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Created September 6, 2016 07:25
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$(document).ready(function() {
var player = {
level: 1,
gold: 0,
experience: 0,
summons: 30,
summonbosscounter: 0,
summoninterval: 10000,
head: {},
chest: {},
leg: {},
boot: {},
ring: {},
talisman: {},
necklace: {},
weapon: {},
wrist: {},
shoulder: {},
book: {},
glove: {},
totalHealth: 0,
totalMana: 0,
totalDodge: 0,
totalMagicPow: 0,
totalDamage: 0,
totalIceDMG: 0,
totalFireDMG: 0,
totalStormDMG: 0,
totalCritical: 0,
totalBloodDMG: 0,
totalShadowDMG: 0,
totalNatureDMG: 0,
totalHealPow: 0,
totalLifesteal: 0,
icebuffcooldown: false,
firebuffcooldown: false,
stormbuffcooldown: false,
shadowbuffcooldown: false,
bloodsapcooldown: false,
healwingscooldown: false,
helmetcooldown: false,
magebuffcooldown: false,
lotuscooldown: false,
magicattackcooldown: false,
defensehealcooldown: false,
buffHealth : 0,
buffMana : 0,
buffDodge : 0,
buffMagicPow : 0,
buffDamage : 0,
buffIceDMG : 0,
buffFireDMG : 0,
buffStormDMG : 0,
buffBloodDMG : 0,
buffCritical : 0,
buffShadowDMG : 0,
buffNatureDMG : 0,
buffHealPow : 0,
buffLifesteal : 0,
nerfHealth : 0,
nerfMana : 0,
nerfDodge : 0,
nerfMagicPow : 0,
nerfDamage : 0,
nerfIceDMG : 0,
nerfFireDMG : 0,
nerfStormDMG : 0,
nerfBloodDMG : 0,
nerfCritical : 0,
nerfShadowDMG : 0,
nerfNatureDMG : 0,
nerfHealPow : 0,
nerfLifesteal : 0,
var Health = 200*player.level + player.buffHealth + player.totalHealth - player.nerfHealth;
var Mana = 100*player.level + player.buffMana + player.totalMana - player.nerfMana;
var Dodge = 5*player.level + player.buffDodge + player.totalDodge - player.nerfDodge;
var MagicPow = 10*player.level + player.buffMagicPow + player.totalMagicPow - player.nerfMagicPow;
var Damage = 10*player.level + player.buffDamage + player.totalDamage - player.nerfDamage;
var IceDMG = 5*player.level + player.buffIceDMG + player.totalIceDMG - player.nerfIceDMG;
var FireDMG = 5*player.level + player.buffFireDMG + player.totalFireDMG - player.nerfFireDMG;
var StormDMG = 5*player.level + player.buffStormDMG + player.totalStormDMG - player.nerfStormDMG;
var Critical = 1 + player.buffCritical + player.totalCritical - player.nerfCritical;
var BloodDMG = 5*player.level + player.buffBloodDMG + player.totalBloodDMG - player.nerfBloodDMG;
var ShadowDMG = 5*player.level + player.buffShadowDMG + player.totalShadowDMG - player.nerfShadowDMG;
var NatureDMG = 5*player.level + player.buffNatureDMG + player.totalNatureDMG - player.nerfNatureDMG;
var HealPow = 5*player.level + player.buffHealPow + player.totalHealPow - player.nerfHealPow;
var Lifesteal = player.buffLifesteal + player.totalLifesteal - player.nerfLifesteal;
var currentplayerhealth;
var currentplayermana;
var currentbosshealth;
var battle=false;
var boss = {
level: 1,
health: this.level * 500 + Math.floor(this.level/10 * 5000),
damage: this.level * 15,
var playerdamage = false;
var clickeditemid;
var affixnames = [
"the Angel",
"the Banshee",
"the Centaur",
"the Demon",
"the Desert",
"the Dragon",
"the Dwarf",
"the Elf",
"the Elements",
"the Fairie",
"the Gargoyle",
"the Genie",
"the Ghost",
"the Ghoul",
"the Giant",
"the Gnome",
"the Goblin",
"the God",
"the Gremlin",
"the Gryphon",
"the Homunculus",
"the Lich",
"the Mermaid",
"the Monster",
"the Ogre",
"the Orc",
"the Titan",
"the Troll",
"the Vampire",
"the Werebeast",
"the Werewolf",
"the Wight",
"True Sight",
var itemname = "";
var itemslotnames = ["Talisman", "Helmet", "Ring", "Shoulders", "Chestplate", "Book", "Bracelet", "Leggings", "Gloves", "Weapon", "Boots", "Necklace"];
var slotplayernames = ["talisman", "head", "ring", "shoulder", "chest", "book", "wrist", "leg", "glove", "weapon", "boot", "necklace"];
var itemslot = 0;
var generateditem = {};
var rarities = ["Common", "Magic", "Rare", "Epic", "Legendary"];
var affixnumber = "";
var itemrarity;
var currentitemid = "";
// affixes : name > starting stat > stat per level
var affixes = [
["Health", 15, 15],
["Mana", 15, 15],
["Dodge", 7, 0],
["Critical", 10, 0],
["Damage", 5, 5],
