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Last active July 18, 2018 18:15
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Rime - config
# default.custom.yaml
# 添加双拼方案
# 设置候选字数量
page_size: 8
- schema: double_pinyin_flypy
- schema: luna_pinyin
- schema: emoji
# - schema: cangjie5
# - schema: luna_pinyin_fluency
- schema: luna_pinyin_simp
# - schema: luna_pinyin_tw
# 按 Shift 上屏
Shift_L: commit_code
# squirrel.custom.yaml
# 修改配色方案
color_scheme: dark_temple
horizontal: true
# installation.yaml
# 添加同步路径
sync_dir: '/Users/xingl/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Documents/RimeSync'
# 修改识别 id,用于同步文件夹的命名
installation_id: "xing-office"
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