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Created January 23, 2016 23:09
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Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
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Started request to ""
Received 200 from ""
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Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from ""
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Received "Node.visible"
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Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
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Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "Node.visible"
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Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
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Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.leftClick"
Started "Node.leftClick"
Finished "Node.leftClick" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to "http://localhost:5000/hotels/information?hotelId=700416068"
Received 200 from ""
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/images/loading.gif"
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from "!1m5!1m4!1i15!2i5903!3i12847!4i256!2m3!1e0!2sm!3i336004780!3m14!2sen-US!3sUS!5e18!12m1!1e47!12m3!1e37!2m1!1ssmartmaps!12m4!1e26!2m2!1sstyles!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!4e0&token=117052"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from "!1m5!1m4!1i15!2i5902!3i12847!4i256!2m3!1e0!2sm!3i336004876!3m14!2sen-US!3sUS!5e18!12m1!1e47!12m3!1e37!2m1!1ssmartmaps!12m4!1e26!2m2!1sstyles!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!4e0&token=79167"
Received 200 from "!1m5!1m4!1i15!2i5902!3i12848!4i256!2m3!1e0!2sm!3i336004876!3m14!2sen-US!3sUS!5e18!12m1!1e47!12m3!1e37!2m1!1ssmartmaps!12m4!1e26!2m2!1sstyles!2zcy50OjJ8cy5lOmx8cC52Om9mZixzLnQ6MnxzLmU6bHxwLnY6b2ZmLHMudDozN3xzLmU6Zy5mfHAudjpvZmYscy50OjUxfHMuZTpsfHAudjpvbixzLnQ6NXxwLmM6I2ZmZTZlNmU2LHMudDoyfHAudjpvZmYscy50OjQ5fHMuZTpnfHAuYzojZmZiNWI1YjUscy50OjUxfHMuZTpnfHAuYzojZmZkM2QzZDMscy50OjZ8cy5lOmcuZnxwLmM6I2ZmYjFkOGU2LHMudDo2fHMuZTpsLnQuc3xwLnY6b2ZmLHMudDo2fHMuZTpsLnQuZnxwLmw6Mzgscy50OjE5fHMuZTpsLnR8cC52OnNpbXBsaWZpZWR8cC5jOiNmZjY2NjY2NixzLnQ6MXxzLmU6bC50LnN8cC52OnNpbXBsaWZpZWQscy50OjIwfHMuZTpsLnQuZnxwLmM6I2ZmYWFhYWFhLHMudDoxN3xzLmU6bC50LmZ8cC5jOiNmZjNkM2QzZCxzLnQ6MTh8cy5lOmwudC5mfHAuYzojZmY1OTU5NTkscy50OjE3fHMuZTpnLnN8cC5sOjcwLHMudDoxOHxzLmU6Zy5zfHAubDozNixzLnQ6NDl8cy5lOmcuc3xwLnY6b2ZmLHMudDo1MHxzLmU6Zy5mfHAuYzojZmZkYmRiZGIscy50OjUwfHMuZTpnLnN8cC52Om9mZixzLnQ6NDl8cy5lOmx8cC52Om9mZixzLnQ6Nzg1fHMuZTpsfHAudjpvbixzLnQ6Nzg1fHMuZTpsLml8cC52Om9mZixzLnQ6Nzg1fHMuZTpsLnQuZnxwLmM6I2ZmNjY2NjY2LHMudDo1MXxzLmU6Zy5zfHAudjpvZmYscy50OjUxfHMuZTpnLmZ8cC53OjF8cC5sOjEwLHMudDo2NXxzLmU6Zy5mfHAudjpvZmYscy50OjY2fHAudjpvZmY!4e0&token=73240"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from "!1m5!1m4!1i15!2i5903!3i12848!4i256!2m3!1e0!2sm!3i336004780!3m14!2sen-US!3sUS!5e18!12m1!1e47!12m3!1e37!2m1!1ssmartmaps!12m4!1e26!2m2!1sstyles!2zcy50OjJ8cy5lOmx8cC52Om9mZixzLnQ6MnxzLmU6bHxwLnY6b2ZmLHMudDozN3xzLmU6Zy5mfHAudjpvZmYscy50OjUxfHMuZTpsfHAudjpvbixzLnQ6NXxwLmM6I2ZmZTZlNmU2LHMudDoyfHAudjpvZmYscy50OjQ5fHMuZTpnfHAuYzojZmZiNWI1YjUscy50OjUxfHMuZTpnfHAuYzojZmZkM2QzZDMscy50OjZ8cy5lOmcuZnxwLmM6I2ZmYjFkOGU2LHMudDo2fHMuZTpsLnQuc3xwLnY6b2ZmLHMudDo2fHMuZTpsLnQuZnxwLmw6Mzgscy50OjE5fHMuZTpsLnR8cC52OnNpbXBsaWZpZWR8cC5jOiNmZjY2NjY2NixzLnQ6MXxzLmU6bC50LnN8cC52OnNpbXBsaWZpZWQscy50OjIwfHMuZTpsLnQuZnxwLmM6I2ZmYWFhYWFhLHMudDoxN3xzLmU6bC50LmZ8cC5jOiNmZjNkM2QzZCxzLnQ6MTh8cy5lOmwudC5mfHAuYzojZmY1OTU5NTkscy50OjE3fHMuZTpnLnN8cC5sOjcwLHMudDoxOHxzLmU6Zy5zfHAubDozNixzLnQ6NDl8cy5lOmcuc3xwLnY6b2ZmLHMudDo1MHxzLmU6Zy5mfHAuYzojZmZkYmRiZGIscy50OjUwfHMuZTpnLnN8cC52Om9mZixzLnQ6NDl8cy5lOmx8cC52Om9mZixzLnQ6Nzg1fHMuZTpsfHAudjpvbixzLnQ6Nzg1fHMuZTpsLml8cC52Om9mZixzLnQ6Nzg1fHMuZTpsLnQuZnxwLmM6I2ZmNjY2NjY2LHMudDo1MXxzLmU6Zy5zfHAudjpvZmYscy50OjUxfHMuZTpnLmZ8cC53OjF8cC5sOjEwLHMudDo2NXxzLmU6Zy5mfHAudjpvZmYscy50OjY2fHAudjpvZmY!4e0&token=111125"
Received 200 from ""
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Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/images/loading.gif"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:5000/hotels/information?hotelId=700416068"
Started request to "http://localhost:5000/hotels/information?hotelId=700416068"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from "!1m5!1m4!1i15!2i5904!3i12847!4i256!2m3!1e0!2sm!3i336004780!3m14!2sen-US!3sUS!5e18!12m1!1e47!12m3!1e37!2m1!1ssmartmaps!12m4!1e26!2m2!1sstyles!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!4e0&token=17464"
Received 200 from ""
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Received 204 from ",v:23,r:1,mt:m,c:36.170195%2C-115.14045,sp:0.00655x0.01652,size:385x189,relsize:0.04,token:7a7z45jmy9,src:apiv3,ts:rpx4f7"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from " line-clamp line-clamp--2&h0=%2Fevents%2Fintegration-test-ca982994%2Fhotels%2F700416068%2F%3FarrivalDate%3D2016-07-20%26departureDate%3D2016-07-22%26epicenterLabel%3DLas%2520Vegas%252C%2520NV%26eventLatitude%3D36.1699%26eventLongitude%3D-115.14%26latitude%3D36.1699%26longitude%3D-115.14%26maxRate%26minRate%26minRating%3D5%26minStars%3D2%26numberOfRooms%3D1%26page%3D1%26pageSize%3D24%26searchRadius%3D25%26sort%3DproximityAsc&y0=%40div%3B%23app%3B%7C%40div%3B%7C%40div%3B%7C%40div%3B%7C%40div%3B%7C%40div%3B.content-wrapper%3B%7C%40div%3B.content-container%3B%7C%40div%3B.hotel-search-grid%3B%7C%40div%3B.hotel-list%3B%7C%40div%3B.hotel-search-results%3B%7C%40ul%3B.hotel-list-search-results%3B%7C%40li%3B.hotel-card%3B%7C%40a%3B%7C%40div%3B.hotel-card__bottom%3B%7C%40div%3B.hotel-card__bottom-title%3B.line-clamp%3B.line-clamp--2%3B%7C&x0=Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&tm=1453589940774"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Results&tm=1453589940776"
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Results&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&t0=Hotel Viewed&tm=1453589940793"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from "http://localhost:5000/hotels/information?hotelId=700416068"
Started request to "http://localhost:5000/hotels/rooms_no_contract?hotel_id=700416068&check_in=2016-07-20&check_out=2016-07-22&num_rooms=1"
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/svg-sprite.svg"
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/images/poweredbyfoursquare.png"
Started request to ""
Started request to ",10_2_0,11_1_0,11_4_0,11_5_0,11_7_0,11_8_0,11_9_0,11_10_0,11_11_0,11_12_0,11_13_0,11_14_U,11_15_0,11_16_0&rt=visreq.149"
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ",v:23,r:1,mt:m,c:36.171638%2C-115.141945,sp:0.00728x0.02575,size:1200x420,relsize:0.29,token:7a7z45jmy9,src:apiv3,ts:rpx546"
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/images/loading.gif"
Started request to ""
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/images/map-food.png"
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/images/map-drink.png"
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from "http://localhost:5000/hotels/rooms_no_contract?hotel_id=700416068&check_in=2016-07-20&check_out=2016-07-22&num_rooms=1"
Started request to "http://localhost:5000/hotels/rooms_no_contract?hotel_id=700416068&check_in=2016-07-20&check_out=2016-07-22&num_rooms=1"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 204 from ",v:23,r:1,mt:m,c:36.171638%2C-115.141945,sp:0.00728x0.02575,size:1200x420,relsize:0.29,token:7a7z45jmy9,src:apiv3,ts:rpx546"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/images/loading.gif"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/images/poweredbyfoursquare.png"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/images/map-food.png"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/svg-sprite.svg"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/images/map-drink.png"
Received 204 from ",10_2_0,11_1_0,11_4_0,11_5_0,11_7_0,11_8_0,11_9_0,11_10_0,11_11_0,11_12_0,11_13_0,11_14_U,11_15_0,11_16_0&rt=visreq.149"
Started request to ",10_2_0,11_1_0,11_4_0,11_5_0,11_7_0,11_8_0,11_9_0,11_10_0,11_11_0,11_12_0,11_13_0,11_14_U,11_15_0,11_16_0&rt=visres.280"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Started request to ""