["MagicPow", 7, 7],
["ShadowDMG", 10, 10],
["NatureDMG", 10, 10],
["IceDMG", 10, 10],
["FireDMG", 10, 10],
["BloodDMG", 10, 10],
["StormDMG", 10, 10],
["HealPow", 7, 7],
var randomstat;
var usedstats = [];
var itempicturenum;
var iconnumbers = {
head: 5,
chest: 17,
leg: 7,
boot: 10,
ring: 11,
talisman: 23,
weapon: 56,
wrist: 13,
shoulder: 10,
book: 11,
glove: 11,
necklace: 7,
var inventory = {
i1: {},
i2: {},
i3: {},
i4: {},
i5: {},
i6: {},
i7: {},
i8: {},
i9: {},
i10: {},
i11: {},
i12: {},
i13: {},
i14: {},
i15: {},
i16: {},
i17: {},
i18: {},
i19: {},
i20: {},
i21: {},
i22: {},
i23: {},
i24: {},
i25: {},
i26: {},
i27: {},
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var mouseY;
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function playerattack(object){
var i = 0;
function resetcooldown(){
player[object.namefunction+"cooldown"] = false;
function f() {
if (player[object.namefunction +"cooldown"] === false && currentplayermana >= object.manacost && battle === true){
// 0 means 1 spell use per battle
if (object.cooldown !== 0 ){
function removebuff(){
player[object.buffname]= 0;
function fattack(){
if (object.buffamount != 0 && i === 0){
player[object.buffname] = object.buffamount;
var classname = object.buffname.replace("buff","");
$("#rightinfo").prepend("<p class='"+ classname +"'>"+object.buffname.replace("buff","")+" buffed: "+object.buffamount+"</p>");
setTimeout (removebuff, object.buffduration);
if (object.damage > 0 ){
var critroll = Math.floor(Math.random() * (100 - Critical)) + 1;
var ifcrit = " does ";
if (critroll < Critical) {
object.damage = object.damage * 2;
ifcrit = " CRITS for";
currentbosshealth = currentbosshealth - object.damage;
$("#rightinfo").prepend("<p>"+ object.nameplayer + ifcrit + ": "+ object.damage + " DMG! </p>");
if (object.manacost > 0){
currentplayermana = currentplayermana - object.manacost;
if (object.healthcost > 0){
currentplayerhealth = currentplayerhealth - object.healthcost;
if (object.manarestore > 0 ){
currentplayermana = currentplayermana + object.manarestore;
$("#rightinfo").prepend("<p>You restore: " + object.manarestore + " Mana!")
if (object.healthrestore > 0){
currentplayerhealth = currentplayerhealth + object.healthrestore;
$("#rightinfo").prepend("<p>You restore: " + object.healthrestore + " Health!");
if( i < object.repeat ){setTimeout(fattack, object.delay );}
if (player[object.namefunction +"cooldown"] === false && currentplayermana >= object.manacost){
var spellobject;
function updatespells(){
spellobject = {
basicattack: {
nameplayer: "Attack",
namefunction: "basicattack",
nameid: ".-basic",
damage: Damage,
manacost: 0,
healthcost: 0,
manarestore: Math.floor(Mana/10),
healthrestore: Math.floor(Lifesteal/4),
repeat: 0,
delay: 0,
buffname: 0,
buffamount: 0,
cooldown: 2000,
icebolt: {
nameplayer: "Icebolt",
namefunction: "icebolt",
nameid: "#icebolt",
damage: Math.floor(Damage/2 + IceDMG + MagicPow/2) ,
manacost: boss.level * 15,
healthcost: 0,
manarestore: 0,
healthrestore: 0,
repeat: 0,
delay: 0,
buffname: 0,
buffamount: 0,
cooldown: 5000,
firebolt: {
nameplayer: "Firebolt",
namefunction: "firebolt",
nameid: "#firebolt",
damage: Math.floor(Damage/2 + FireDMG + MagicPow/2) ,
manacost: boss.level * 15,
healthcost: 0,
manarestore: 0,
healthrestore: 0,
repeat: 0,
delay: 0,
buffname: 0,
buffamount: 0,
cooldown: 5000,
stormbolt: {
nameplayer: "Stormbolt",
namefunction: "stormbolt",
nameid: "#stormbolt",
damage: Math.floor(Damage/2 + StormDMG + MagicPow/2) ,
manacost: boss.level * 15,
healthcost: 0,
manarestore: 0,
healthrestore: 0,
repeat: 0,
delay: 0,
buffname: 0,
buffamount: 0,
cooldown: 5000,
shadowbolt: {
nameplayer: "Shadowbolt",
namefunction: "shadowbolt",
nameid: "#shadowbolt",
damage: Math.floor(Damage/2 + ShadowDMG + MagicPow/2) ,
manacost: boss.level * 15,
healthcost: 0,
manarestore: 0,
healthrestore: 0,
repeat: 0,
delay: 2000,
buffname: 0,
buffamount: 0,
cooldown: 5000,
bloodstrike: {
nameplayer: "Bloodstrike",
namefunction: "bloodstrike",
nameid: "#bloodstrike",
damage: Math.floor(BloodDMG + Damage),
