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Created January 16, 2019 16:33
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  • Save Santaro255/ee05f185f8a34b194297b91abdfb3ca2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Santaro255/ee05f185f8a34b194297b91abdfb3ca2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#define scan account
$domain = "DOMAIN"
$name = "NAME"
$scandef = "DOMAIN\NAME"
#get username
$getusername = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).Username
function scanacl() {
#set full access for scan
$access=New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule ("$scandef","FullControl","ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit","None","Allow")
$ACL = Get-Acl -Path C:\Scan
Set-Acl -Path C:\Scan -AclObject $ACL
Write-Host "Scan account full access granted." -BackgroundColor DarkGreen }
function useracl() {
#set full access for user
$access=New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule ("$getusername","FullControl","ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit","None","Allow")
$ACL = Get-Acl -Path C:\Scan
Set-Acl -Path C:\Scan -AclObject $ACL
Write-Host "User account($getusername) full access granted." -BackgroundColor DarkGreen }
function smbscan() {
Grant-SmbShareAccess -Name Scan -AccountName $scandef -AccessRight Full -Force | Out-Null }
function smbuser() {
Grant-SmbShareAccess -Name Scan -AccountName "$getusername" -AccessRight Full -Force | Out-Null }
#main code
Write-Host "`nFolder part:`n"
#Folder part
switch (Test-Path -Path C:\Scan) {
#scan folder exist
True { Write-Host "Scan folder already exist." -BackgroundColor DarkGreen
#False - exist, True - not
#for scan
switch (!((Get-Acl -Path C:\Scan).Access | Where-Object {$_.IdentityReference -eq $scandef})) {
#if scan account not exist
#set full access for scan
True { Write-Host "Scan account doesn't have proper rights. Working..." -BackgroundColor DarkRed
scanacl }
#if scan account exist
#test access
False { if (!((Get-Acl -Path C:\Scan).Access | Where-Object {$_.IdentityReference -eq $scandef -and $_.FileSystemRights -eq "FullControl"})) {
#set full access for scan
Write-Host "Scan account already exist but doesn't have proper rights. Working..." -BackgroundColor DarkRed
scanacl }
#scan account exist & have proper rights
else {Write-Host "Scan account has full access to folder." -BackgroundColor DarkGreen } } }
#False - exist, True - not
#for user
switch (!((Get-Acl -Path C:\Scan).Access | Where-Object {$_.IdentityReference -eq "$getusername"})) {
#if user account not exist
True { #set full access for user
Write-Host "User account($getusername) doesn't have proper rights. Working..." -BackgroundColor DarkRed
useracl }
#if scan account exist
#test access
False { if (!((Get-Acl -Path C:\Scan).Access | Where-Object {$_.IdentityReference -eq "$getusername" -and $_.FileSystemRights -eq "FullControl"})) {
#set full access for user
Write-Host "User account($getusername) already exist but doesn't have proper rights. Working..." -BackgroundColor DarkRed
useracl }
#user account exist & have proper rights
else {Write-Host "User account($getusername) has full access to folder." -BackgroundColor DarkGreen } } }
#scan folder no exist
#create folder
False { New-Item -Type Directory -Path C:\Scan | Out-Null
Write-Host "Scan folder created." -BackgroundColor DarkGreen
#set full access for scan
#set full access for user
#SMBShare Part
Write-Host "`nSMBShare part:`n"
function Win10() {
#False - exist, True - not
switch (!(Get-SmbShare -Name Scan -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
#if share not exist create with proper rights
True { Write-Host "Shared scan folder doesn't exist. Working..." -BackgroundColor DarkRed
New-SmbShare -Name Scan -Path C:\Scan -Description "Scan folder" -FullAccess $scandef, $getusername | Out-Null
Write-Host "Shared scan folder created and full access granted." -BackgroundColor DarkGreen }
#if share exist
False { Write-Host "Shared folder Scan already exist." -BackgroundColor DarkGreen
#False - exist, True - not
#for scan
switch (!(Get-SmbShareAccess -Name Scan | where {$_.AccountName -eq $scandef})) {
#if scan not exist create and grant access
True { Write-Host "Scan account doesn't have proper rights. Working..." -BackgroundColor DarkRed
Write-Host "Scan account created and access granted." -BackgroundColor DarkGreen }
#if scan exist check rights
False { if (!(Get-SmbShareAccess -Name Scan | where {$_.AccessRight -ne "Full"})) {Write-Host "Scan account has full access." -BackgroundColor DarkGreen}
#if scan exist and not fullcontroll grant fullcontrol
else { Write-Host "Scan account doesn't have proper rights. Working..." -BackgroundColor DarkRed
Write-Host "Scan account exist & full access for Scan account granted." -BackgroundColor DarkGreen } } }
#False - exist, True - not
#for user
switch (!(Get-SmbShareAccess -Name Scan | where {$_.AccountName -eq "$getusername"})) {
#if user not exist create and grant access
True { Write-Host "Scan account doesn't have proper rights. Working..." -BackgroundColor DarkRed
Write-Host "User account($getusername) created and access granted." -BackgroundColor DarkGreen }
#if user exist check rights
False { if (!(Get-SmbShareAccess -Name Scan | where {$_.AccessRight -ne "Full"})) {Write-Host "User account($getusername) has full access." -BackgroundColor DarkGreen}
#if user exist and not fullcontroll grant fullcontrol
else { Write-Host "User account($getusername) doesn't have proper rights. Working..." -BackgroundColor DarkRed
Write-Host "User account($getusername) exist & full access for user account granted." -BackgroundColor DarkGreen } } }
function Win7() {
function smbwin7() {
#Username/Group to give permissions to
$trustee = ([wmiclass]'Win32_trustee').psbase.CreateInstance()
$trustee.Domain = "$domain"
$trustee.Name = "$name"
#Accessmask values
$fullcontrol = 2032127
$change = 1245631
$read = 1179785
#Create access-list
$ace = ([wmiclass]'Win32_ACE').psbase.CreateInstance()
$ace.AccessMask = $fullcontrol
$ace.AceFlags = 3
$ace.AceType = 0
$ace.Trustee = $trustee
#Securitydescriptor containting access
$sd = ([wmiclass]'Win32_SecurityDescriptor').psbase.CreateInstance()
$sd.ControlFlags = 4
$sd.DACL = $ace
$ = $trustee
$sd.owner = $trustee
$share = Get-WmiObject Win32_Share -List -ComputerName "localhost"
$share.create("C:\Scan", "Scan", 0, $null, "Scan folder", $null, $sd) | Out-Null }
#False - exist, True - not
switch (!(Get-WmiObject Win32_Share -Filter "Name='Scan'")) {
#if scan not exis
True { smbwin7
Write-Host "Scan share created.(7)" -BackgroundColor DarkYellow }
#if scan exist
False { (Get-WmiObject Win32_Share -Filter "Name='Scan'").Delete() | Out-Null
Write-Host "Scan share created.(d7)" -BackgroundColor DarkYellow } }
switch (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem) {
{$_.Name -like "*Windows 10*"} { Win10 }
{$_.Name -like "*Windows 7*"} { Win7 }
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