Started request to "!1m5!1m4!1i16!2i11806!3i25695!4i256!2m3!1e0!2sm!3i336004780!3m14!2sen-US!3sUS!5e18!12m1!1e47!12m3!1e37!2m1!1ssmartmaps!12m4!1e26!2m2!1sstyles!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!4e0&token=44880"
Started request to "!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11804!3i25695!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11805!3i25695!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11806!3i25695!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11807!3i25695!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11804!3i25696!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11804!3i25697!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11805!3i25696!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11805!3i25697!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11806!3i25696!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11806!3i25697!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11807!3i25696!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11807!3i25697!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11808!3i25695!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11809!3i25695!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11808!3i25696!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11808!3i25697!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11809!3i25696!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11809!3i25697!2m3!1e0!2sm!3i336004997!3m14!2sen-US!3sUS!5e18!12m1!1e47!12m3!1e37!2m1!1ssmartmaps!12m4!1e26!2m2!1sstyles!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!4e3!12m1!5b1&callback=_xdc_._xqjhy1&token=13257"
Started request to "!1m5!1m4!1i16!2i11807!3i25695!4i256!2m3!1e0!2sm!3i336004780!3m14!2sen-US!3sUS!5e18!12m1!1e47!12m3!1e37!2m1!1ssmartmaps!12m4!1e26!2m2!1sstyles!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!4e0&token=76363"
Started request to "!1m5!1m4!1i16!2i11805!3i25695!4i256!2m3!1e0!2sm!3i336004732!3m14!2sen-US!3sUS!5e18!12m1!1e47!12m3!1e37!2m1!1ssmartmaps!12m4!1e26!2m2!1sstyles!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!4e0&token=102095"
Started request to "!1m5!1m4!1i16!2i11808!3i25695!4i256!2m3!1e0!2sm!3i336004780!3m14!2sen-US!3sUS!5e18!12m1!1e47!12m3!1e37!2m1!1ssmartmaps!12m4!1e26!2m2!1sstyles!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!4e0&token=107846"
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Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
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Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Started request to ",10_2_0,11_1_0,11_4_0,11_5_0,11_7_0,11_8_0,11_9_0,11_10_0,11_11_0,11_12_0,11_13_0,11_14_U,11_15_0,11_16_0&rt=tilesloaded.397,allpixels.397"
Received 204 from ",10_2_0,11_1_0,11_4_0,11_5_0,11_7_0,11_8_0,11_9_0,11_10_0,11_11_0,11_12_0,11_13_0,11_14_U,11_15_0,11_16_0&rt=firsttile.352,firstpixel.352"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 204 from ",10_2_0,11_1_0,11_4_0,11_5_0,11_7_0,11_8_0,11_9_0,11_10_0,11_11_0,11_12_0,11_13_0,11_14_U,11_15_0,11_16_0&rt=tilesloaded.397,allpixels.397"
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from "http://localhost:5000/hotels/rooms_no_contract?hotel_id=700416068&check_in=2016-07-20&check_out=2016-07-22&num_rooms=1"
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success(25)"
Wrote response true "25"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(26,27,28,29,30,31,32)"
Wrote response true "26,27,28,29,30,31,32"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.leftClick"
Started "Node.leftClick"
Started request to "http://localhost:5000/booking_contract?arrivalDate=2016-07-20&bookingId=HRLM--0EXdpKfY0riyzbeq23dwd3Ouj4GVn2e1ubms1cmvxYjKpqLX2Gd9epKMyHdid5XMt5jS47GkxqSq5bmbd12NhHfJw5qVm42IyZqyhlSfdGvSqXZ2kXd0qIJmglONb1XW26qmw6Sw5Hdwd1WbdGmgo3xwinVponeZvYjOrpLi6Lllkmd5poZsglOicGWllXFlyrS248hYj0WcZV%252AV1Km4xLm6mI9Yh0WXZZbb3LGnyqq1mI9mgUXTsqfY366nt7W35HdwjFObd2Spo3t7hGe65cqouIjKpqjl5aqxu75psHeLqGeNb1XX3LizxKbA1birx5XQsZbslX9lrZiLmIFYvZLfqJ_c16S3en9pqo5pjlONwA..&departureDate=2016-07-22&hotelId=700416068"
Finished "Node.leftClick" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/js/3.js"
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/js/4.js"
Started request to ""
Received "FindCss(.t-booking-contact-details)"
Started "FindCss(.t-booking-contact-details)"
Finished "FindCss(.t-booking-contact-details)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.t-booking-contact-details)"
Started "FindCss(.t-booking-contact-details)"
Finished "FindCss(.t-booking-contact-details)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from "http://localhost:5000/booking_contract?arrivalDate=2016-07-20&bookingId=HRLM--0EXdpKfY0riyzbeq23dwd3Ouj4GVn2e1ubms1cmvxYjKpqLX2Gd9epKMyHdid5XMt5jS47GkxqSq5bmbd12NhHfJw5qVm42IyZqyhlSfdGvSqXZ2kXd0qIJmglONb1XW26qmw6Sw5Hdwd1WbdGmgo3xwinVponeZvYjOrpLi6Lllkmd5poZsglOicGWllXFlyrS248hYj0WcZV%252AV1Km4xLm6mI9Yh0WXZZbb3LGnyqq1mI9mgUXTsqfY366nt7W35HdwjFObd2Spo3t7hGe65cqouIjKpqjl5aqxu75psHeLqGeNb1XX3LizxKbA1birx5XQsZbslX9lrZiLmIFYvZLfqJ_c16S3en9pqo5pjlONwA..&departureDate=2016-07-22&hotelId=700416068"
Started request to "http://localhost:5000/booking_contract?arrivalDate=2016-07-20&bookingId=HRLM--0EXdpKfY0riyzbeq23dwd3Ouj4GVn2e1ubms1cmvxYjKpqLX2Gd9epKMyHdid5XMt5jS47GkxqSq5bmbd12NhHfJw5qVm42IyZqyhlSfdGvSqXZ2kXd0qIJmglONb1XW26qmw6Sw5Hdwd1WbdGmgo3xwinVponeZvYjOrpLi6Lllkmd5poZsglOicGWllXFlyrS248hYj0WcZV%252AV1Km4xLm6mI9Yh0WXZZbb3LGnyqq1mI9mgUXTsqfY366nt7W35HdwjFObd2Spo3t7hGe65cqouIjKpqjl5aqxu75psHeLqGeNb1XX3LizxKbA1birx5XQsZbslX9lrZiLmIFYvZLfqJ_c16S3en9pqo5pjlONwA..&departureDate=2016-07-22&hotelId=700416068"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/js/3.js"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/js/4.js"
Warning: Failed propType: Required prop `numberOfRooms` was not specified in `BookingGuestInfo`. Check the render method of `Connect(BookingGuestInfo)`.
Received 200 from ""
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/svg-sprite.svg"
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/payment_amex.svg"
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/payment_discover.svg"
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/payment_mastercard.svg"
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/payment_visa.svg"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Results&t0=click&n0=a&c0=button button--primary room-type__button-book event-primary-button-color&h0=%2Fevents%2Fintegration-test-ca982994%2Fhotels%2F700416068%2Fbooking%2Freservation%2F&"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Details %7C Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&tm=1453589942956"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/payment_discover.svg"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/payment_amex.svg"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/svg-sprite.svg"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/payment_mastercard.svg"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/payment_visa.svg"
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received "FindCss(.t-booking-contact-details)"
Started "FindCss(.t-booking-contact-details)"
Finished "FindCss(.t-booking-contact-details)" with response "Success(33)"
Wrote response true "33"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(34)"
Wrote response true "34"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(input)"
Wrote response true "input"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.set"
Started "Node.set"
Finished "Node.set" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(35)"
Wrote response true "35"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(input)"
Wrote response true "input"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.set"
Started "Node.set"
Finished "Node.set" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Warning: setState(...): Can only update a mounted or mounting component. This usually means you called setState() on an unmounted component. This is a no-op. Please check the code for the Hotel component.