manacost: boss.level * 5,
healthcost: boss.level * 30,
manarestore: 0,
healthrestore: 0,
repeat: 0,
delay: 0,
buffname: "buffLifesteal",
buffamount: Math.floor(BloodDMG / 2),
cooldown: 5000,
thorns: {
nameplayer: "Thorns",
namefunction: "thorns",
nameid: "#thorns",
damage: Math.floor(Damage/6 + NatureDMG/3 + MagicPow/6) ,
manacost: boss.level * 4,
healthcost: 0,
manarestore: 0,
healthrestore: 0,
repeat: 3,
delay: 1000,
buffname: 0,
buffamount: 0,
cooldown: 5000,
natureheal: {
nameplayer: "Natureheal",
namefunction: "natureheal",
nameid: "#natureheal",
damage: 0,
manacost: boss.level * 5,
healthcost: 0,
manarestore: 0,
healthrestore: Math.floor(NatureDMG/4),
repeat: 3,
delay: 1000,
buffname: "buffNatureDMG",
buffamount: Math.floor(NatureDMG),
buffduration: 5000,
cooldown: 10000,
heal: {
nameplayer: "Heal",
namefunction: "heal",
nameid: "#heal",
damage: 0,
manacost: boss.level * 4,
healthcost: 0,
manarestore: 0,
healthrestore: HealPow*2,
repeat: 0,
delay: 0,
buffname: 0,
buffamount: 0,
cooldown: 10000,
shield: {
nameplayer: "Shield",
namefunction: "shield",
nameid: "#shield",
damage: 0,
manacost: boss.level * 15,
healthcost: 0,
manarestore: 0,
healthrestore: 0,
repeat: 0,
delay: 0,
buffname: "buffDodge",
buffamount: 100,
cooldown: 10000,
buffduration: 5000,
manarestore: {
nameplayer: "Manarestore",
namefunction: "manarestore",
nameid: "#manarestore",
damage: 0,
manacost: 0,
healthcost: 0,
manarestore: Math.floor(MagicPow/2),
repeat: 0,
delay: 0,
buffname: 0,
buffamount: 0,
cooldown: 10000,
lotus: {
nameplayer: "Lotus",
namefunction: "lotus",
nameid: "#lotus",
damage: 0,
manacost: 0,
healthcost: 0,
manarestore: Math.floor(MagicPow/2),
repeat: 5,
delay: 1000,
buffname: 0,
buffamount: 0,
cooldown: 0,
buffmagic: {
nameplayer: "Magic Bottle",
namefunction: "buffmagic",
nameid: "#buffmagic",
damage: 0,
manacost: boss.level * 25,
healthcost: 0,
manarestore: 0,
healthrestore: 0,
repeat: 0,
delay: 0,
buffname: "buffMagicPow",
buffamount: Math.floor(MagicPow/2),
cooldown: 10000,
buffduration: 5000,
icebuff: {
nameplayer: "Ice Mask",
namefunction: "icebuff",
nameid: "#icebuff",
damage: Math.floor(IceDMG / 2),
manacost: boss.level * 10,
healthcost: 0,
manarestore: 0,
healthrestore: 0,
repeat: 0,
delay: 0,
buffname: "buffIceDMG",
buffamount: Math.floor(IceDMG),
cooldown: 10000,
buffduration: 5000,
firebuff: {
nameplayer: "Hand of Fire",
namefunction: "firebuff",
nameid: "#firebuff",
damage: Math.floor(FireDMG / 2),
manacost: boss.level * 10,
healthcost: 0,
manarestore: 0,
healthrestore: 0,
repeat: 0,
delay: 0,
buffname: "buffFireDMG",
buffamount: Math.floor(FireDMG),
cooldown: 10000,
buffduration: 5000,
shadowbuff: {
nameplayer: "Eye of Shadow",
namefunction: "shadowbuff",
nameid: "#shadowbuff",
damage: Math.floor(ShadowDMG / 2),
manacost: boss.level * 10,
healthcost: 0,
manarestore: 0,
healthrestore: 0,
repeat: 0,
delay: 0,
buffname: "buffShadowDMG",
buffamount: Math.floor(ShadowDMG),
cooldown: 10000,
buffduration: 5000,
stormbuff: {
nameplayer: "Tree of Storm",
namefunction: "stormbuff",
nameid: "#stormbuff",
damage: Math.floor(StormDMG/2),
manacost: boss.level * 10,
healthcost: 0,
manarestore: 0,
healthrestore: 0,
repeat: 0,
delay: 0,
buffname: "buffStormDMG",
buffamount: Math.floor(StormDMG ),
cooldown: 10000,
buffduration: 5000,
magebuff: {
nameplayer: "Mage Burst",
namefunction: "magebuff",
nameid: "#magebuff",
damage: Math.floor(MagicPow /2),
manacost: Math.floor(currentplayermana / 2),
healthcost: 0,
manarestore: 0,
healthrestore: 0,
repeat: 0,
delay: 0,
buffname: "buffMagicPow",
buffamount: Math.floor(MagicPow /2),
cooldown: 10000,
buffduration: 10000,
bloodsap: {
nameplayer: "Blood Sap",
namefunction: "bloodsap",
nameid: "#bloodsap",
damage: Math.floor(BloodDMG/3),
manacost: 0,
healthcost: Math.floor(Health / 4),
manarestore: 0,
healthrestore: Math.floor(BloodDMG/3),
repeat: 3,
delay: 1000,
buffname: "buffBloodDMG",
buffamount: Math.floor(BloodDMG ),
cooldown: 10000,
buffduration: 5000,
healwings: {
nameplayer: "Heal Wings",
namefunction: "healwings",
nameid: "#healwings",
damage: 0,
