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Last active July 31, 2024 13:18
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  • Save Robyer/a6578e60127418b380ca133a1291f017 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Robyer/a6578e60127418b380ca133a1291f017 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Gradle script for publishing Android library with sources and javadoc to Maven repository using maven-publish plugin.
// You can use maven-publish-helper.gradle script without changes and even share it between multiple
// modules. Just place the maven-publish-helper.gradle file in the root directory of your project,
// then apply it at the bottom of your module's build.gradle file like this:
// ...content of module's build.gradle file...
apply from: '../maven-publish-helper.gradle'
publishing {
publications {
release(MavenPublication) {
// Specify own groupId as package name of your library,
// otherwise it would just use project's name (=name of the root directory) by default.
groupId 'com.example'
// Specify custom artifactId if needed,
// otherwise it would use module's name by default.
//artifactId 'custom-artifact'
// You can specify custom version,
// otherwise it would use version from `android { defaultConfig { ... } }` by default.
//version = '1.0'
* Maven Publish Helper
* Requires Android Gradle plugin 3.6.0 or higher (available since Android Studio 3.6).
* See also:
* @Author Robert Pösel
* @Version 1.5
* @Date 3.3.2020
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
task androidJavadocs(type: Javadoc) {
source =
classpath += project.files(android.getBootClasspath().join(File.pathSeparator))
android.libraryVariants.all { variant ->
if ( == 'release') {
owner.classpath += variant.javaCompileProvider.get().classpath
exclude '**/R.html', '**/R.*.html', '**/index.html'
task androidJavadocsJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: androidJavadocs) {
from androidJavadocs.destinationDir
task androidSourcesJar(type: Jar) {
// Because the components are created only during the afterEvaluate phase, you must
// configure your publications using the afterEvaluate() lifecycle method.
afterEvaluate {
publishing {
publications {
// Creates a Maven publication called "release".
release(MavenPublication) {
// Applies the component for the release build variant.
from components.release
// Adds javadocs and sources as separate jars.
artifact androidJavadocsJar
artifact androidSourcesJar
// You can customize attributes of the publication here or in module's build.gradle file.
//groupId = 'com.example'
//artifactId = 'custom-artifact'
version = android.defaultConfig.versionName // or just '1.0'
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mochadwi commented Apr 10, 2020

really appreciate and thanks @Robyer, as previouly stated from you:

New Android Studio 3.6 with Android Gradle Plugin 3.6.0 has now support for Maven Publish Plugin. This script is probably not needed anymore.

You also updated it the script, I'm a little curious, do you have a full open source/project in the github/somewhere?

This block of lines:

artifact bundleDistributable {
    classifier ""

Encountered below issue in my project:

A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'.
> Could not find method bundleDistributable() for arguments [build_a1v67a779r9u4vrutskt4b88d$_run_closure3$_closure9$_closure11$_closure12@3c5f1e] on object of type org.gradle.api.publish.maven.internal.publication.DefaultMavenPublication.

Any ideas what suggestion for me, to solve the issue? Please let me know if you need more information


I've made a mistake asking the question, here, in fact I'm using the old scripts provided from instead of the gist provided here.

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Robyer commented Apr 11, 2020

@mochadwi I'm not sure you still need the answer, but I am using my script (at the moment it's old version) in this project:

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Great! Thanks~

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this doesn't seem to do the gpg signing, hashes, sources, or javadoc jars that are required for publishing to sonatype. Or am i missing something?

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Robyer commented Apr 25, 2020

@spyhunter99 It creates sources and javadoc jars, but it doesn't do gpg signing or hashes. You can probably add that easily if you know how to work with Gradle, but I have no experience with Sonatype (in repository above I am using Bintray), so I can't help you with that.

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cyb3rko commented Jul 18, 2020

First of all thanks for this gist.
I have now implemented your templates and adjusted them to my project, but how do I then set description etc. and upload my project to Bintray?


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Robyer commented Jul 19, 2020

@cyb3rko Hi, you can look at this config file, I am using older version of my gist there, but the Bintray part at the bottom is what is important for you:

EDIT: Oh, and also these lines too:

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ashu8826 commented Dec 4, 2020

I am getting following error on line -- from components.release
Could not get unknown property 'release' for SoftwareComponentInternal set of type org.gradle.api.internal.component.DefaultSoftwareComponentContainer.

I don't need javadocs so I have not added any other artifact.
my library have buildType { release {...} } and using latest Android gradle plugin

What I am doing wrong?

Oops: I had also defined build Flavour, forgot to add that
Below worked for me because my build flavour is named "fat"
from components.fatRelease

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@Robyer, thanks, mate! You helped me a lot! 👍

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ghost commented Dec 31, 2020

When I do as per instructions I get Extension not initialized yet, couldn't access compileSdkVersion. error!

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Robyer commented Dec 31, 2020

@realchandan Maybe you are using some incompatible version of Gradle plugin or other library? I am using it with stable Android Studio with Java codebase. You can try to use it in new empty project.

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@Robyer I"m having trouble keeping my JNI and native lib dependencies inside my AAR. I suspect the pom file requires me to specify then? I could really use some help!

