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Last active August 29, 2024 00:23
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  • Save SamL98/c1200a30cdb19103138308f72de8d198 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SamL98/c1200a30cdb19103138308f72de8d198 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python Script for Getting Spotify Listening History
# To run as a local cron job, edit your crontab like so:
# SPOTIPY_USER_ID=<redacted>
# SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID=<redacted>
# script_path=<redacted>
# SPPATH=$script_path
# python_path=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin/python3
# PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
# 0 8 * * * cd $script_path && $python_path >> $script_path/cron_log.log
# 0 12 * * * cd $script_path && $python_path >> $script_path/cron_log.log
# 0 16 * * * cd $script_path && $python_path >> $script_path/cron_log.log
# 0 20 * * * cd $script_path && $python_path >> $script_path/cron_log.log
# 0 23 * * * cd $script_path && $python_path >> $script_path/cron_log.log
# Take a look at if you want to learn about sputil
from os.path import join, isfile
import sputil as sp
import pandas as pd
import requests as r
from datetime import datetime
def get_recent():
root_dir = '<redacted>'
params = {'limit': 49}
# .next.txt stores a timestamp of the last listened track fetched
# we can pass this timestamp to the Spotify API and we will only
# get songs listened to after this timestamp
next_fname = join(root_dir, '.next.txt')
if isfile(next_fname):
with open(next_fname) as f:
params['after'] = int(
r = requests.get(
sp.base_url + 'me/player/recently-played',
assert r.status_code == 200, 'Request responded with non-200 status %d' % r.status_code
assert r.json(), 'No json from request'
json = r.json()
assert 'cursors' in json(), 'No cursor object in json'
cursor_obj = json['cursors']
assert 'after' in cursor_obj, 'No after key in cursor json'
after = cursor_obj['after']
with open(next_fname, 'w') as f:
assert 'items' in json, 'No item key in json'
tracks = []
for track_obj in json['items']:
track = sp.format_track(track_obj, True)
played_at = track_obj['played_at']
played_at = datetime.strptime(played_at, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
track['timestamp'] = played_at.timestamp()
print('Fetched %d new tracks' % len(tracks))
# reorder the DataFrame so that it is in chronological order
df = pd.DataFrame(tracks).iloc[::-1]
# if we already have a recently_played.csv file,
# then open it in append mode so that previous history isn't overwritten
# and header=False so that the header doesn't appear halfway through the file
recent_fname = join(root_dir, 'recently_played.csv')
fmode = 'w'
inc_header = True
if isfile(recent_fname):
fmode = 'a'
inc_header = False
with open(recent_fname, fmode) as f:
df.to_csv(f, header=inc_header)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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Hi how quickly will this return the last song you listened to, and can it return the song while it is still being played?

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