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Created May 27, 2020 08:16
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An HTTP client creator for Golang
package httpclient
import (
// Options includes common Client configurations that need to be tuned.
type Options struct {
TotalTimeout time.Duration
ConnectTimeout time.Duration
KeepAliveTimeout time.Duration
MaxIdleConns int
MaxIdleConnsPerHost int
IdleConnTimeout time.Duration
TLSHandshakeTimeout time.Duration
ResponseHeaderTimeout time.Duration
ExpectContinueTimeout time.Duration
func (o *Options) totalTimeout() time.Duration {
if o == nil {
return 30 * time.Second
return o.TotalTimeout
func (o *Options) connectTimeout() time.Duration {
if o == nil {
return 30 * time.Second
return o.ConnectTimeout
func (o *Options) keepAliveTimeout() time.Duration {
if o == nil {
return 30 * time.Second
return o.KeepAliveTimeout
func (o *Options) maxIdleConns() int {
if o == nil {
return 100
return o.MaxIdleConns
func (o *Options) maxIdleConnsPerHost() int {
if o == nil {
return 0
return o.MaxIdleConnsPerHost
func (o *Options) idleConnTimeout() time.Duration {
if o == nil {
return 90 * time.Second
return o.IdleConnTimeout
func (o *Options) tlsHandshakeTimeout() time.Duration {
if o == nil {
return 10 * time.Second
return o.TLSHandshakeTimeout
func (o *Options) responseHeaderTimeout() time.Duration {
if o == nil {
return 0
return o.ResponseHeaderTimeout
func (o *Options) expectContinueTimeout() time.Duration {
if o == nil {
return 1 * time.Second
return o.ExpectContinueTimeout
// New creates a Client with the given options. If nil is provided, the created
// Client will behave like the default Client with Timeout set to 30s.
func New(opts *Options) *http.Client {
transport := &http.Transport{
Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
DialContext: (&net.Dialer{
Timeout: opts.connectTimeout(),
KeepAlive: opts.keepAliveTimeout(),
DualStack: true,
MaxIdleConns: opts.maxIdleConns(),
MaxIdleConnsPerHost: opts.maxIdleConnsPerHost(),
IdleConnTimeout: opts.idleConnTimeout(),
TLSHandshakeTimeout: opts.tlsHandshakeTimeout(),
ResponseHeaderTimeout: opts.responseHeaderTimeout(),
ExpectContinueTimeout: opts.expectContinueTimeout(),
return &http.Client{
Timeout: opts.totalTimeout(),
Transport: transport,
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