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AutoHotkey V2 Script to download and set wallpaper using Flux Schnell model via API
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
; Main function
Main() {
api_key := "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" ; Replace with your actual API key
url := ""
jsonData := GetJsonData()
;MsgBox("Debug input json: " . jsonData)
try {
response := SendHttpRequest(url, api_key, jsonData)
if (response.Status == 200) {
filePath := SaveResponseToFile(response.ResponseBody)
MsgBox("Wallpaper set successfully!")
} else {
MsgBox("Error: " . response.Status . " - " . response.StatusText . "`nResponse: " . response.ResponseText)
} catch as err {
MsgBox("Error: " . err.Message)
; Function to get JSON data
GetJsonData() {
randomSeed := Random(1, 999999999)
jsonTemplate := '
"prompt": "wide landscape wallpaper, a pathway, photorealistic ghibli style painting",
"steps": 4,
"seed": {1},
"sampler_name": "euler",
"scheduler": "normal",
"samples": 1,
"width": 1920,
"height": 1080,
"denoise": 1
return Format(jsonTemplate, randomSeed)
; Function to send HTTP request
SendHttpRequest(url, api_key, jsonData) {
whr := ComObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
whr.SetTimeouts(0, 60000, 30000, 60000) ; Increase timeouts (connection, send, receive)
whr.Open("POST", url, true)
whr.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
whr.SetRequestHeader("x-api-key", api_key)
return whr
; Function to save response to file
SaveResponseToFile(responseBody) {
; Create a folder to store wallpapers if it doesn't exist
wallpaperFolder := A_ScriptDir . "\Wallpapers"
if !DirExist(wallpaperFolder)
; Generate timestamp
timestamp := FormatTime(, "yyyyMMdd_HHmmss")
; Create file path with timestamp
filePath := wallpaperFolder . "\wallpaper_" . timestamp . ".jpg"
adoStream := ComObject("ADODB.Stream")
adoStream.Type := 1 ; Binary
adoStream.SaveToFile(filePath, 2) ; 2 = overwrite
return filePath
; Function to set wallpaper
SetWallpaper(imagePath) {
DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", "UInt", 0x14, "UInt", 0, "Str", imagePath, "UInt", 2)
; Run the main function
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