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Last active May 25, 2021 06:14
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  • Save SManAT/9bb2ffae07adb466bc8aad1241c41261 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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To build a Project with all dependencies and bundled JRE on Windows
plugins {
id 'java'
id 'jacoco'
id 'application'
id 'org.openjfx.javafxplugin' version '0.0.9'
id 'org.beryx.runtime' version '1.12.5'
id "" version "2.5.0"
/* Variables ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
sourceCompatibility = 1.8
targetCompatibility = 1.11
mainClassName = 'SH.TrayNotifications.Test.Main'
/* where to assemble the project */
def outputDir='dist/'
/* End Variables */
/* Zip/Tar Distribution? */
distZip.enabled = false
distTar.enabled = false
/* Create a Starter in order to run the JAR File direct, otherwise there are
* missing JavaFX Runtime Components
javafx {
version = "16"
modules = [ 'javafx.controls', 'javafx.fxml' ]
/* Tasks ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
task copyJRE(type: Copy) {
into "build/$outputDir"
/* JRE Runtime */
from("/build/jre") {
into 'jre'
launch4j {
mainClassName = mainClassName
/* important because my Jar is not in dir lib/... */
icon = "${projectDir}/src/main/resources/App.ico"
/* Use JRE INSIDE this Directoty */
bundledJrePath = "jre"
bundledJre64Bit = true
language = "GERMAN"
//headerType = 'console'
dontWrapJar = true
task copyExe(type: Copy) {
into "build/$outputDir"
/* Resourcen */
from('/build/launch4j') {
include "*.exe"
/* finally copy created EXE File to output Dir */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
dependencies {
testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
/* Locale Projects, see also settings.gradle */
implementation project(':TrayNotification')
/* Create the JAR File with dependencies in subdir lib/ --------------------- */
/* Write the correct Manifest ----------------------------------------------- */
jar {
from "$buildDir/libs/lib"
manifest {
attributes 'Main-Class': mainClassName,
'Class-Path': configurations.runtimeClasspath.collect { 'lib/'+it.getName() }.join(' ')
task copyToLib(type: Copy) {
into "$buildDir/libs/lib"
from configurations.implementation
/* Copy it all together ----------------------------------------------------- */
task copyStuff(type: Copy) {
into "build/$outputDir"
/* Resourcen */
from('/') {
include "*.*"
exclude 'launch4j.*', '*.gradle', '*.properties', '*.bat', '*.txt', '*.log', '*.sql', 'config_home.xml', 'config_schule.xml'
from("/scripts") {
into 'scripts'
/* JAR File */
from("/build/libs/") {}
task moveJAR(type: Copy) {
into "build/$outputDir/lib"
from("/build/libs/") {
include "*.jar"
/* my own tasks ------------------------------------------------------------- */
task deleteDirs(type: Delete) {
delete "/build/launch4j/", "/build/jre/", "/build/libs/"
followSymlinks = true
task all(dependsOn: ['clean', 'build', 'runtime']){
description = 'Clean, build and bundle for OS'
build.mustRunAfter clean
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