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Created August 10, 2022 18:01
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Qutip 4 feedback solver
## From
times = [0, ...]
# Liouvillians for parts you have control over
control_liouvillians = [qutip.liouvillian(h) for h in control_hamiltonians]
# The time-dependent Hamiltonian for stuff you're not controlling
base_hamiltonian = qutip.QobjEvo([H0, [H1, time_dependence], ...])
# Turn it into a Liouvillian once, so we don't repeat the cost
base = qutip.liouvillian(base_hamiltonian, collapse_operators)
state = ...
options = qutip.Options(store_states=False, store_final_state=True)
for prev, time in zip(times[:-1], times[1:]):
controls = krotov.get_next_controls(time, state, ...)
current_liouvillian = base.copy()
for control, operator in zip(controls, control_liouvillians):
current_liouvillian += control * operator
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# each of these terms is a single time-independent Qobj,
# and the sum is a single QobjEvo with all the uncontrolled
# time dependence already handled.
state = qutip.mesolve(current_liouvillian, state, [prev, time], options=options).final_state
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