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Last active July 28, 2024 15:09
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download all your twitter anime girls!
import json
import os
import re
import shutil
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from email import utils
import requests
def load_twt_obj(file: str) -> list:
raw = open(file, encoding="utf8").read()
return json.loads(raw[raw.find("=") + 1 :])
tweets = load_twt_obj("data/tweets.js") + load_twt_obj("data/deleted-tweets.js")
del_dir = "data/deleted_tweets_media"
gen_dir = "data/tweets_media"
for fn in os.listdir(del_dir):
shutil.copy(os.path.join(del_dir, fn), gen_dir)
# after getting the actual images this isn't needed but just in case
all_raw_media = os.listdir(gen_dir)
all_media = {}
for i in all_raw_media:
post_id = i[: i.find("-")]
img_id = i[i.find("-") + 1 : i.rfind(".")]
_, ext = os.path.splitext(i)
if post_id not in all_media:
all_media[post_id] = {}
all_media[post_id][img_id] = ext
# sort them from oldest to newest
tweets.sort(key=lambda t: utils.parsedate_to_datetime(t["tweet"]["created_at"]))
handle_fmt = re.compile(r"RT @([^:]*):")
img_id_fmt = re.compile(r"http://pbs\.twimg\.com/media/([^\.*]*)\.")
os.makedirs("good_media", exist_ok=True)
all_paths = []
print(f"alright, a total of {len(tweets)} tweets to go through. let's go!")
for v, t in enumerate(tweets):
if (v + 1) % 100 == 0:
print(f"at tweet #{v + 1}")
t = t["tweet"]
match = handle_fmt.match(t["full_text"])
if match is None:
handle =
og_id = t["id"]
if "media" not in t["entities"]:
media = t["extended_entities"]["media"]
src_id = [m["source_status_id"] for m in media]
assert len(set(src_id)) == 1 # just a sanity check
src_id = src_id[0]
curr_paths = []
for img_at, m in enumerate(media):
img_id = img_id_fmt.match(m["media_url"])
# sometimes you have things like ext_tw_video_thumb or tweet_video_thumb
if img_id is None:
img_id =
if img_id not in all_media.get(og_id, []):
ext = all_media[og_id][img_id]
stupid_path = os.path.join(gen_dir, f"{og_id}-{img_id}{ext}")
sigma_path = f"good_media/{handle}_{src_id}_{img_at}{ext}"
dl_url = f"{img_id}{ext}:orig"
img_data = requests.get(dl_url).content
with open(sigma_path, "wb") as written:
# shutil.copy(stupid_path, sigma_path)
now =
epoch = datetime(1970, 1, 1)
for v, p in enumerate(reversed(all_paths)):
delta = (now - timedelta(seconds=2 * v) - epoch).total_seconds()
os.utime(p, times=(delta, delta))
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