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Last active September 10, 2024 11:38
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Simple signal pattern implementation with asyncio support.
import weakref
import inspect
from asyncio import Future
from typing import Any, Callable, TypeVar, Protocol, Awaitable, Generator
__all__ = "Listenable", "Signal",
_T = TypeVar("_T", covariant=True)
class Listenable(Awaitable[_T], Protocol[_T]):
def on(self, slot: Callable[[_T], Any], weak: bool = False) -> None:
def off(self, slot: Callable[[_T], Any]) -> None:
class Signal(Listenable[_T]):
def __init__(self):
self._slots = dict()
self._f: None | Future[_T] = None
def on(self, slot: Callable[[_T], Any], weak: bool = False) -> None:
slot_id = id(slot)
if slot_id in self._slots:
if weak:
def cleanup(_):
self._slots.pop(slot_id, None)
slot = weakref.proxy(slot, cleanup)
self._slots[slot_id] = slot
def off(self, slot: Callable[[_T], Any]) -> None:
slot_id = id(slot)
del self._slots[slot_id]
except KeyError:
async def __call__(self, value: _T) -> _T:
errors = []
for slot in tuple(self._slots.values()):
result = slot(value)
if not inspect.isawaitable(result):
await result
except Exception as e:
if errors:
raise ExceptionGroup("Some slots raised exceptions while signal was being fired!", errors)
return value
def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, Any, _T]:
if self._f is None:
f = Future()
def slot(value):
self._f = None
assert isinstance(self._f, Future)
return (yield from self._f)
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