts "Results written to: \n\t#{output_file_name}"
if (continue == true) then
if (result_count > 0) then
say_something("#{result_count} articles available about #{search_town} #{search_word}", also_print = true)
say_something("I will present #{num_articles} article texts for you. You can nominate any articles you do not wish me to read out loud.", also_print = true)
say_something("Sorry, no results to read. Please try again. Sometimes the Trove API is busy with other requests.")
continue = false
if (continue == true) then
# pause before continuing, give user the chance to exit
puts "Press enter to continue to curating, or type 'exit' to escape."
response = get_user_input("")
if (response.downcase == "exit") then
continue = false
if (continue == true) then
curated_trove_results = curate_trove_results(output_file_name, num_articles)
# pause before continuing
puts "\nFinished curating #{num_articles} articles about #{search_town} #{search_word}. Press enter to continue to reading out loud, or type 'exit' to escape."
response = get_user_input("")
if (response.downcase == "exit") then
continue = false
if (continue == true) then
say_something("\n\nFinished reading articles about #{search_town} #{search_word}. Thankyou for taking part in this experiment.", also_print = true)
say_something("\n\nThankyou.", also_print = true)
puts "\nEND TROVE EXPERIMENT ******\n"
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