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(36)"
Wrote response true "36"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(input)"
Wrote response true "input"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.set"
Started "Node.set"
Started request to ""
Finished "Node.set" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Details %7C Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&t0=change&n0=input&c0=input-text__input--populated&i0=booking-form-field__contactFirstName& Id&k2=1&k2=Event Slug&k2=integration-test-ca982994&k2=Hotel Id&k2=700416068&k2=Field Name&k2=contactEmail&t2=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589943614"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Details %7C Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=contactEmail&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589943619"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Details %7C Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=contactEmail&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589943622"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Details %7C Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=contactEmail&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589943626"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Details %7C Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=contactEmail&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589943631"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Details %7C Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=contactEmail&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589943638"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Details %7C Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=contactEmail&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589943644"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Details %7C Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=contactEmail&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589943648"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Details %7C Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=contactEmail&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589943654"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Details %7C Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=contactEmail&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589943687"
Load started
Started request to "!ccFrame.action?pgmode1=prod&locationName=checkout1&sid=529200&fullParentHost=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A4000&fullParentQStr=/&reportCCType=Y&cvvValidate=Y&pluginMode=jq2&reportCCDigits=Y&reportCVVDigits=Y"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
"TimeoutCommand" waiting for load to finish
Started request to ""
Received 200 from "!ccFrame.action?pgmode1=prod&locationName=checkout1&sid=529200&fullParentHost=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A4000&fullParentQStr=/&reportCCType=Y&cvvValidate=Y&pluginMode=jq2&reportCCDigits=Y&reportCVVDigits=Y"
Received 200 from ""
Page finished with true
Load finished
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(37)"
Wrote response true "37"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(input)"
Wrote response true "input"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.set"
Started "Node.set"
Finished "Node.set" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Started "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Finished "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)" with response "Success(38)"
Wrote response true "38"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Started "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Finished "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)" with response "Success(39)"
Wrote response true "39"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Started "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Finished "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)" with response "Success(40)"
Wrote response true "40"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Started "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Finished "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)" with response "Success(41)"
Wrote response true "41"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Started "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Finished "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)" with response "Success(42)"
Wrote response true "42"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Started "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Finished "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)" with response "Success(43)"
Wrote response true "43"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Started "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Finished "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)" with response "Success(44)"
Wrote response true "44"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Started "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Finished "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)" with response "Success(45)"
Wrote response true "45"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Started request to ""
Received "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Started "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Finished "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)" with response "Success(46)"
Wrote response true "46"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Started "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Finished "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)" with response "Success(47)"
Wrote response true "47"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from "http://localhost:5000/booking_contract?arrivalDate=2016-07-20&bookingId=HRLM--0EXdpKfY0riyzbeq23dwd3Ouj4GVn2e1ubms1cmvxYjKpqLX2Gd9epKMyHdid5XMt5jS47GkxqSq5bmbd12NhHfJw5qVm42IyZqyhlSfdGvSqXZ2kXd0qIJmglONb1XW26qmw6Sw5Hdwd1WbdGmgo3xwinVponeZvYjOrpLi6Lllkmd5poZsglOicGWllXFlyrS248hYj0WcZV%252AV1Km4xLm6mI9Yh0WXZZbb3LGnyqq1mI9mgUXTsqfY366nt7W35HdwjFObd2Spo3t7hGe65cqouIjKpqjl5aqxu75psHeLqGeNb1XX3LizxKbA1birx5XQsZbslX9lrZiLmIFYvZLfqJ_c16S3en9pqo5pjlONwA..&departureDate=2016-07-22&hotelId=700416068"
Received "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/svg-sprite.svg"
Started "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Finished "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)" with response "Success(48)"
Wrote response true "48"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/svg-sprite.svg"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(49)"
Wrote response true "49"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(input)"
Wrote response true "input"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.set"
Started "Node.set"
Finished "Node.set" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(50)"
Wrote response true "50"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(input)"
Wrote response true "input"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.set"
Started "Node.set"
Finished "Node.set" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindXpath(.//input[./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'reset' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'button'][((./@id = 'Next: Billing' or ./@value = 'Next: Billing') or ./@title = 'Next: Billing')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Next: Billing'] | .//button[(((./@id = 'Next: Billing' or ./@value = 'Next: Billing') or normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Next: Billing') or ./@title = 'Next: Billing')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Next: Billing'])"
Started "FindXpath(.//input[./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'reset' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'button'][((./@id = 'Next: Billing' or ./@value = 'Next: Billing') or ./@title = 'Next: Billing')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Next: Billing'] | .//button[(((./@id = 'Next: Billing' or ./@value = 'Next: Billing') or normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Next: Billing') or ./@title = 'Next: Billing')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Next: Billing'])"
Finished "FindXpath(.//input[./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'reset' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'button'][((./@id = 'Next: Billing' or ./@value = 'Next: Billing') or ./@title = 'Next: Billing')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Next: Billing'] | .//button[(((./@id = 'Next: Billing' or ./@value = 'Next: Billing') or normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Next: Billing') or ./@title = 'Next: Billing')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Next: Billing'])" with response "Success(51)"
Wrote response true "51"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(button)"
Wrote response true "button"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.leftClick"
Started "Node.leftClick"
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Finished "Node.leftClick" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Details %7C Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&t0=change&n0=input&c0=input-text__input--populated&i0=booking-form-field__contactEmail& button--primary event-primary-button-color a-booking-form-reservation-next-button& BILLING&tm=1453589945941"
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received "FindCss(.booking-payment-info)"
Started "FindCss(.booking-payment-info)"
Finished "FindCss(.booking-payment-info)" with response "Success(52)"
Wrote response true "52"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(53)"
Wrote response true "53"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(input)"
Wrote response true "input"
Received 200 from " Doe&callback=_hpjsonpcallback"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.set"
Started "Node.set"
Finished "Node.set" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&tm=1453589946041"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Details %7C Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Step&k0=billing&t0=Booking Form Step Change&tm=1453589946066"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCardholderName&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946078"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCardholderName&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946081"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCardholderName&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946084"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCardholderName&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946086"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCardholderName&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946088"
Received 200 from ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(54)"
Wrote response true "54"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(select)"
Wrote response true "select"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(55)"
Wrote response true "55"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(option)"
Wrote response true "option"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(56)"
Wrote response true "56"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(select)"
Wrote response true "select"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.selectOption"
Started "Node.selectOption"
Finished "Node.selectOption" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(57)"
Wrote response true "57"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(select)"
Wrote response true "select"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(58)"
Wrote response true "58"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(option)"
Wrote response true "option"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(59)"
Wrote response true "59"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(select)"
Wrote response true "select"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.selectOption"
Started "Node.selectOption"
Finished "Node.selectOption" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Started request to ""
Received "FrameFocus(ccframe)"
Started "FrameFocus(ccframe)"
Finished "FrameFocus(ccframe)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindXpath(.//*[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')][(((./@id = 'Credit Card Number' or ./@name = 'Credit Card Number') or ./@placeholder = 'Credit Card Number') or ./@id = //label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Credit Card Number']/@for)] | .//label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Credit Card Number']//.//*[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')])"
Started "FindXpath(.//*[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')][(((./@id = 'Credit Card Number' or ./@name = 'Credit Card Number') or ./@placeholder = 'Credit Card Number') or ./@id = //label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Credit Card Number']/@for)] | .//label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Credit Card Number']//.//*[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')])"
Finished "FindXpath(.//*[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')][(((./@id = 'Credit Card Number' or ./@name = 'Credit Card Number') or ./@placeholder = 'Credit Card Number') or ./@id = //label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Credit Card Number']/@for)] | .//label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Credit Card Number']//.//*[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')])" with response "Success(1)"
Wrote response true "1"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(input)"
Wrote response true "input"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.set"
Started "Node.set"
Finished "Node.set" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&t0=change&n0=input&c0=input-text__input--populated&i0=booking-form-field__paymentCardholderName& - Jan02 - Feb03 - Mar04 - Apr05 - May06 - Jun07 - Jul08 - Aug&t2=change&n2=select&i2=booking-form-field__paymentCreditCardExpirationMonth& - Mar&tm=1453589946740"
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946742"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946748"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946750"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946748"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946750"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946751"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946751"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946752"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946753"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946754"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946757"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946756"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946757"
Started request to ""
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946758"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946758"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946759"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946760"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946759"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946760"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946761"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946761"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946763"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946762"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946762"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946763"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946764"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946765"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946766"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&t0=click&n0=select&i0=booking-form-field__paymentCreditCardExpirationYear& Id&k3=1&k3=Event Slug&k3=integration-test-ca982994&k3=Hotel Id&k3=700416068&k3=Field Name&k3=paymentCreditCardNumber&t3=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589947032"
Received "FindXpath(.//*[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')][(((./@id = 'Security Code' or ./@name = 'Security Code') or ./@placeholder = 'Security Code') or ./@id = //label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Security Code']/@for)] | .//label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Security Code']//.//*[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')])"
Started "FindXpath(.//*[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')][(((./@id = 'Security Code' or ./@name = 'Security Code') or ./@placeholder = 'Security Code') or ./@id = //label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Security Code']/@for)] | .//label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Security Code']//.//*[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')])"
Finished "FindXpath(.//*[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')][(((./@id = 'Security Code' or ./@name = 'Security Code') or ./@placeholder = 'Security Code') or ./@id = //label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Security Code']/@for)] | .//label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Security Code']//.//*[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')])" with response "Success(2)"
Wrote response true "2"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Started request to ""
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(input)"
Wrote response true "input"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.set"
Started "Node.set"
Finished "Node.set" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589947824"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589947825"
Started request to "!createMapedCC.action"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardSecurityCode&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589947827"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=pciPaymentToken&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589947826"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardSecurityCode&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589947828"
Received "FrameFocus()"
Started "FrameFocus()"
Finished "FrameFocus()" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Started request to ""
Received "FindCss(.booking-billing-address)"
Started "FindCss(.booking-billing-address)"
Finished "FindCss(.booking-billing-address)" with response "Success(60)"
Wrote response true "60"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(61)"
Wrote response true "61"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(input)"
Wrote response true "input"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.set"
Started "Node.set"
Finished "Node.set" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Warning: Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop. Check the render method of `BookingReviewStep`. See for more information.