manacost: Math.floor(Mana / 10),
healthcost: 0,
manarestore: 0,
healthrestore: HealPow,
repeat: 5,
delay: 800,
buffname: 0,
buffamount: 0,
cooldown: 10000,
defenseheal: {
nameplayer: "Palace of Gods",
namefunction: "defenseheal",
nameid: "#defenseheal",
damage: 0,
manacost: boss.level*7,
healthcost: 0,
manarestore: 0,
healthrestore: Math.floor(HealPow/2),
repeat: 3,
delay: 1000,
buffname: "buffDodge",
buffamount: 30,
buffduration: 4000,
cooldown: 10000,
attackbuff: {
nameplayer: "Damage Buff",
namefunction: "attackbuff",
nameid: "#attackbuff",
damage: 0,
manacost: boss.level * 15,
healthcost: 0,
manarestore: 0,
healthrestore: 0,
repeat: 0,
delay: 0,
buffname: "buffDamage",
buffamount: Math.floor(Damage),
cooldown: 10000,
buffduration: 10000,
helmet: {
nameplayer: "Vigor Of Vikings",
namefunction: "helmet",
nameid: "#helmet",
damage: 0,
manacost: boss.level * 15,
healthcost: 0,
manarestore: 0,
healthrestore: 0,
repeat: 0,
delay: 0,
buffname: "buffHealth",
buffamount: Math.floor(Mana / 2),
cooldown: 10000,
buffduration: 15000,
magicattack: {
nameplayer: "Finger Bolt",
namefunction: "magicattack",
nameid: "#magicattack",
damage: MagicPow,
manacost: boss.level * 10,
healthcost: 0,
manarestore: 0,
healthrestore: 0,
repeat: 0,
delay: 0,
buffname: 0,
buffamount: 0,
cooldown: 7000,
buffduration: 0,
// keyboard spell clicking support! Woo :D
$('body').bind('keypress',function (event){
if (event.keyCode === 49){$(".spell1").trigger('click');}
if (event.keyCode === 50){$(".spell2").trigger('click');}
if (event.keyCode === 51){$(".spell3").trigger('click');}
if (event.keyCode === 52){$(".spell4").trigger('click');}
if (event.keyCode === 53){$(".spell5").trigger('click');}
if (event.keyCode === 54){$(".spell6").trigger('click');}
if (event.keyCode === 55){$(".spell7").trigger('click');}
if (event.keyCode === 56){$(".spell8").trigger('click');}
if (event.keyCode === 57){$(".spell9").trigger('click');}
if (event.charCode === 49){$(".spell1").trigger('click');}
if (event.charCode === 50){$(".spell2").trigger('click');}
if (event.charCode === 51){$(".spell3").trigger('click');}
if (event.charCode === 52){$(".spell4").trigger('click');}
if (event.charCode === 53){$(".spell5").trigger('click');}
if (event.charCode === 54){$(".spell6").trigger('click');}
if (event.charCode === 55){$(".spell7").trigger('click');}
if (event.charCode === 56){$(".spell8").trigger('click');}
if (event.charCode === 57){$(".spell9").trigger('click');}
function displaystats() {
$("#gold").text("Gold: "+Math.floor(;
$("#level").text("Level: "+player.level);
function countplayerstats() {
player.totalHealth = 0;
player.totalMana = 0;
player.totalDodge = 0;
player.totalMagicPow = 0;
player.totalDamage = 0;
player.totalIceDMG = 0;
player.totalFireDMG = 0;
player.totalStormDMG = 0;
player.totalCritical = 0;
player.totalBloodDMG = 0;
player.totalShadowDMG = 0;
player.totalNatureDMG = 0;
player.totalHealPow = 0;
player.totalLifesteal = 0;
for (var d = 0; d < slotplayernames.length; d++) {
if ($.isEmptyObject(player[slotplayernames[d]]) === false) {
for (var f = 0; f < affixes.length; f++) {
player["total" + affixes[f][0]] = player["total" + affixes[f][0]] + player[slotplayernames[d]]['totalstats'][affixes[f][0]];
} // for loops d f
Health = 200*player.level + player.buffHealth + player.totalHealth - player.nerfHealth;
Mana = 100*player.level + player.buffMana + player.totalMana - player.nerfMana;
Dodge = player.buffDodge + player.totalDodge - player.nerfDodge;
MagicPow = 20*player.level + player.buffMagicPow + player.totalMagicPow - player.nerfMagicPow;
Damage = 10*player.level + player.buffDamage + player.totalDamage - player.nerfDamage;
IceDMG = 15*player.level + player.buffIceDMG + player.totalIceDMG - player.nerfIceDMG;
FireDMG = 15*player.level + player.buffFireDMG + player.totalFireDMG - player.nerfFireDMG;
StormDMG = 15*player.level + player.buffStormDMG + player.totalStormDMG - player.nerfStormDMG;
Critical = 1 + player.buffCritical + player.totalCritical - player.nerfCritical;
BloodDMG = 15*player.level + player.buffBloodDMG + player.totalBloodDMG - player.nerfBloodDMG;
