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Last active February 10, 2023 10:25
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Standalone FastAPI-like dependency injector POC
import asyncio
import contextlib
import inspect
from inspect import Parameter, Signature
from dataclasses import dataclass
from contextlib import AsyncExitStack, AbstractContextManager, AbstractAsyncContextManager
from typing import Callable, ParamSpec, TypeVar
__all__ = "Depends", "inject_and_run"
_P = ParamSpec("_P")
_R = TypeVar("_R")
class Depends:
provider: callable
def _get_params_subset(s: Signature, orig_args: list, orig_kwargs: dict):
args, kwargs = [], dict()
for p in s.parameters.values():
if p.kind is Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY:
elif p.kind is Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY:
kwargs[] = orig_kwargs.pop(
elif p.kind is Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD:
kwargs[] = orig_kwargs.pop(
except KeyError:
if p.default is Parameter.empty:
return orig_args, orig_kwargs
except (KeyError, IndexError):
return args, kwargs
async def inject_and_run(root: Callable[_P, _R], *args: _P.args, **kwargs: _P.kwargs) -> _R:
cache = dict()
async with AsyncExitStack() as deffer:
async def get_dependency(provider):
if provider not in cache:
dep = await resolve(provider)
if isinstance(dep, AbstractContextManager):
dep = deffer.enter_context(dep)
elif isinstance(dep, AbstractAsyncContextManager):
dep = await deffer.enter_async_context(dep)
elif inspect.isawaitable(dep):
dep = await dep
cache[provider] = dep
return cache[provider]
async def resolve(func):
signature = inspect.signature(func)
args_subset, kwargs_subset = _get_params_subset(signature, list(args), dict(kwargs))
bound_params = signature.bind(*args_subset, **kwargs_subset)
for name, value in bound_params.arguments.items():
if not isinstance(value, Depends):
bound_params.arguments[name] = await get_dependency(value.provider)
return func(*bound_params.args, **bound_params.kwargs)
return await resolve(root)
if __name__ == '__main__':
async def main():
def connection_settings() -> str:
return "Settings!"
async def connection(omg: int = None, settings: str = Depends(connection_settings)) -> int:
yield 42
def endpoint(conn1: int = Depends(connection), conn2: int = Depends(connection), settings: str = Depends(connection_settings), test=None):
print(f"{conn1}, {conn2}, {settings}")
return "test"
wtf = await inject_and_run(endpoint, test=22)
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