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardSecurityCode&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589948024"
Received 200 from "!createMapedCC.action"
Started request to ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started request to "!createMapedCC.action"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(62)"
Wrote response true "62"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=pciPaymentToken&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589948558"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
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Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.set"
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Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from "!createMapedCC.action"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
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Wrote response true "63"
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Wrote response true ""
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Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
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Wrote response true "67"
Received "Node.visible"
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Wrote response true "true"
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Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
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Wrote response true "68"
Received "Node.visible"
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Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
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Wrote response true "option"
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Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
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Wrote response true "69"
Received "Node.tagName"
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Wrote response true "select"
Received "Node.attribute"
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Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.selectOption"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindXpath(.//input[./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'reset' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'button'][((./@id = 'Next: Review' or ./@value = 'Next: Review') or ./@title = 'Next: Review')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Next: Review'] | .//button[(((./@id = 'Next: Review' or ./@value = 'Next: Review') or normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Next: Review') or ./@title = 'Next: Review')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Next: Review'])"
Started "FindXpath(.//input[./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'reset' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'button'][((./@id = 'Next: Review' or ./@value = 'Next: Review') or ./@title = 'Next: Review')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Next: Review'] | .//button[(((./@id = 'Next: Review' or ./@value = 'Next: Review') or normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Next: Review') or ./@title = 'Next: Review')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Next: Review'])"
Finished "FindXpath(.//input[./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'reset' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'button'][((./@id = 'Next: Review' or ./@value = 'Next: Review') or ./@title = 'Next: Review')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Next: Review'] | .//button[(((./@id = 'Next: Review' or ./@value = 'Next: Review') or normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Next: Review') or ./@title = 'Next: Review')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Next: Review'])" with response "Success(70)"
Wrote response true "70"
Received "Node.visible"
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Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
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Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(button)"
Wrote response true "button"
Received "Node.attribute"
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Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.leftClick"
Started "Node.leftClick"
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Finished "Node.leftClick" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&t0=change&n0=input&c0=input-text__input--populated&i0=booking-form-field__paymentBillingAddressStreet& StatesCanadaUnited KingdomAfghanistanAlbaniaAlgeriaAmeric&tm=1453589950043"
Received "FindXpath(.//input[./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'reset' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'button'][((./@id = 'Agree & Book' or ./@value = 'Agree & Book') or ./@title = 'Agree & Book')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Agree & Book'] | .//button[(((./@id = 'Agree & Book' or ./@value = 'Agree & Book') or normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Agree & Book') or ./@title = 'Agree & Book')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Agree & Book'])"
Started "FindXpath(.//input[./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'reset' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'button'][((./@id = 'Agree & Book' or ./@value = 'Agree & Book') or ./@title = 'Agree & Book')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Agree & Book'] | .//button[(((./@id = 'Agree & Book' or ./@value = 'Agree & Book') or normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Agree & Book') or ./@title = 'Agree & Book')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Agree & Book'])"
Finished "FindXpath(.//input[./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'reset' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'button'][((./@id = 'Agree & Book' or ./@value = 'Agree & Book') or ./@title = 'Agree & Book')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Agree & Book'] | .//button[(((./@id = 'Agree & Book' or ./@value = 'Agree & Book') or normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Agree & Book') or ./@title = 'Agree & Book')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Agree & Book'])" with response "Success(71)"
Wrote response true "71"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(button)"
Wrote response true "button"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.leftClick"
Started "Node.leftClick"
Started request to ""
Started request to "http://localhost:5000/book_with_hosted_pci"
Finished "Node.leftClick" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from " Test %7C Review&tm=1453589950188"
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
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Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(72)"
Wrote response true "72"
Received "Node.visible"
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Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:5000/book_with_hosted_pci"
Started request to "http://localhost:5000/book_with_hosted_pci"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&t0=change&n0=select&i0=booking-form-field__paymentBillingAddressCountry& States&t2=click&n2=select&i2=booking-form-field__paymentBillingAddressState&"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&t0=click&n0=button&c0=button button--primary event-primary-button-color a-booking-form-billing-next-button& REVIEW&k1=Event Slug&k1=integration-test-ca982994&k1=Hotel Id&k1=700416068&k1=Step&k1=review&t1=Booking Form Step Change&tm=1453589950216"
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(73)"
Wrote response true "73"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(74)"
Wrote response true "74"
Received "Node.visible"
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Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Review&t0=click&n0=button&c0=button button--primary event-primary-button-color a-booking-form-review-agree-and-book-button& %26 BOOK&k1=Event Id&k1=1&k1=Event Slug&k1=integration-test-ca982994&k1=Hotel Id&k1=700416068&t1=Booking Submit&tm=1453589950237"
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(75)"
Wrote response true "75"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(76)"
Wrote response true "76"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(77)"
Wrote response true "77"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(78)"
Wrote response true "78"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(79)"
Wrote response true "79"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(80)"
Wrote response true "80"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received 200 from ""
Started request to ""
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(81)"
Wrote response true "81"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(82)"
Wrote response true "82"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(83)"
Wrote response true "83"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(84)"
Wrote response true "84"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(85)"
Wrote response true "85"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(86)"
Wrote response true "86"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(87)"
Wrote response true "87"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(88)"
Wrote response true "88"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
http://localhost:4000/events/integration-test-ca982994/hotels/700416068/booking/review/?arrivalDate=2016-07-20&departureDate=2016-07-22&epicenterLabel=Las%20Vegas%2C%20NV&eventLatitude=36.1699&eventLongitude=-115.14&latitude=36.1699&longitude=-115.14&maxRate&minRate&minRating=5&minStars=2&numberOfRooms=1&page=1&pageSize=24&searchRadius=25&sort=proximityAsc|0|WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed: WebSocket is closed before the connection is established.
An error occurred in an after hook
EOFError: end of file reached
occurred at /Users/robinclowers/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.2@cid-integration-tests/gems/capybara-webkit-1.7.1/lib/capybara/webkit/connection.rb:55:in `read_nonblock'
An error occurred in an after hook
Capybara::Webkit::CrashError: The webkit_server process crashed!