ShadowDMG = 15*player.level + player.buffShadowDMG + player.totalShadowDMG - player.nerfShadowDMG;
NatureDMG = 15*player.level + player.buffNatureDMG + player.totalNatureDMG - player.nerfNatureDMG;
HealPow = 15*player.level + player.buffHealPow + player.totalHealPow - player.nerfHealPow;
Lifesteal = 15*player.level + player.buffLifesteal + player.totalLifesteal - player.nerfLifesteal;
if (Dodge<0){Dodge=0;}
if (MagicPow<0){MagicPow=0}
if (Damage<0){Damage=0}
if (IceDMG<0){IceDMG=0}
if (FireDMG<0){FireDMG=0;}
if (StormDMG<0){StormDMG=0;}
if (NatureDMG<0){NatureDMG=0;}
if (ShadowDMG<0){ShadowDMG=0;}
if (NatureDMG<0){NatureDMG=0;}
if (HealPow<0){HealPow=0;}
if (Critical<0){Critical=0;}
if (Lifesteal<0){Lifesteal=0;}
if (BloodDMG<0){BloodDMG=0;}
if (Mana<0){Mana=0;}
} // count stats function
var finishedgenerating = true;
function upgradeitem(){
var theitem=inventory[clickeditemid];
var upgraderarity= Math.floor(Math.random()*rarities.length);
if (theitem["upgrade"]["level"] < 5 && > theitem["level"]*5){ = - theitem["level"]*5;
var randomupgradestat= Math.floor(Math.random()*affixes.length);
var upgradestatamount= Math.floor((upgraderarity+1)*(theitem.level*affixes[randomupgradestat][2])/5);
var maxupgradestatamount= Math.floor(5*(theitem.level*affixes[randomupgradestat][2])/5);
var upgradestatrarity= rarities[upgraderarity];
theitem.upgrade.stats[affixes[randomupgradestat][0]] = [upgradestatamount, maxupgradestatamount, upgradestatrarity];
function countitemstats(){
for (var i=0;i<affixes.length;i++){
theitem.totalstats[affixes[i][0]]=theitem.stats[affixes[i][0]][0] + theitem.upgrade.stats[affixes[i][0]][0];
} // if upgrade level
} // function upgrade
function upgradeitemonchar(){
upgraderarity= Math.floor(Math.random()*rarities.length);
if (theitem["upgrade"]["level"] < 5 && > theitem["level"]*5){ = - theitem["level"]*5;
randomupgradestat= Math.floor(Math.random()*affixes.length);
upgradestatamount= Math.floor((upgraderarity+1)*(theitem.level*affixes[randomupgradestat][2])/5);
maxupgradestatamount= Math.floor(5*(theitem.level*affixes[randomupgradestat][2])/5);
upgradestatrarity= rarities[upgraderarity];
theitem.upgrade.stats[affixes[randomupgradestat][0]] = [upgradestatamount, maxupgradestatamount, upgradestatrarity];
function countitemstats(){
for (var i=0;i<affixes.length;i++){
theitem.totalstats[affixes[i][0]]=theitem.stats[affixes[i][0]][0] + theitem.upgrade.stats[affixes[i][0]][0];
} // if upgrade level
} // function upgrade
function createitem() {
finishedgenerating = false;
// choose rarity, slot and affix for item
var randomslot = Math.floor(Math.random() * 12) + 1;
var randomaffix = Math.floor(Math.random() * affixnames.length);
var affixnumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * rarities.length) + 1;
usedstats = [];
// now generate the item
function randomitem(slot) {
for (var i = 0; i < affixnumber; i++) {
if (i === 0) {
generateditem = {};
usedstats = [];
itemname = itemslotnames[slot - 1] + " of " + affixnames[randomaffix];
itemslot = slotplayernames[slot - 1];
itemrarity = rarities[affixnumber - 1]; = itemname;
generateditem.slot = itemslot;
generateditem.stats = {};
generateditem.rarity = itemrarity;
generateditem.value = affixnumber * boss.level;
generateditem.upgrade = {};
generateditem.upgrade.level = 0;
generateditem.upgrade.stats = {};
generateditem.level = boss.level;
generateditem.totalstats = {};
// this generates all possible stats so there's no need for undefined checks and makes calculation easier
for (var g = 0; g < affixes.length; g++) {
generateditem.totalstats[affixes[g][0]] = 0;
generateditem.stats[affixes[g][0]] = [0,0,0];
generateditem.upgrade.stats[affixes[g][0]] = [0,0,0];
itempicturenum = iconnumbers[itemslot];
var randompicturenum = Math.floor(Math.random() * itempicturenum) + 1;
generateditem.icon = itemslot.toString() + "-" + randompicturenum.toString();
randomstat = Math.floor(Math.random() * affixes.length);
while (usedstats.indexOf(randomstat) != -1) {
randomstat = Math.floor(Math.random() * affixes.length);
var statnumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * (affixes[randomstat][1] + (affixes[randomstat][2] * boss.level)));
var statmax = affixes[randomstat][1] + (affixes[randomstat][2] * boss.level);
var statcolor = "Common";
if (statnumber > statmax * 0.2) {
statcolor = "Magic"
if (statnumber > statmax * 0.4) {
statcolor = "Rare"
if (statnumber > statmax * 0.6) {
statcolor = "Epic"
if (statnumber > statmax * 0.8) {
statcolor = "Legendary"
//we finalize the item stats here
generateditem.stats[affixes[randomstat][0]] = [statnumber, statmax, statcolor];
generateditem.totalstats[affixes[randomstat][0]] = statnumber;
var invcount, itemidcount, itemid, allclasses;
// item done generating
for (var f = 1; f < 29; f++) {
invcount = "i" + f;
itemidcount = "#" + invcount;
itemid = itemidcount + "S";
if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(inventory[invcount])) {
allclasses = "item sprite " + generateditem.icon + " " + generateditem.rarity;
$(itemidcount).append("<img id='" + itemid + "'class='" + allclasses + "' '></img>");
f = 50;
inventory[invcount] = generateditem;
finishedgenerating = true;
// this choses item slot
//so right click doesn't fuck up my options menu
document.oncontextmenu = function() {
return false;
function addsummon(){
if (player.summonbosscounter > 5){
var fightcount = "Boss Summons: " + player.summons;
// easy leveling function
function checkexp(){
if (player.experience > 3 * player.level){
fightcount = "Boss Summons: " + player.summons;
function startfight(){
$("#leftinfo").prepend("<p>Fight has started!</p>");
player.icebuffcooldown= false;
player.firebuffcooldown= false;
player.stormbuffcooldown= false;
player.shadowbuffcooldown= false;
player.bloodsapcooldown= false;
player.healwingscooldown= false;
player.helmetcooldown= false;
player.magebuffcooldown= false;
player.lotuscooldown= false;
player.magicattackcooldown= false;
player.defensehealcooldown= false;
var randombossname= Math.floor(Math.random()*13)+1;
var bossname="boss"+randombossname+" "+" mobsprites bosspic";
var bosshitroll;
// there is bonus every 25 levels so you have to stop and get better gear, this is to balance the game = boss.level * 500 + (Math.floor(boss.level/25)*10000)+(Math.floor(boss.level/100)*10000) ;
boss.damage = boss.level*15 + (Math.floor(boss.level/25)*150)+(Math.floor(boss.level/100)*150);
currentbosshealth =;
currentplayerhealth = Health;
currentplayermana = Mana;
var bossdamage= boss.damage;
var bosscritdamage=boss.damage*2;
$("#boss").html("<img class='"+bossname+ "' ></img>");
function updatehealthbar(){
var barpercent = currentbosshealth /*100;
var playerhpbar = currentplayerhealth / Health *100;
var playermanabar =currentplayermana / Mana *100;
if (playerhpbar > 100){playerhpbar = 100;}
if (playermanabar > 100){playermanabar = 100;}
$("#bosshpbar").animate({width: barpercent+"%"},"slow");
$("#bosshptext").text(currentbosshealth + "/";
$("#playerhpbar").animate({width: playerhpbar+"%"},"slow");
$("#playermanabar").animate({width: playermanabar+"%"},"slow");
function bossattack(){
bossdamage= boss.damage;
bosshitroll = Math.floor(Math.random() * (100 - Dodge)) + 1;
function attackbasicplayer(){
bosshitroll = Math.floor(Math.random() * (100 - Dodge)) + 1;
if (bosshitroll > Dodge){
$("#leftinfo").prepend("<p>Boss Attacks for: " + bossdamage +" DMG!"+"</p>");
currentplayerhealth = currentplayerhealth - bossdamage;}
if(bosshitroll < Dodge){$("#leftinfo").prepend("<p>Boss Missed a basic attack.</p>");}
function critplayer(){
bosshitroll = Math.floor(Math.random() * (100 - Dodge)) + 1;
if (bosshitroll > Dodge){
$("#leftinfo").prepend("<p>Boss CRITS for: " + bosscritdamage +" DMG!"+"</p>");
currentplayerhealth = currentplayerhealth - bosscritdamage;}
if(bosshitroll < Dodge){$("#leftinfo").prepend("<p>Boss Missed the crit.</p>");}
function castdodgereduce(){
player.nerfDodge = 1000;
function dodgereduceremove(){
$("#leftinfo").prepend("<p class='dodge'> Boss Casts NERF DODGE!</p>");
function castHealPowreduce(){
player.nerfHealPow = 999999991000;
function HealPowreduceremove(){
