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Last active August 9, 2023 17:07
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A variation of Shamir's t-of-n Secret Sharing scheme, which allows to use any given values as secret shares
# A variation of Shamir's t-of-n Secret Sharing scheme,
# which allows to use any `n` values as secret shares
# at the expense of having to store `(n-t)` many public shares.
# This overcomes a drawback of the orginal scheme,
# which requires to use the secret shares resulting from the scheme.
# For example, for a 3-of-5 this requires to store 2 public points.
# Lagrange interpolation implemented by ChatGPT.
# WARNING: Haven't checked if this is fully correct
def lagrange_interpolation(points, field_size, x_interpolate):
def lagrange_basis(i, x):
basis = 1
for j in range(len(points)):
if j != i:
basis *= (x - points[j][0]) * pow(points[i][0] - points[j][0], -1, field_size)
basis %= field_size
return basis
interpolated_value = 0
for i in range(len(points)):
basis = lagrange_basis(i, x_interpolate)
interpolated_value += (basis * points[i][1]) % field_size
interpolated_value %= field_size
return interpolated_value
# Example usage for a 3-of-5 secret sharing
field_size = 100000007 # Replace with your desired finite field size
# The 5 secret shares
points = [
(1, 42),
(2, 10023),
(3, 109),
(4, 1024),
(5, 777)
# Interpolate the shared secret
x_interpolate = 0 # The shared secret is f(0)
interpolated_value = lagrange_interpolation(points, field_size, x_interpolate)
print(f"The secret value at x = {x_interpolate} is: {interpolated_value}")
# Sample two more points on the polynomial
# and share them with all 5 participants to turn this into a 3-of-5
x_interpolate = 6
public_value1 = lagrange_interpolation(points, field_size, x_interpolate)
print(f"The public value at x = {x_interpolate} is: {public_value1}")
x_interpolate = 7
public_value2 = lagrange_interpolation(points, field_size, x_interpolate)
print(f"The public value at x = {x_interpolate} is: {public_value2}")
# Example recovery using share_2, share_3, and share_5
points = [
(2, 10023),
(3, 109),
(5, 777)
# Append the two public points
points.append( (6, public_value1) )
points.append( (7, public_value2) )
# Interpolate the shared secret, f(0)
x_interpolate = 0
interpolated_value = lagrange_interpolation(points, field_size, x_interpolate)
print(f"The recovered secret value at x = {x_interpolate} is: {interpolated_value}")
# Note that we can also use this scheme for a given secret and given shares.
# This simply requries to sample one more public share.
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