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Created April 7, 2017 17:54
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* This snippet is a global header service to set SEO meta tags with Angular 2
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Title } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { getDOM } from '@angular/platform-browser/src/dom/dom_adapter';
export class SeoService {
* Angular 2 Title Service
private titleService: Title;
* <head> Element of the HTML document
private headElement: HTMLElement;
* <meta name="description"> Element of the HTML document
private metaDescription: HTMLElement;
* <meta name="robots"> Element of the HTML document
private robots: HTMLElement;
private DOM: any;
* Inject the Angular 2 Title Service
* @param titleService
constructor(titleService: Title){
this.titleService = titleService;
this.DOM = getDOM();
this.headElement = this.DOM.query('head');
this.metaDescription = this.getOrCreateMetaElement('description');
this.robots = this.getOrCreateMetaElement('robots');
public getTitle(): string {
return this.titleService.getTitle();
public setTitle(newTitle: string) {
public getMetaDescription(): string {
return this.metaDescription.getAttribute('content');
public setMetaDescription(description: string) {
this.metaDescription.setAttribute('content', description);
public getMetaRobots(): string {
return this.robots.getAttribute('content');
public setMetaRobots(robots: string) {
this.robots.setAttribute('content', robots);
* get the HTML Element when it is in the markup, or create it.
* @param name
* @returns {HTMLElement}
private getOrCreateMetaElement(name: string): HTMLElement {
let el: HTMLElement;
el = this.DOM.query('meta[name=' + name + ']');
if (el === null) {
el = this.DOM.createElement('meta');
el.setAttribute('name', name);
el.setAttribute('property', "og:" + name)
return el;
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