$("#leftinfo").prepend("<p class='heal' > Boss Casts NERF HealPow!</p>");
function castIceDMGreduce(){
player.nerfIceDMG = 999991000;
function IceDMGreduceremove(){
$("#leftinfo").prepend("<p class='ice'> Boss Casts NERF IceDMG!</p>");
function castFireDMGreduce(){
player.nerfFireDMG = 9999991000;
function FireDMGreduceremove(){
$("#leftinfo").prepend("<p class='fire'> Boss Casts NERF FireDMG!</p>");
function castStormDMGreduce(){
player.nerfStormDMG = 9999991000;
function StormDMGreduceremove(){
$("#leftinfo").prepend("<p class='storm'> Boss Casts NERF StormDMG!</p>");
function castShadowDMGreduce(){
player.nerfShadowDMG = 9999991000;
function ShadowDMGreduceremove(){
$("#leftinfo").prepend("<p class='shadow'> Boss Casts NERF ShadowDMG!</p>");
function castNatureDMGreduce(){
player.nerfNatureDMG = 9999991000;
function NatureDMGreduceremove(){
$("#leftinfo").prepend("<p class='nature'> Boss Casts NERF NatureDMG!</p>");
function castBloodDMGreduce(){
player.nerfBloodDMG = 9999991000;
function BloodDMGreduceremove(){
$("#leftinfo").prepend("<p class='danger'> Boss Casts NERF BloodDMG!</p>");
var bosschoosespell = Math.floor(Math.random()*100);
if (bosschoosespell <10){$("#leftinfo").prepend("<p class='danger'> CRITICAL INCOMING!</p>");setTimeout(critplayer,3000);}
else if (bosschoosespell < 12){castBloodDMGreduce();}
else if (bosschoosespell < 14){castIceDMGreduce();}
else if (bosschoosespell < 16){castFireDMGreduce();}
else if (bosschoosespell < 18){castStormDMGreduce();}
else if (bosschoosespell < 20){castNatureDMGreduce();}
else if (bosschoosespell < 22){castHealPowreduce();}
else if (bosschoosespell < 24){castShadowDMGreduce();}
else if (bosschoosespell <30){castdodgereduce();}
else if (bosschoosespell < 101){attackbasicplayer();}
function checkdeath(){
if (currentbosshealth < 1) {
currentplayerhealth = Health;
currentplayermana = Mana;
currentplayerhealth = Health;
if (currentplayerhealth < 1) {
currentplayerhealth = Health;
currentplayermana = Mana;
currentplayerhealth = Health;;
// so mana doesn't overflow..
if (currentplayermana > Mana){currentplayermana=Mana};
if (currentplayerhealth > Health){currentplayerhealth=Health};
if (currentplayermana < 0){currentplayermana=0};
var checkdeath=setInterval(checkdeath,1000);
var bossattack=setInterval(bossattack,3000);
if (player.summoninterval-10000 > 0){
player.summoninterval=player.summoninterval - 10000;
$("#summons").text("1 spawn per: "+Math.floor(player.summoninterval/10000)+"min");
player.summoninterval=player.summoninterval + 10000;
$("#summons").text("1 spawn per: "+Math.floor(player.summoninterval/10000)+"min");
if( boss.level > 1 && battle != true){
$("#bosslevel").text("LVL: "+boss.level);
if (battle != true){
$("#bosslevel").text("LVL: "+boss.level);
//inventory options
$(".slot").mousedown(function(e) {
if (e.button == 2) {
clickeditemid =;
'display': 'none'
'display': 'none'
'top': mouseY,
'left': mouseX,
'display': 'block'
//inventory options
$(".spellbar").mousedown(function(e) {
if (e.button == 2) {
clickeditemid =;
'display': 'none'
'display': 'none'
'top': top,
'left': 0,
'display': 'block'
$("#unequip").click(function() {
for (var ff = 1; ff < 29; ff++) {
var invcount1 = "i" + ff;
var itemidcount1 = "#" + invcount1;
if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(inventory[invcount1])) {
$("#" + clickeditemid).children().appendTo(itemidcount1);
ff = 50;
inventory[invcount1] = player[clickeditemid];
player[clickeditemid] = {};
// closes all menus
$("#main").click(function() {
'display': 'none'
'display': 'none'
'display': 'none'
function clicked() {
if (confirm('Are you sure you want to sell your whole inventory?')){
} else {
return false;
function sellall(){
for (var i=1; i<29;i++){
var sellitemid = "i" + i;
if (inventory[sellitemid]["value"] != undefined && inventory[sellitemid]["value"] != null){ = + inventory[sellitemid]["value"];
$("#" + sellitemid).empty();
inventory[sellitemid] = {};
$("#sell").click(function() {
function sell() {
// this is to stop bug when you click an empty inventory slot...