Broken pipe
This is a bug in capybara-webkit. For help with this crash, please visit:
occurred at /Users/robinclowers/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.2@cid-integration-tests/gems/capybara-webkit-1.7.1/lib/capybara/webkit/browser.rb:215:in `rescue in command'
Finished "EnableLogging()" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "SetTimeout(-1)"
Started "SetTimeout(-1)"
Finished "SetTimeout(-1)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "AllowUrl(*)"
Started "AllowUrl(*)"
Finished "AllowUrl(*)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "BlockUrl("
Started "BlockUrl("
Finished "BlockUrl(" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindXpath(/html/body/*)"
Started "FindXpath(/html/body/*)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html/body/*)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
1) booking a room can book a room for the given event
Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_content("You're all set for Integration Test at")
end of file reached
 # ./spec/book_hotel_spec.rb:52:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
Finished in 26.03 seconds
1 example, 1 failure
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/book_hotel_spec.rb:5 inished "EnableLogging()" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "SetTimeout(-1)"
Started "SetTimeout(-1)"
Finished "SetTimeout(-1)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "AllowUrl(*)"
Started "AllowUrl(*)"
Finished "AllowUrl(*)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "BlockUrl("
Started "BlockUrl("
Finished "BlockUrl(" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Version()"
Started "Version()"
Finished "Version()" with response "Success(Qt: 5.5.0\nWebKit: 538.1\nQtWebKit: 5.5.0)"
Wrote response true "Qt: 5.5.0\nWebKit: 538.1\nQtWebKit: 5.5.0"
Capybara: 2.5.0
capybara-webkit: 1.7.1
Qt: 5.5.0
WebKit: 538.1
QtWebKit: 5.5.0
Received "Visit(http://localhost:4000/events/integration-test-ca982994/?&)"
Started "Visit(http://localhost:4000/events/integration-test-ca982994/?&)"
Load started
"Visit(http://localhost:4000/events/integration-test-ca982994/?&)" started page load
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/events/integration-test-ca982994/?&"
Finished "Visit(http://localhost:4000/events/integration-test-ca982994/?&)" with response "Success()"
Started request to ""
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/js/application.js"
Started request to ""
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/css/application.css"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/events/integration-test-ca982994/?&"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/css/application.css"
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/browser-sync/browser-sync-client.2.10.1.js"
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/images/loading.gif"
Received 200 from ""
Started request to ";jaf-bernina-sans,2,ZtZ:W:i3,Ztc:W:i4,Ztk:W:i8,Ztb:W:n4,Ztj:W:n8/d?3bb2a6e53c9684ffdc9a98f71f5b2a62bc5e6c08d76a27c2c8c99083c7f645b32ba89ba457bd81c4988b7b9b6b4118693d370438e0156b8253792b5ebdd187012ad419b7a5b7115592116941554af617d94fe8347ffeb818c72fa0898266857a5965671c56134c0e9711f173a739ede0882c068bafadf1e9e6ed69e412acedb81f64f6d7713c942a32e56a263d38c8d148d2e83a7ea86f2a9c30febabbcc80ce4c8e80b953b7fa1cc3eb76e7f65e30e1abcb98e5eebbd693bb28f1f8933e45f03e07db8b0486aa6c6b166714ad4a2e2decf2ad7840fd19"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/js/application.js"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/browser-sync/browser-sync-client.2.10.1.js"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/images/loading.gif"
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/js/2.js"
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/js/6.js"
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/js/7.js"
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/js/8.js"
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Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
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Started request to ""
Received 200 from ""
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Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from ""
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Received "Node.visible"
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Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
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Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "Node.visible"
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Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
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Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.leftClick"
Started "Node.leftClick"
Finished "Node.leftClick" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to "http://localhost:5000/hotels/information?hotelId=700416068"
Received 200 from ""
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/images/loading.gif"
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from "!1m5!1m4!1i15!2i5903!3i12847!4i256!2m3!1e0!2sm!3i336004780!3m14!2sen-US!3sUS!5e18!12m1!1e47!12m3!1e37!2m1!1ssmartmaps!12m4!1e26!2m2!1sstyles!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!4e0&token=117052"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from "!1m5!1m4!1i15!2i5902!3i12847!4i256!2m3!1e0!2sm!3i336004876!3m14!2sen-US!3sUS!5e18!12m1!1e47!12m3!1e37!2m1!1ssmartmaps!12m4!1e26!2m2!1sstyles!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!4e0&token=79167"
Received 200 from "!1m5!1m4!1i15!2i5902!3i12848!4i256!2m3!1e0!2sm!3i336004876!3m14!2sen-US!3sUS!5e18!12m1!1e47!12m3!1e37!2m1!1ssmartmaps!12m4!1e26!2m2!1sstyles!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!4e0&token=73240"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from "!1m5!1m4!1i15!2i5903!3i12848!4i256!2m3!1e0!2sm!3i336004780!3m14!2sen-US!3sUS!5e18!12m1!1e47!12m3!1e37!2m1!1ssmartmaps!12m4!1e26!2m2!1sstyles!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!4e0&token=111125"
Received 200 from ""
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Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/images/loading.gif"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:5000/hotels/information?hotelId=700416068"
Started request to "http://localhost:5000/hotels/information?hotelId=700416068"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from "!1m5!1m4!1i15!2i5904!3i12847!4i256!2m3!1e0!2sm!3i336004780!3m14!2sen-US!3sUS!5e18!12m1!1e47!12m3!1e37!2m1!1ssmartmaps!12m4!1e26!2m2!1sstyles!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!4e0&token=17464"
Received 200 from ""
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Received 204 from ",v:23,r:1,mt:m,c:36.170195%2C-115.14045,sp:0.00655x0.01652,size:385x189,relsize:0.04,token:7a7z45jmy9,src:apiv3,ts:rpx4f7"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from " line-clamp line-clamp--2&h0=%2Fevents%2Fintegration-test-ca982994%2Fhotels%2F700416068%2F%3FarrivalDate%3D2016-07-20%26departureDate%3D2016-07-22%26epicenterLabel%3DLas%2520Vegas%252C%2520NV%26eventLatitude%3D36.1699%26eventLongitude%3D-115.14%26latitude%3D36.1699%26longitude%3D-115.14%26maxRate%26minRate%26minRating%3D5%26minStars%3D2%26numberOfRooms%3D1%26page%3D1%26pageSize%3D24%26searchRadius%3D25%26sort%3DproximityAsc&y0=%40div%3B%23app%3B%7C%40div%3B%7C%40div%3B%7C%40div%3B%7C%40div%3B%7C%40div%3B.content-wrapper%3B%7C%40div%3B.content-container%3B%7C%40div%3B.hotel-search-grid%3B%7C%40div%3B.hotel-list%3B%7C%40div%3B.hotel-search-results%3B%7C%40ul%3B.hotel-list-search-results%3B%7C%40li%3B.hotel-card%3B%7C%40a%3B%7C%40div%3B.hotel-card__bottom%3B%7C%40div%3B.hotel-card__bottom-title%3B.line-clamp%3B.line-clamp--2%3B%7C&x0=Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&tm=1453589940774"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Results&tm=1453589940776"
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Results&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&t0=Hotel Viewed&tm=1453589940793"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from "http://localhost:5000/hotels/information?hotelId=700416068"
Started request to "http://localhost:5000/hotels/rooms_no_contract?hotel_id=700416068&check_in=2016-07-20&check_out=2016-07-22&num_rooms=1"
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/svg-sprite.svg"
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/images/poweredbyfoursquare.png"
Started request to ""
Started request to ",10_2_0,11_1_0,11_4_0,11_5_0,11_7_0,11_8_0,11_9_0,11_10_0,11_11_0,11_12_0,11_13_0,11_14_U,11_15_0,11_16_0&rt=visreq.149"
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ",v:23,r:1,mt:m,c:36.171638%2C-115.141945,sp:0.00728x0.02575,size:1200x420,relsize:0.29,token:7a7z45jmy9,src:apiv3,ts:rpx546"
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/images/loading.gif"
Started request to ""
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/images/map-food.png"
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/images/map-drink.png"
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from "http://localhost:5000/hotels/rooms_no_contract?hotel_id=700416068&check_in=2016-07-20&check_out=2016-07-22&num_rooms=1"
