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Last active August 28, 2024 09:16
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Example Instances of FreeCHR
from itertools import permutations
def match(pattern, constraints):
return (perm
for perm in permutations(constraints, len(pattern))
if all(p(c) for p, c in zip(pattern, perm))
def rule(k, r, g, b):
"""Creates a solver from a single CHR rule"""
def solver(constraints):
matching = next((matching
for matching in match(k+r, constraints)
if g(*matching)), None)
if not matching:
return constraints
constraints1 = constraints.copy()
for c in matching[len(k):]:
return b(*matching) + constraints1
return solver
def compose(*solvers):
"""Composes solvers, by sequentially applying them to the store,
until application changes the state."""
def composite_solver(constraints):
to_return = constraints
for s in solvers:
to_return = s(constraints)
if to_return != constraints:
return to_return
return composite_solver
def run(solver):
"""Runs a solver until a fixed point is reached"""
def solve(*constraints):
cs = list(constraints)
to_return = solver(cs)
while True:
if to_return == cs:
cs = to_return
to_return = solver(to_return)
return to_return
return solve
gcd1 = compose(
rule([], [lambda n: n <= 0], lambda _: True, lambda _: []),
rule([lambda n: n > 0], [lambda m: m > 0], lambda n, m: n <= m, lambda n, m: [m-n])
fib = rule([], [lambda t: isinstance(t, tuple) and len(t) == 2],
lambda _: True,
lambda t: [(t[1],t[0]+t[1])]
nub = rule([lambda a: True], [lambda b: True], lambda a, b: a == b, lambda a, b: [])
def false(*args):
raise Exception(False)
all_different = rule(
[lambda a: True, lambda b: True], [],
lambda a, b: a == b,
import Data.List
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Control.Monad.Writer
newtype SolverStep m c = SolverStep { runSolverStep :: [c] -> m [c] }
instance (Monad m, Eq c) => Semigroup (SolverStep m c) where
solve <> solve' = SolverStep {
runSolverStep = \store -> do
store' <- runSolverStep solve store
if store == store'
then runSolverStep solve' store
else pure store'
match :: [a -> Bool] -> [a] -> [[a]]
match ps as = [ as'' |
as' <- subsequences as,
length as' == length ps,
as'' <- permutations as',
and (zipWith ($) ps as'')]
rule :: (Monad m, Eq c)
=> [c -> Bool] -> [c -> Bool]
-> ([c] -> m Bool)
-> ([c] -> [m [c]])
-> SolverStep m c
rule kept removed guard body = SolverStep { runSolverStep = solver }
solver store = do
matching <- findM (\(ks, rs) -> guard $ ks <> rs) heads
case matching of
Just (ks, rs) -> do
query <- concat <$> sequence (body (ks <> rs))
pure $ query <> (store \\ rs)
_ -> pure store
heads = [ (ks, rs) |
rs <- match removed store,
ks <- match kept (store \\ rs) ]
(<.>) :: (Monad m, Eq c) => SolverStep m c -> SolverStep m c -> SolverStep m c
(<.>) = (<>)
run :: (Monad m, Eq c) => SolverStep m c -> [c] -> m [c]
run solver query = do
result <- runSolverStep solver query
if result == query
then pure result
else run solver result
gcd' :: SolverStep Identity Int
gcd' =
rule [] [(<= 0)] (const (pure True)) (const []) <.>
rule [(> 0)] [(> 0)] (\[n, m] -> pure $ n <= m) (\[n, m] -> [pure [m - n]])
allDifferent :: Eq a => SolverStep Maybe a
allDifferent = rule [] [const True, const True]
(\[a, b] -> pure $ a == b)
(const $ [Nothing])
fibs :: SolverStep (Writer [Int]) (Int, Int)
fibs =
rule [] [const True] (const (pure True))
(\[(x,y)] -> [tell [x] >> pure [(y,x+y)]])
-- Taken from
findM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m (Maybe a)
findM p = foldr (\x -> ifM (p x) (pure $ Just x)) (pure Nothing)
-- Taken from
ifM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m a -> m a -> m a
ifM b t f = do b <- b; if b then t else f
import Data.List
import Data.Functor.Identity
newtype SolverStep c = SolverStep { runSolverStep :: [c] -> [c] }
instance Eq c => Semigroup (SolverStep c) where
solve <> solve' = SolverStep {
runSolverStep = \store ->
let store' = runSolverStep solve store
in if store == store'
then runSolverStep solve' store
else store'
match :: [a -> Bool] -> [a] -> [[a]]
match ps as = [ as'' |
as' <- subsequences as,
length as' == length ps,
as'' <- permutations as',
and (zipWith ($) ps as'')]
rule :: Eq c
=> [c -> Bool] -> [c -> Bool]
-> ([c] -> Bool)
-> ([c] -> [[c]])
-> SolverStep c
rule kept removed guard body = SolverStep { runSolverStep = solver }
solver store =
case matching of
Just (ks, rs) ->
let query = concat (body (ks <> rs))
in query <> (store \\ rs)
_ -> store
matching = find (\(ks, rs) -> guard $ ks <> rs) heads
heads = [ (ks, rs) |
rs <- match removed store,
ks <- match kept (store \\ rs) ]
(<.>) :: Eq c => SolverStep c -> SolverStep c -> SolverStep c
(<.>) = (<>)
run :: Eq c => SolverStep c -> [c] -> [c]
run solver query
| result == query = result
| otherwise = run solver result
result = runSolverStep solver query
gcd' :: SolverStep Int
gcd' =
rule [] [(<= 0)] (const True) (const []) <.>
rule [(> 0)] [(> 0)] (\[n, m] -> n <= m) (\[n, m] -> [[m - n]])
-- Taken from
findM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m (Maybe a)
findM p = foldr (\x -> ifM (p x) (pure $ Just x)) (pure Nothing)
-- Taken from
ifM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m a -> m a -> m a
ifM b t f = do b <- b; if b then t else f
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