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Darting around the place 24/7

Mike Diarmid Salakar

Darting around the place 24/7
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mikehardy /
Last active September 2, 2022 19:15
Android emulator performance on macos-11 Github Actions Runners

Performance characteristics of Android emulators on GitHub Actions

Lots of projects need to test android apps, and use GitHub Actions infrastructure to do so.

This document intends to show current timings for a sample workload, to inform what emulators are a good match for testing.

Test Conditions

  • We use the AnkiDroid androidTests
  • they are long enough to execute that they form a nice balance between cold start emulator time so neither dominates
TheRealFlyingCoder / . Github Actions: Remix + Cloud Run + Docker
Last active September 6, 2024 22:32
Github Actions: Remix + Cloud Run + Docker
So Github workflow for deploying a docker image to GCR, and subsequently pushing that to a cloud run instance is pretty easy
First just add your github tokens:
GCP_REGION <-- your services deploy region
GCP_SA_KEY <-- Follow the method in here (
Take note that my Dockerfile is specifically for an Express.js remix app, where Remix builds to `/server/build`.
kentcdodds / useOnRead.tsx
Last active June 9, 2021 04:24
How I determine whether you've read a blog post.
function useOnRead({
enabled = true,
}: {
parentElRef: React.RefObject<HTMLElement>
onRead: () => void
enabled: boolean
}) {
React.useEffect(() => {
Salakar /
Last active January 28, 2022 21:59
Changes preview of the current FlutterFirebase Firestore plugin rework.


⚠️ NOTE: These changes may not reflect the final plugin changes/API as it's still going through review.

Along with the below changes, the plugin has undergone a quality of life update to better support exceptions thrown. Any Firestore specific errors now return a FirebaseException, allowing you to directly access the code (e.g. permission-denied) and message.


  • BREAKING: settings() is now a synchronous setter that accepts a Settings instance.
    • NEW: This change allows us to support changing Firestore settings (such as using the Firestore emulator) without having to quit the application, e.g. Hot Restarts.
  • DEPRECATED: Calling document() is deprecated in favor of doc().
pascalandy / compose-caddy.yml
Last active July 24, 2024 15:36
Traefik V2 / my docker compose files
version: "3.3"
image: abiosoft/caddy:1.0.3-no-stats
container_name: caddy
hostname: caddy
restart: unless-stopped
kelset /
Last active June 21, 2023 19:25
This is kind of a blogpost about my experience of diving deep to improve some timings for an iOS React Native app

Improving times for both iOS build and CI for a React Native app


Hello there.

So, if you are here you probably saw my previous tweet where I asked for tips & tricks on improving the timing on an iOS/React Native app build time.

What will follow was how I mixed those suggestions + some good old GoogleSearch-fu + me deep diving on this for ~2 days.

edvinasbartkus / android.yml
Created November 20, 2019 14:45
Running Detox tests for Android on Github Actions Workflow
name: Android
on: [push]
runs-on: macos-latest
- name: Checkout
edvinasbartkus / .github-workflows-main.yml
Created November 16, 2019 10:06
Github Action for React Native Detox
name: Detox
on: [push]
runs-on: macOS-latest
timeout-minutes: 15
JoeMatt / Set Plist Bundle to Git
Last active November 25, 2023 10:18
Xcode 10 set Info.plist build version

Create Info.plist


This script will update Info.plist of a target in XCode with the following

  1. CFBundleVersion to the git commit count
  2. GitDate to the date of the last commit
  3. GitBranch to the current branch name
  4. GitTag to the latest tag on current branch

Creates a .version file to track last update and appease XCode needing a non-mutable output path.

DoguD / config.yml
Last active February 11, 2021 22:31 — forked from alexttransisland/gist:e8ebb98f769d31d7d0a0111550eb4bd8
Run Android emulator on CircleCI 2.0 macOS
version: 2
## Constants
gradle_cache_path: &gradle_cache_path
gradle_cache-{{ checksum "build.gradle" }}-{{ checksum "app/build.gradle" }}
workspace: &workspace
## Configurations
android_config: &android_config
working_directory: *workspace