Started request to "http://localhost:5000/hotels/rooms_no_contract?hotel_id=700416068&check_in=2016-07-20&check_out=2016-07-22&num_rooms=1"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 204 from ",v:23,r:1,mt:m,c:36.171638%2C-115.141945,sp:0.00728x0.02575,size:1200x420,relsize:0.29,token:7a7z45jmy9,src:apiv3,ts:rpx546"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/images/loading.gif"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/images/poweredbyfoursquare.png"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/images/map-food.png"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/svg-sprite.svg"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/images/map-drink.png"
Received 204 from ",10_2_0,11_1_0,11_4_0,11_5_0,11_7_0,11_8_0,11_9_0,11_10_0,11_11_0,11_12_0,11_13_0,11_14_U,11_15_0,11_16_0&rt=visreq.149"
Started request to ",10_2_0,11_1_0,11_4_0,11_5_0,11_7_0,11_8_0,11_9_0,11_10_0,11_11_0,11_12_0,11_13_0,11_14_U,11_15_0,11_16_0&rt=visres.280"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Started request to ""
Started request to "!1m5!1m4!1i16!2i11806!3i25695!4i256!2m3!1e0!2sm!3i336004780!3m14!2sen-US!3sUS!5e18!12m1!1e47!12m3!1e37!2m1!1ssmartmaps!12m4!1e26!2m2!1sstyles!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!4e0&token=44880"
Started request to "!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11804!3i25695!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11805!3i25695!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11806!3i25695!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11807!3i25695!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11804!3i25696!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11804!3i25697!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11805!3i25696!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11805!3i25697!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11806!3i25696!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11806!3i25697!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11807!3i25696!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11807!3i25697!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11808!3i25695!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11809!3i25695!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11808!3i25696!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11808!3i25697!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11809!3i25696!1m4!1m3!1i16!2i11809!3i25697!2m3!1e0!2sm!3i336004997!3m14!2sen-US!3sUS!5e18!12m1!1e47!12m3!1e37!2m1!1ssmartmaps!12m4!1e26!2m2!1sstyles!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!4e3!12m1!5b1&callback=_xdc_._xqjhy1&token=13257"
Started request to "!1m5!1m4!1i16!2i11807!3i25695!4i256!2m3!1e0!2sm!3i336004780!3m14!2sen-US!3sUS!5e18!12m1!1e47!12m3!1e37!2m1!1ssmartmaps!12m4!1e26!2m2!1sstyles!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!4e0&token=76363"
Started request to "!1m5!1m4!1i16!2i11805!3i25695!4i256!2m3!1e0!2sm!3i336004732!3m14!2sen-US!3sUS!5e18!12m1!1e47!12m3!1e37!2m1!1ssmartmaps!12m4!1e26!2m2!1sstyles!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!4e0&token=102095"
Started request to "!1m5!1m4!1i16!2i11808!3i25695!4i256!2m3!1e0!2sm!3i336004780!3m14!2sen-US!3sUS!5e18!12m1!1e47!12m3!1e37!2m1!1ssmartmaps!12m4!1e26!2m2!1sstyles!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!4e0&token=107846"
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Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
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Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Started request to ",10_2_0,11_1_0,11_4_0,11_5_0,11_7_0,11_8_0,11_9_0,11_10_0,11_11_0,11_12_0,11_13_0,11_14_U,11_15_0,11_16_0&rt=tilesloaded.397,allpixels.397"
Received 204 from ",10_2_0,11_1_0,11_4_0,11_5_0,11_7_0,11_8_0,11_9_0,11_10_0,11_11_0,11_12_0,11_13_0,11_14_U,11_15_0,11_16_0&rt=firsttile.352,firstpixel.352"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 204 from ",10_2_0,11_1_0,11_4_0,11_5_0,11_7_0,11_8_0,11_9_0,11_10_0,11_11_0,11_12_0,11_13_0,11_14_U,11_15_0,11_16_0&rt=tilesloaded.397,allpixels.397"
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
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Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from "http://localhost:5000/hotels/rooms_no_contract?hotel_id=700416068&check_in=2016-07-20&check_out=2016-07-22&num_rooms=1"
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Started "FindCss(.room-types__list)"
Finished "FindCss(.room-types__list)" with response "Success(25)"
Wrote response true "25"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(26,27,28,29,30,31,32)"
Wrote response true "26,27,28,29,30,31,32"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.leftClick"
Started "Node.leftClick"
Started request to "http://localhost:5000/booking_contract?arrivalDate=2016-07-20&bookingId=HRLM--0EXdpKfY0riyzbeq23dwd3Ouj4GVn2e1ubms1cmvxYjKpqLX2Gd9epKMyHdid5XMt5jS47GkxqSq5bmbd12NhHfJw5qVm42IyZqyhlSfdGvSqXZ2kXd0qIJmglONb1XW26qmw6Sw5Hdwd1WbdGmgo3xwinVponeZvYjOrpLi6Lllkmd5poZsglOicGWllXFlyrS248hYj0WcZV%252AV1Km4xLm6mI9Yh0WXZZbb3LGnyqq1mI9mgUXTsqfY366nt7W35HdwjFObd2Spo3t7hGe65cqouIjKpqjl5aqxu75psHeLqGeNb1XX3LizxKbA1birx5XQsZbslX9lrZiLmIFYvZLfqJ_c16S3en9pqo5pjlONwA..&departureDate=2016-07-22&hotelId=700416068"
Finished "Node.leftClick" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/js/3.js"
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/js/4.js"
Started request to ""
Received "FindCss(.t-booking-contact-details)"
Started "FindCss(.t-booking-contact-details)"
Finished "FindCss(.t-booking-contact-details)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.t-booking-contact-details)"
Started "FindCss(.t-booking-contact-details)"
Finished "FindCss(.t-booking-contact-details)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from "http://localhost:5000/booking_contract?arrivalDate=2016-07-20&bookingId=HRLM--0EXdpKfY0riyzbeq23dwd3Ouj4GVn2e1ubms1cmvxYjKpqLX2Gd9epKMyHdid5XMt5jS47GkxqSq5bmbd12NhHfJw5qVm42IyZqyhlSfdGvSqXZ2kXd0qIJmglONb1XW26qmw6Sw5Hdwd1WbdGmgo3xwinVponeZvYjOrpLi6Lllkmd5poZsglOicGWllXFlyrS248hYj0WcZV%252AV1Km4xLm6mI9Yh0WXZZbb3LGnyqq1mI9mgUXTsqfY366nt7W35HdwjFObd2Spo3t7hGe65cqouIjKpqjl5aqxu75psHeLqGeNb1XX3LizxKbA1birx5XQsZbslX9lrZiLmIFYvZLfqJ_c16S3en9pqo5pjlONwA..&departureDate=2016-07-22&hotelId=700416068"
Started request to "http://localhost:5000/booking_contract?arrivalDate=2016-07-20&bookingId=HRLM--0EXdpKfY0riyzbeq23dwd3Ouj4GVn2e1ubms1cmvxYjKpqLX2Gd9epKMyHdid5XMt5jS47GkxqSq5bmbd12NhHfJw5qVm42IyZqyhlSfdGvSqXZ2kXd0qIJmglONb1XW26qmw6Sw5Hdwd1WbdGmgo3xwinVponeZvYjOrpLi6Lllkmd5poZsglOicGWllXFlyrS248hYj0WcZV%252AV1Km4xLm6mI9Yh0WXZZbb3LGnyqq1mI9mgUXTsqfY366nt7W35HdwjFObd2Spo3t7hGe65cqouIjKpqjl5aqxu75psHeLqGeNb1XX3LizxKbA1birx5XQsZbslX9lrZiLmIFYvZLfqJ_c16S3en9pqo5pjlONwA..&departureDate=2016-07-22&hotelId=700416068"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/js/3.js"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/js/4.js"
Warning: Failed propType: Required prop `numberOfRooms` was not specified in `BookingGuestInfo`. Check the render method of `Connect(BookingGuestInfo)`.
Received 200 from ""
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/svg-sprite.svg"
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/payment_amex.svg"
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/payment_discover.svg"
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/payment_mastercard.svg"
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/payment_visa.svg"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Results&t0=click&n0=a&c0=button button--primary room-type__button-book event-primary-button-color&h0=%2Fevents%2Fintegration-test-ca982994%2Fhotels%2F700416068%2Fbooking%2Freservation%2F&"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Details %7C Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&tm=1453589942956"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/payment_discover.svg"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/payment_amex.svg"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/svg-sprite.svg"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/payment_mastercard.svg"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/payment_visa.svg"
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received "FindCss(.t-booking-contact-details)"
Started "FindCss(.t-booking-contact-details)"
Finished "FindCss(.t-booking-contact-details)" with response "Success(33)"
Wrote response true "33"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(34)"
Wrote response true "34"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(input)"
Wrote response true "input"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.set"
Started "Node.set"
Finished "Node.set" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(35)"
Wrote response true "35"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(input)"
Wrote response true "input"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.set"
Started "Node.set"
Finished "Node.set" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Warning: setState(...): Can only update a mounted or mounting component. This usually means you called setState() on an unmounted component. This is a no-op. Please check the code for the Hotel component.
