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Created November 5, 2018 23:50
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Reader Writer Lock
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#define M 3
pthread_mutex_t lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_mutex_t g = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_mutex_t r = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
int b = 0;
struct node {
int n; /* n < M No. of keys in node will always less than order of B tree */
int keys[M-1]; /*array of keys*/
struct node *p[M]; /* (n+1 pointers will be in use) */
enum KeyStatus { Duplicate,SearchFailure,Success,InsertIt,LessKeys };
void insert(int key);
void display(struct node *root,int);
void DelNode(int x);
void search(int x);
enum KeyStatus ins(struct node *r, int x, int* y, struct node** u);
int searchPos(int x,int *key_arr, int n);
enum KeyStatus del(struct node *r, int x);
void eatline(void);
void inorder(struct node *ptr);
int totalKeys(struct node *ptr);
void printTotal(struct node *ptr);
int getMin(struct node *ptr);
int getMax(struct node *ptr);
void getMinMax(struct node *ptr);
int max(int first, int second, int third);
int maxLevel(struct node *ptr);
void printMaxLevel(struct node *ptr);
struct arguments
int threads;
int thread_id;
void *thread_func(void *y)
struct arguments *s = (struct arguments *)y;
int thread_id = s->thread_id;
int threads = s->threads;
int n = 1000;
int x = n/threads;
int num;
for (int i=0; i<x; i++)
num = (thread_id*x)+i;
for (int i=0; i<x; i++)
num = (thread_id*x)+i;
for (int i=0; i<x; i++)
num = (thread_id*x)+i;
double timedifference_msec(struct timeval t0, struct timeval t1)
return (t1.tv_sec - t0.tv_sec) * 1000.0f + (t1.tv_usec - t0.tv_usec) / 1000.0f;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
double avg = 0;
int threads = atoi(argv[1]);
for (int count = 0; count<500; count++)
struct timeval start, end;
gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
pthread_t t[threads];
int rc[threads];
struct arguments a[threads];
for (int i=0; i<threads; i++)
a[i].threads = threads;
a[i].thread_id = i;
rc[i] = pthread_create(&t[i], NULL, thread_func, (void *)&a[i]);
assert(rc[i] == 0);
for (int i=0; i<threads; i++)
pthread_join(t[i], NULL);
gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
avg += timedifference_msec(start, end);
avg = avg/500;
//printf("Total number of threads %d, Average time of execution %f\n", threads, avg);
return 0;
}/*End of main()*/
void insert(int key)
struct node *newnode;
int upKey;
enum KeyStatus value;
value = ins(root, key, &upKey, &newnode);
if (value == Duplicate)
printf("Key already available\n");
if (value == InsertIt)
struct node *uproot = root;
root=malloc(sizeof(struct node));
root->n = 1;
root->keys[0] = upKey;
root->p[0] = uproot;
root->p[1] = newnode;
}/*End of if */
}/*End of insert()*/
enum KeyStatus ins(struct node *ptr, int key, int *upKey,struct node **newnode)
struct node *newPtr, *lastPtr;
int pos, i, n,splitPos;
int newKey, lastKey;
enum KeyStatus value;
if (ptr == NULL)
*newnode = NULL;
*upKey = key;
return InsertIt;
n = ptr->n;
pos = searchPos(key, ptr->keys, n);
if (pos < n && key == ptr->keys[pos])
return Duplicate;
value = ins(ptr->p[pos], key, &newKey, &newPtr);
if (value != InsertIt)
return value;
/*If keys in node is less than M-1 where M is order of B tree*/
if (n < M - 1)
pos = searchPos(newKey, ptr->keys, n);
/*Shifting the key and pointer right for inserting the new key*/
for (i=n; i>pos; i--)
ptr->keys[i] = ptr->keys[i-1];
ptr->p[i+1] = ptr->p[i];