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Robyer commented Jan 26, 2021

@ivangarza6 I think you should ask question on StackOverflow instead, I don't have experience with specifying native lib dependencies. I'm not even sure whether Android Studio / Gradle currently supports them.

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Robyer commented Mar 29, 2021

@Petrakeas You need to first publish the moduleB with this script as one aar. Then you need to modify the moduleA's build.gradle and reference that moduleB from repository (e.g. as implementation 'com.example:moduleB:1.0.0' instead of implementation project(':moduleB')) and publish it as second aar (moduleA). This way reference to moduleB will be saved in the moduleA's *.pom file and Gradle will automatically download this dependency when downloading moduleA from the repository.

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Petrakeas commented Mar 29, 2021

@Petrakeas You need to first publish the moduleB with this script as one aar. Then you need to modify the moduleA's build.gradle and reference that moduleB from repository (e.g. as implementation 'com.example:moduleB:1.0.0' instead of implementation project(':moduleB')) and publish it as second aar (moduleA). This way reference to moduleB will be saved in the moduleA's *.pom file and Gradle will automatically download this dependency when downloading moduleA from the repository.

Thanks Robyer. I actually deleted by question (before you answered), because I noticed that when I had both modules configured for publishing with the proposed script, the maven-publish plugin worked automatically. It seems that maven-publish plugin was smart enough to replace the dependancy with one referencing maven. It even picked-up my custom artifactId that was different to the actual module name!

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Robyer commented Mar 29, 2021

@Petrakeas I noticed that when I had both modules configured for publishing with the proposed script, the maven-publish plugin worked automatically. It seems that maven-publish plugin was smart enough to replace the dependancy with one referencing maven. It even picked-up my custom artifactId that was different to the actual module name!

Thanks for interesting info! I didn't know that and it sounds great.

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In case it helps someone, I have made some changes that enable correct UTF-8 Javadoc generation, repeatable builds and support for Java and Android Gradle plugin. I have created a guide here.

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Robyer commented Mar 1, 2022

With Android Gradle Plugin 7.1 it is now very simple to do this without needing any complicated scripts. AGP now also handles creating source and javadocs jar.

You don't need any separate scripts, just write everything into your build.gradle file of your module:

plugins {
    id 'maven-publish'
android {
    publishing {
        singleVariant("release") {
            // if you don't want sources/javadoc, remove these lines
afterEvaluate {
    publishing {
        publications {
            release(MavenPublication) {
                from components.release
                groupId 'com.example'
                artifactId 'mylibrary'
                version = android.defaultConfig.versionName // or manually '1.0'

See also:

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nikunj-unifynd commented May 5, 2023

when I publish using gradle publish task i am getting the following error:
Execution failed for task ':project-name:androidJavadocs'.

path may not be null or empty string. path=''

Pls help

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Robyer commented May 5, 2023

@nikunj-unifynd It would be better for you to ask this question on StackOverflow, providing also additional info as content of your build.gradle file, because maybe you have some conflicting configuration there.

Or just start by creating new empty Android Studio project, and add this publishing code there. Then if it works, compare how your project where it doesn't work differs and try to find the issue.

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RahulSDeshpande commented Jun 15, 2023

Thanks @Robyer

Guys FYI
Official Google Documentation:

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I have just this:

afterEvaluate {
    publishing {
        publications {
            release(MavenPublication) {
                from components.release

But how do I do this in kts file instead ?

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Robyer commented Jul 29, 2024

But how do I do this in kts file instead ?

I don't use Kotlin DSL yet, so I don't know, sorry.

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AndroidDeveloperLB commented Jul 29, 2024

@Robyer I thought I've found how to do it for kts:

But it still didn't help me with publishing to Jitpack, so I went back to normal gradle file, and still had issues publishing there. I reported about this here:


Would really appreciate it if you can help there.

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Robyer commented Jul 29, 2024

@AndroidDeveloperLB You are missing the android { publishing { ... } } block as I mentioned in earlier comment:

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AndroidDeveloperLB commented Jul 29, 2024

@Robyer But I never had this. It seems new.
Look, on these repositories it worked fine without this part:

And here, even other parts weren't added and they still worked fine:

Why does it keep getting more and more annoying ? In the past all I had to do is having an android-library module, and the website took care of everything...

Anyway, I've tried to add it, and it still has an issue:

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Robyer commented Jul 29, 2024

@AndroidDeveloperLB I don't know why it worked before in your case, but right now it is supposed to be done as I said in the comment.

This is actually very simple and easy to do when compared to what I had to do in the past (again, I can't see how it could work in your case).

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Robyer commented Jul 30, 2024

@AndroidDeveloperLB Hmm, you must probably configure it differently when you are using Kotlin - maybe that's also reason why it worked for you previously. This my gist is for Java projects and I confirm it works as I specified above, but you may need a different approach for Kotlin projects.

Maybe this will help?
Otherwise use StackOverflow instead, someone will definitely help you there.

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@Robyer It was Java based, and had gradle and not kts.
I tried kts just to see how to do it, but got back to gradle after seeing it might be the reason to the issues.

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