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(36)"
Wrote response true "36"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(input)"
Wrote response true "input"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.set"
Started "Node.set"
Started request to ""
Finished "Node.set" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Details %7C Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&t0=change&n0=input&c0=input-text__input--populated&i0=booking-form-field__contactFirstName& Id&k2=1&k2=Event Slug&k2=integration-test-ca982994&k2=Hotel Id&k2=700416068&k2=Field Name&k2=contactEmail&t2=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589943614"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Details %7C Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=contactEmail&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589943619"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Details %7C Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=contactEmail&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589943622"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Details %7C Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=contactEmail&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589943626"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Details %7C Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=contactEmail&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589943631"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Details %7C Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=contactEmail&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589943638"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Details %7C Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=contactEmail&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589943644"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Details %7C Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=contactEmail&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589943648"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Details %7C Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=contactEmail&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589943654"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Details %7C Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=contactEmail&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589943687"
Load started
Started request to "!ccFrame.action?pgmode1=prod&locationName=checkout1&sid=529200&fullParentHost=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A4000&fullParentQStr=/&reportCCType=Y&cvvValidate=Y&pluginMode=jq2&reportCCDigits=Y&reportCVVDigits=Y"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
"TimeoutCommand" waiting for load to finish
Started request to ""
Received 200 from "!ccFrame.action?pgmode1=prod&locationName=checkout1&sid=529200&fullParentHost=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A4000&fullParentQStr=/&reportCCType=Y&cvvValidate=Y&pluginMode=jq2&reportCCDigits=Y&reportCVVDigits=Y"
Received 200 from ""
Page finished with true
Load finished
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(37)"
Wrote response true "37"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(input)"
Wrote response true "input"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.set"
Started "Node.set"
Finished "Node.set" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Started "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Finished "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)" with response "Success(38)"
Wrote response true "38"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Started "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Finished "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)" with response "Success(39)"
Wrote response true "39"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Started "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Finished "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)" with response "Success(40)"
Wrote response true "40"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Started "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Finished "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)" with response "Success(41)"
Wrote response true "41"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Started "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Finished "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)" with response "Success(42)"
Wrote response true "42"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Started "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Finished "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)" with response "Success(43)"
Wrote response true "43"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Started "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Finished "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)" with response "Success(44)"
Wrote response true "44"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Started "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Finished "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)" with response "Success(45)"
Wrote response true "45"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Started request to ""
Received "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Started "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Finished "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)" with response "Success(46)"
Wrote response true "46"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Started "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Finished "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)" with response "Success(47)"
Wrote response true "47"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from "http://localhost:5000/booking_contract?arrivalDate=2016-07-20&bookingId=HRLM--0EXdpKfY0riyzbeq23dwd3Ouj4GVn2e1ubms1cmvxYjKpqLX2Gd9epKMyHdid5XMt5jS47GkxqSq5bmbd12NhHfJw5qVm42IyZqyhlSfdGvSqXZ2kXd0qIJmglONb1XW26qmw6Sw5Hdwd1WbdGmgo3xwinVponeZvYjOrpLi6Lllkmd5poZsglOicGWllXFlyrS248hYj0WcZV%252AV1Km4xLm6mI9Yh0WXZZbb3LGnyqq1mI9mgUXTsqfY366nt7W35HdwjFObd2Spo3t7hGe65cqouIjKpqjl5aqxu75psHeLqGeNb1XX3LizxKbA1birx5XQsZbslX9lrZiLmIFYvZLfqJ_c16S3en9pqo5pjlONwA..&departureDate=2016-07-22&hotelId=700416068"
Received "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Started request to "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/svg-sprite.svg"
Started "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)"
Finished "FindCss(.booking-room-occupants)" with response "Success(48)"
Wrote response true "48"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:4000/assets/svg/svg-sprite.svg"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(49)"
Wrote response true "49"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(input)"
Wrote response true "input"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.set"
Started "Node.set"
Finished "Node.set" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(50)"
Wrote response true "50"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(input)"
Wrote response true "input"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.set"
Started "Node.set"
Finished "Node.set" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindXpath(.//input[./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'reset' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'button'][((./@id = 'Next: Billing' or ./@value = 'Next: Billing') or ./@title = 'Next: Billing')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Next: Billing'] | .//button[(((./@id = 'Next: Billing' or ./@value = 'Next: Billing') or normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Next: Billing') or ./@title = 'Next: Billing')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Next: Billing'])"
Started "FindXpath(.//input[./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'reset' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'button'][((./@id = 'Next: Billing' or ./@value = 'Next: Billing') or ./@title = 'Next: Billing')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Next: Billing'] | .//button[(((./@id = 'Next: Billing' or ./@value = 'Next: Billing') or normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Next: Billing') or ./@title = 'Next: Billing')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Next: Billing'])"
Finished "FindXpath(.//input[./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'reset' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'button'][((./@id = 'Next: Billing' or ./@value = 'Next: Billing') or ./@title = 'Next: Billing')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Next: Billing'] | .//button[(((./@id = 'Next: Billing' or ./@value = 'Next: Billing') or normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Next: Billing') or ./@title = 'Next: Billing')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Next: Billing'])" with response "Success(51)"
Wrote response true "51"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(button)"
Wrote response true "button"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.leftClick"
Started "Node.leftClick"
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Finished "Node.leftClick" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Details %7C Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&t0=change&n0=input&c0=input-text__input--populated&i0=booking-form-field__contactEmail& button--primary event-primary-button-color a-booking-form-reservation-next-button& BILLING&tm=1453589945941"
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received "FindCss(.booking-payment-info)"
Started "FindCss(.booking-payment-info)"
Finished "FindCss(.booking-payment-info)" with response "Success(52)"
Wrote response true "52"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(53)"
Wrote response true "53"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(input)"
Wrote response true "input"
Received 200 from " Doe&callback=_hpjsonpcallback"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.set"
Started "Node.set"
Finished "Node.set" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&tm=1453589946041"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Hotel Details %7C Downtown Grand Hotel %26 Casino&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Step&k0=billing&t0=Booking Form Step Change&tm=1453589946066"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCardholderName&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946078"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCardholderName&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946081"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCardholderName&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946084"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCardholderName&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946086"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCardholderName&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946088"
Received 200 from ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(54)"
Wrote response true "54"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(select)"
Wrote response true "select"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(55)"
Wrote response true "55"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(option)"
Wrote response true "option"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(56)"
Wrote response true "56"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(select)"
Wrote response true "select"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.selectOption"
Started "Node.selectOption"
Finished "Node.selectOption" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(57)"
Wrote response true "57"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(select)"
Wrote response true "select"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(58)"
Wrote response true "58"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(option)"
Wrote response true "option"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(59)"
Wrote response true "59"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(select)"
Wrote response true "select"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.selectOption"
Started "Node.selectOption"
Finished "Node.selectOption" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from ""
Started request to ""
Received "FrameFocus(ccframe)"
Started "FrameFocus(ccframe)"
Finished "FrameFocus(ccframe)" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindXpath(.//*[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')][(((./@id = 'Credit Card Number' or ./@name = 'Credit Card Number') or ./@placeholder = 'Credit Card Number') or ./@id = //label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Credit Card Number']/@for)] | .//label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Credit Card Number']//.//*[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')])"
Started "FindXpath(.//*[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')][(((./@id = 'Credit Card Number' or ./@name = 'Credit Card Number') or ./@placeholder = 'Credit Card Number') or ./@id = //label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Credit Card Number']/@for)] | .//label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Credit Card Number']//.//*[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')])"
Finished "FindXpath(.//*[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')][(((./@id = 'Credit Card Number' or ./@name = 'Credit Card Number') or ./@placeholder = 'Credit Card Number') or ./@id = //label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Credit Card Number']/@for)] | .//label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Credit Card Number']//.//*[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')])" with response "Success(1)"
Wrote response true "1"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(input)"
Wrote response true "input"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.set"
Started "Node.set"
Finished "Node.set" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&t0=change&n0=input&c0=input-text__input--populated&i0=booking-form-field__paymentCardholderName& - Jan02 - Feb03 - Mar04 - Apr05 - May06 - Jun07 - Jul08 - Aug&t2=change&n2=select&i2=booking-form-field__paymentCreditCardExpirationMonth& - Mar&tm=1453589946740"
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946742"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946748"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946750"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946748"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946750"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946751"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946751"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946752"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946753"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946754"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946757"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946756"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946757"
Started request to ""
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946758"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946758"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946759"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946760"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946759"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946760"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946761"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946761"
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946763"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946762"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946762"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946763"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946764"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946765"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589946766"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&t0=click&n0=select&i0=booking-form-field__paymentCreditCardExpirationYear& Id&k3=1&k3=Event Slug&k3=integration-test-ca982994&k3=Hotel Id&k3=700416068&k3=Field Name&k3=paymentCreditCardNumber&t3=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589947032"
Received "FindXpath(.//*[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')][(((./@id = 'Security Code' or ./@name = 'Security Code') or ./@placeholder = 'Security Code') or ./@id = //label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Security Code']/@for)] | .//label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Security Code']//.//*[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')])"
Started "FindXpath(.//*[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')][(((./@id = 'Security Code' or ./@name = 'Security Code') or ./@placeholder = 'Security Code') or ./@id = //label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Security Code']/@for)] | .//label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Security Code']//.//*[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')])"
Finished "FindXpath(.//*[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')][(((./@id = 'Security Code' or ./@name = 'Security Code') or ./@placeholder = 'Security Code') or ./@id = //label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Security Code']/@for)] | .//label[normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Security Code']//.//*[self::input | self::textarea][not(./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'radio' or ./@type = 'checkbox' or ./@type = 'hidden' or ./@type = 'file')])" with response "Success(2)"
Wrote response true "2"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Started request to ""
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(input)"
Wrote response true "input"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.set"
Started "Node.set"
Finished "Node.set" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardNumber&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589947824"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardType&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589947825"
Started request to "!createMapedCC.action"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardSecurityCode&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589947827"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=pciPaymentToken&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589947826"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardSecurityCode&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589947828"
Received "FrameFocus()"
Started "FrameFocus()"
Finished "FrameFocus()" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Started request to ""
Received "FindCss(.booking-billing-address)"
Started "FindCss(.booking-billing-address)"
Finished "FindCss(.booking-billing-address)" with response "Success(60)"
Wrote response true "60"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(61)"
Wrote response true "61"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(input)"
Wrote response true "input"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.set"
Started "Node.set"
Finished "Node.set" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Warning: Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop. Check the render method of `BookingReviewStep`. See for more information.