/*Key is inserted at exact location*/
ptr->keys[pos] = newKey;
ptr->p[pos+1] = newPtr;
++ptr->n; /*incrementing the number of keys in node*/
return Success;
}/*End of if */
/*If keys in nodes are maximum and position of node to be inserted is last*/
if (pos == M - 1)
lastKey = newKey;
lastPtr = newPtr;
else /*If keys in node are maximum and position of node to be inserted is not last*/
lastKey = ptr->keys[M-2];
lastPtr = ptr->p[M-1];
for (i=M-2; i>pos; i--)
ptr->keys[i] = ptr->keys[i-1];
ptr->p[i+1] = ptr->p[i];
ptr->keys[pos] = newKey;
ptr->p[pos+1] = newPtr;
splitPos = (M - 1)/2;
(*upKey) = ptr->keys[splitPos];
(*newnode)=malloc(sizeof(struct node));/*Right node after split*/
ptr->n = splitPos; /*No. of keys for left splitted node*/
(*newnode)->n = M-1-splitPos;/*No. of keys for right splitted node*/
for (i=0; i < (*newnode)->n; i++)
(*newnode)->p[i] = ptr->p[i + splitPos + 1];
if(i < (*newnode)->n - 1)
(*newnode)->keys[i] = ptr->keys[i + splitPos + 1];
(*newnode)->keys[i] = lastKey;
(*newnode)->p[(*newnode)->n] = lastPtr;
return InsertIt;
}/*End of ins()*/
void display(struct node *ptr, int blanks)
if (ptr)
int i;
for(i=1; i<=blanks; i++)
printf(" ");
for (i=0; i < ptr->n; i++)
printf("%d ",ptr->keys[i]);
for (i=0; i <= ptr->n; i++)
display(ptr->p[i], blanks+10);
}/*End of if*/
}/*End of display()*/
void search(int key)
int pos, i, n;
struct node *ptr = root;
while (ptr)
n = ptr->n;
pos = searchPos(key, ptr->keys, n);
if (pos < n && key == ptr->keys[pos])
ptr = ptr->p[pos];
}/*End of search()*/
int searchPos(int key, int *key_arr, int n)
int pos=0;
while (pos < n && key > key_arr[pos])
return pos;
}/*End of searchPos()*/
void DelNode(int key)
struct node *uproot;
enum KeyStatus value;
value = del(root,key);
switch (value)
case SearchFailure:
printf("Key %d is not available\n",key);
case LessKeys:
uproot = root;
root = root->p[0];
}/*End of switch*/
}/*End of delnode()*/
enum KeyStatus del(struct node *ptr, int key)
int pos, i, pivot, n ,min;
int *key_arr;
enum KeyStatus value;
struct node **p,*lptr,*rptr;
if (ptr == NULL)
return SearchFailure;
/*Assigns values of node*/
key_arr = ptr->keys;
p = ptr->p;
min = (M - 1)/2;/*Minimum number of keys*/
//Search for key to delete
pos = searchPos(key, key_arr, n);
// p is a leaf
if (p[0] == NULL)
if (pos == n || key < key_arr[pos])
return SearchFailure;
/*Shift keys and pointers left*/
for (i=pos+1; i < n; i++)
key_arr[i-1] = key_arr[i];
p[i] = p[i+1];
return --ptr->n >= (ptr==root ? 1 : min) ? Success : LessKeys;
}/*End of if */
//if found key but p is not a leaf
if (pos < n && key == key_arr[pos])
struct node *qp = p[pos], *qp1;
int nkey;
nkey = qp->n;
qp1 = qp->p[nkey];
if (qp1 == NULL)
qp = qp1;
}/*End of while*/
key_arr[pos] = qp->keys[nkey-1];
qp->keys[nkey - 1] = key;
}/*End of if */
value = del(p[pos], key);
if (value != LessKeys)
return value;
if (pos > 0 && p[pos-1]->n > min)
pivot = pos - 1; /*pivot for left and right node*/
lptr = p[pivot];
rptr = p[pos];
/*Assigns values for right node*/
rptr->p[rptr->n + 1] = rptr->p[rptr->n];
for (i=rptr->n; i>0; i--)
rptr->keys[i] = rptr->keys[i-1];
rptr->p[i] = rptr->p[i-1];
rptr->keys[0] = key_arr[pivot];
rptr->p[0] = lptr->p[lptr->n];
key_arr[pivot] = lptr->keys[--lptr->n];
return Success;
}/*End of if */
//if (posn > min)
if (pos < n && p[pos + 1]->n > min)
pivot = pos; /*pivot for left and right node*/
lptr = p[pivot];
rptr = p[pivot+1];
/*Assigns values for left node*/
lptr->keys[lptr->n] = key_arr[pivot];
lptr->p[lptr->n + 1] = rptr->p[0];
key_arr[pivot] = rptr->keys[0];
for (i=0; i < rptr->n; i++)
rptr->keys[i] = rptr->keys[i+1];
rptr->p[i] = rptr->p[i+1];
}/*End of for*/
rptr->p[rptr->n] = rptr->p[rptr->n + 1];
return Success;
}/*End of if */
if(pos == n)
pivot = pos-1;
pivot = pos;
lptr = p[pivot];
rptr = p[pivot+1];
/*merge right node with left node*/
lptr->keys[lptr->n] = key_arr[pivot];
lptr->p[lptr->n + 1] = rptr->p[0];
for (i=0; i < rptr->n; i++)
lptr->keys[lptr->n + 1 + i] = rptr->keys[i];
lptr->p[lptr->n + 2 + i] = rptr->p[i+1];
lptr->n = lptr->n + rptr->n +1;
free(rptr); /*Remove right node*/
for (i=pos+1; i < n; i++)
key_arr[i-1] = key_arr[i];
p[i] = p[i+1];
return --ptr->n >= (ptr == root ? 1 : min) ? Success : LessKeys;
}/*End of del()*/
void eatline(void) {
char c;
printf(" ");
while (c=getchar()!='\n') ;
/* Function to display each key in the tree in sorted order (in-order traversal)
@param struct node *ptr, the pointer to the node you are currently working with
void inorder(struct node *ptr) {
if (ptr) {
if (ptr->n >= 1) {
printf("%d ", ptr->keys[0]);
if (ptr->n == 2) {
printf("%d ", ptr->keys[1]);
/* Function that returns the total number of keys in the tree.
@param struct node *ptr, the pointer to the node you are currently working with
int totalKeys(struct node *ptr) {
if (ptr) {
int count = 1;
if (ptr->n >= 1) {
count += totalKeys(ptr->p[0]);
count += totalKeys(ptr->p[1]);
if (ptr->n == 2) count += totalKeys(ptr->p[2]) + 1;
return count;
return 0;
/* Function that prints the total number of keys in the tree.
@param struct node *ptr, the pointer to the node you are currently working with
void printTotal(struct node *ptr) {
/* Function that returns the smallest key found in the tree.
@param struct node *ptr, the pointer to the node you are currently working with
int getMin(struct node *ptr) {
if (ptr) {
int min;
if (ptr->p[0] != NULL) min = getMin(ptr->p[0]);
else min = ptr->keys[0];
return min;
return 0;
/* Function that returns the largest key found in the tree.
@param struct node *ptr, the pointer to the node you are currently working with
int getMax(struct node *ptr) {
if (ptr) {
int max;
if (ptr->n == 1) {
if (ptr->p[1] != NULL) max = getMax(ptr->p[1]);
else max = ptr->keys[0];
if (ptr->n == 2) {
if (ptr->p[2] != NULL) max = getMax(ptr->p[2]);
else max = ptr->keys[1];
return max;
return 0;
/* Function that prints the smallest and largest keys found in the tree.
@param struct node *ptr, the pointer to the node you are currently working with
void getMinMax(struct node *ptr) {
printf("%d %d\n", getMin(ptr), getMax(ptr));
/* Function that determines the largest number.
@param int, integer to compare.
@param int, integer to compare.
@param int, integer to compare.
int max(int first, int second, int third) {
int max = first;
if (second > max) max = second;
if (third > max) max = third;
return max;
/*Function that finds the maximum level in the node and returns it as an integer.
@param struct node *ptr, the node to find the maximum level for.
int maxLevel(struct node *ptr) {
if (ptr) {
int l = 0, mr = 0, r = 0, max_depth;
if (ptr->p[0] != NULL) l = maxLevel(ptr->p[0]);
if (ptr->p[1] != NULL) mr = maxLevel(ptr->p[1]);
if (ptr->n == 2) {
if (ptr->p[2] != NULL) r = maxLevel(ptr->p[2]);
max_depth = max(l, mr, r) + 1;
return max_depth;
return 0;
/*Function that prints the maximum level in the tree.
@param struct node *ptr, the tree to find the maximum level for.
void printMaxLevel(struct node *ptr) {
int max = maxLevel(ptr) - 1;
if (max == -1) printf("tree is empty\n");
else printf("%d\n", max);
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