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=paymentCreditCardSecurityCode&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589948024"
Received 200 from "!createMapedCC.action"
Started request to ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
Started request to "!createMapedCC.action"
Started "Node.findXpathWithin"
Finished "Node.findXpathWithin" with response "Success(62)"
Wrote response true "62"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&k0=Event Id&k0=1&k0=Event Slug&k0=integration-test-ca982994&k0=Hotel Id&k0=700416068&k0=Field Name&k0=pciPaymentToken&t0=Booking Form Field Validation Error&tm=1453589948558"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
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Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.set"
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Wrote response true ""
Received 200 from "!createMapedCC.action"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
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Wrote response true "63"
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Wrote response true ""
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Wrote response true ""
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
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Wrote response true "67"
Received "Node.visible"
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Wrote response true "true"
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Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
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Wrote response true "68"
Received "Node.visible"
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Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
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Wrote response true "option"
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Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.findXpathWithin"
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Wrote response true "69"
Received "Node.tagName"
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Wrote response true "select"
Received "Node.attribute"
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Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.selectOption"
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Wrote response true ""
Received "FindXpath(.//input[./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'reset' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'button'][((./@id = 'Next: Review' or ./@value = 'Next: Review') or ./@title = 'Next: Review')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Next: Review'] | .//button[(((./@id = 'Next: Review' or ./@value = 'Next: Review') or normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Next: Review') or ./@title = 'Next: Review')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Next: Review'])"
Started "FindXpath(.//input[./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'reset' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'button'][((./@id = 'Next: Review' or ./@value = 'Next: Review') or ./@title = 'Next: Review')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Next: Review'] | .//button[(((./@id = 'Next: Review' or ./@value = 'Next: Review') or normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Next: Review') or ./@title = 'Next: Review')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Next: Review'])"
Finished "FindXpath(.//input[./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'reset' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'button'][((./@id = 'Next: Review' or ./@value = 'Next: Review') or ./@title = 'Next: Review')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Next: Review'] | .//button[(((./@id = 'Next: Review' or ./@value = 'Next: Review') or normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Next: Review') or ./@title = 'Next: Review')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Next: Review'])" with response "Success(70)"
Wrote response true "70"
Received "Node.visible"
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Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
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Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(button)"
Wrote response true "button"
Received "Node.attribute"
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Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.leftClick"
Started "Node.leftClick"
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Finished "Node.leftClick" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&t0=change&n0=input&c0=input-text__input--populated&i0=booking-form-field__paymentBillingAddressStreet& StatesCanadaUnited KingdomAfghanistanAlbaniaAlgeriaAmeric&tm=1453589950043"
Received "FindXpath(.//input[./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'reset' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'button'][((./@id = 'Agree & Book' or ./@value = 'Agree & Book') or ./@title = 'Agree & Book')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Agree & Book'] | .//button[(((./@id = 'Agree & Book' or ./@value = 'Agree & Book') or normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Agree & Book') or ./@title = 'Agree & Book')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Agree & Book'])"
Started "FindXpath(.//input[./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'reset' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'button'][((./@id = 'Agree & Book' or ./@value = 'Agree & Book') or ./@title = 'Agree & Book')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Agree & Book'] | .//button[(((./@id = 'Agree & Book' or ./@value = 'Agree & Book') or normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Agree & Book') or ./@title = 'Agree & Book')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Agree & Book'])"
Finished "FindXpath(.//input[./@type = 'submit' or ./@type = 'reset' or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'button'][((./@id = 'Agree & Book' or ./@value = 'Agree & Book') or ./@title = 'Agree & Book')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Agree & Book'] | .//button[(((./@id = 'Agree & Book' or ./@value = 'Agree & Book') or normalize-space(string(.)) = 'Agree & Book') or ./@title = 'Agree & Book')] | .//input[./@type = 'image'][./@alt = 'Agree & Book'])" with response "Success(71)"
Wrote response true "71"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.tagName"
Started "Node.tagName"
Finished "Node.tagName" with response "Success(button)"
Wrote response true "button"
Received "Node.attribute"
Started "Node.attribute"
Finished "Node.attribute" with response "Success(false)"
Wrote response true "false"
Received "Node.leftClick"
Started "Node.leftClick"
Started request to ""
Started request to "http://localhost:5000/book_with_hosted_pci"
Finished "Node.leftClick" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from " Test %7C Review&tm=1453589950188"
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
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Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(72)"
Wrote response true "72"
Received "Node.visible"
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Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received 200 from "http://localhost:5000/book_with_hosted_pci"
Started request to "http://localhost:5000/book_with_hosted_pci"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&t0=change&n0=select&i0=booking-form-field__paymentBillingAddressCountry& States&t2=click&n2=select&i2=booking-form-field__paymentBillingAddressState&"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Billing Information&t0=click&n0=button&c0=button button--primary event-primary-button-color a-booking-form-billing-next-button& REVIEW&k1=Event Slug&k1=integration-test-ca982994&k1=Hotel Id&k1=700416068&k1=Step&k1=review&t1=Booking Form Step Change&tm=1453589950216"
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(73)"
Wrote response true "73"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(74)"
Wrote response true "74"
Received "Node.visible"
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Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received 200 from " Test %7C Review&t0=click&n0=button&c0=button button--primary event-primary-button-color a-booking-form-review-agree-and-book-button& %26 BOOK&k1=Event Id&k1=1&k1=Event Slug&k1=integration-test-ca982994&k1=Hotel Id&k1=700416068&t1=Booking Submit&tm=1453589950237"
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(75)"
Wrote response true "75"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(76)"
Wrote response true "76"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(77)"
Wrote response true "77"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(78)"
Wrote response true "78"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(79)"
Wrote response true "79"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(80)"
Wrote response true "80"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received 200 from ""
Started request to ""
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(81)"
Wrote response true "81"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received 200 from ""
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(82)"
Wrote response true "82"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(83)"
Wrote response true "83"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(84)"
Wrote response true "84"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
Finished "Node.text" with response "Success(\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\u00A0(877)\u00A0477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\u00A0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \u00A92016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n)"
Wrote response true "\n< BACK TO HOTEL\nSummary\n\nDowntown Grand Hotel & Casino\n206 North 3rd Street\nLas Vegas, NV, United States 89101\nCheck-in:\nWednesday, Jul 20th at 12 AM\nCheck-out:\nFriday, Jul 22nd at 12 AM\n2 nights x 1 room$83.30\nTaxes and Fees$19.00\nTotal (USD)$102.30\nEvent admission is not included.\nCustomer Service\nIf you prefer to make this reservation on the phone, please call +1 (877) 477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nRESERVATIONBILLINGREVIEW\nWHO'S IN CHARGE?\nJohn Doe\\nDOWNTOWN GRAND HOTEL & CASINO ROOM DETAILS\n1 King - Non-Smoking - Deluxe\nRoom 1\nJohn Doe\nPAYMENT INFORMATION\nJohn Doe\n*************111\n123 4th St\nSomewhere, WA 12345\nUS\nBOOKING CONDITIONS\n\nRATE DESCRIPTION\nWebsaver - Full pre-payment required upon booking\nPROMO HAS BEEN APPLIED:\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nMANDATORY FEE\nThis hotel charges an additional $44.68 USD per room per stay. This fee will be charged to you directly by the hotel. Mandatory fees are not optional and typically cover items such as resort fees, energy charges or safe fees. The amount of the charge is subject to change.\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\nSpecial Discount 15% off Advance Purchase Negotiated Specials may be limited to certain dates and subject to availability.\nPRE-PAY POLICY\nThis hotel requires a deposit which will be charged to your credit card shortly after purchase. $102.3 will be charged to your credit card.\nROOM CHARGE DISCLOSURE\nYour credit card is charged the total cost at time of purchase. Prices and room availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nTo cancel this reservation, a $25 per room processing fee will be charged by this website. For the room type you've selected, you can cancel your reservation for a full refund up until noon on Monday, July 18th (local hotel time). If you decide to cancel your reservation anytime between noon on Monday, July 18th and noon on Wednesday, July 20th (local hotel time), the hotel requires payment for the first night's stay. You will be charged for the first night's stay including taxes and fees. Any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Refunds or cancellations are not available after noon local hotel time on your day of arrival (Wednesday, July 20th).\nGUARANTEE POLICY\nReservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. All rooms are booked for double occupancy (i.e. 2 adults) and accommodations for more than two adults are not guaranteed. The reservation holder must be 21 years of age or older. A valid ID and credit card must be presented at check-in. The credit card is required for any additional hotel specific service fees or incidental charges or fees that may by charged by the hotel to the customer at checkout. These charges may be mandatory (e.g., resort fees) or optional (parking, phone calls or mini-bar charges) and are not included in the room rate.\nBy clicking Agree & Book, I agree to the Booking Conditions, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.\nBooking...\nTRAVEL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE\n24 hours a day, 7 days a week\nTrouble booking? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-8596 and provide promo code HBC7473.\nAlready booked? Call\xC2\xA0(877)\xC2\xA0""477-7441.\nCuradora is the official hotel accommodations partner for\xC2\xA0 Integration Test , 07/20/2016 - 07/21/2016 at The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV\nTravel FAQs\nBecome a Curadora Partner\nLike us on Facebook\nFollow us on Twitter\nCuradora, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \xC2\xA9""2016Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions\n"
Received "FindXpath(/html)"
Started "FindXpath(/html)"
Finished "FindXpath(/html)" with response "Success(85)"
Wrote response true "85"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.text"
Started "Node.text"
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