if (inventory[clickeditemid]["value"] != undefined && inventory[clickeditemid]["value"] != null){ = + inventory[clickeditemid]["value"];
$("#" + clickeditemid).empty();
inventory[clickeditemid] = {};
$("#equip").click(function() {
function equip() {
var equipslot = inventory[clickeditemid]["slot"];
if ($.isEmptyObject(player[equipslot])) {
$("#" + clickeditemid).children().appendTo("#" + equipslot);
$("#" + clickeditemid).empty();
// now to delete and transfer data
player[equipslot] = inventory[clickeditemid];
inventory[clickeditemid] = {};
function startfightonclick(){
if (player.summons < 1 && battle !=true){
$("#leftinfo").prepend("<p>You don't have enough Boss summons!</p>");
if (battle == true){
$("#leftinfo").prepend("<p>Cannot start battle while in combat</p>");
if (player.summons > 0 && battle != true ) {
battle = true;
$("#leftinfo").prepend("<p>Fight is starting.</p>");
$(".slot").click(function() {
clickeditemid =; // this selects the item id so it can be used for other things in the menu
$("#" + clickeditemid).children().addClass("selected");
var rarityarr = [];
for (var y = 0; y < affixes.length; y++) {
var statstuff = inventory[clickeditemid]["stats"][affixes[y][0]];
var upgradestatstuff = inventory[clickeditemid]["upgrade"]["stats"][affixes[y][0]];
rarityarr.push(inventory[clickeditemid]["upgrade"]["stats"][affixes[y][0]][2] );
rarityarr.push(inventory[clickeditemid]["stats"][affixes[y][0]][2] );
if (y === 0) {
var namerarity = inventory[clickeditemid]["rarity"];
var clickeditemname = inventory[clickeditemid]["name"];
$("#info").append("<p class='" + namerarity + "'>" + clickeditemname + "</p><div class='line'></div>");
$("#upgradeinfo").html("<p> Upgrade stats:</p>");
if (statstuff != undefined && statstuff[0]>0) {
"<p>" + affixes[y][0] + ": <span class='" + statstuff[2] + "'>" + statstuff[0] + "/" + statstuff[1] + "</span></p>"
if (upgradestatstuff[0] != undefined && upgradestatstuff[0] >0) {
"<p>" + affixes[y][0] + ": <span class='" + upgradestatstuff[2] + "'>" + upgradestatstuff[0] + "/" + upgradestatstuff[1] + "</span></p>"
if (y === affixes.length - 1) {
$("#info").append("<p>Item Level: " + inventory[clickeditemid]["level"] + "</p>");
var totalperc = 0;
for (var i=0; i<rarityarr.length;i++){
if (rarityarr[i] === "Common"){totalperc = totalperc + 1;}
if (rarityarr[i] === "Magic"){totalperc = totalperc + 2;}
if (rarityarr[i] === "Rare"){totalperc = totalperc + 3;}
if (rarityarr[i] === "Epic"){totalperc = totalperc + 4;}
if (rarityarr[i] === "Legendary"){totalperc = totalperc + 5;}
totalperc = Math.floor(totalperc / 45 * 100)+"%";
inventory[clickeditemid].powerlevel = totalperc;
$("#powerlevel").text("Power Level:"+inventory[clickeditemid].powerlevel);
$(".slot1").click(function() {
clickeditemid =; // this selects the item id so it can be used for other things in the menu
$("#" + clickeditemid).children().addClass("selected");
var rarityarr =[];
for (var y = 0; y < affixes.length; y++) {
var statstuff = player[clickeditemid]["stats"][affixes[y][0]];
var upgradestatstuff = player[clickeditemid]["upgrade"]["stats"][affixes[y][0]];
rarityarr.push(player[clickeditemid]["upgrade"]["stats"][affixes[y][0]][2] );
rarityarr.push(player[clickeditemid]["stats"][affixes[y][0]][2] );
if (y === 0) {
var namerarity = player[clickeditemid]["rarity"];
var clickeditemname = player[clickeditemid]["name"];
$("#info").append("<p class='" + namerarity + "'>" + clickeditemname + "</p><div class='line'></div>");
$("#upgradeinfo").html("<p> Upgrade stats:</p>");
if (statstuff != undefined && statstuff[0]>0) {
"<p>" + affixes[y][0] + ": <span class='" + statstuff[2] + "'>" + statstuff[0] + "/" + statstuff[1] + "</span></p>"
if (upgradestatstuff[0] != undefined && upgradestatstuff[0] >0) {
"<p>" + affixes[y][0] + ": <span class='" + upgradestatstuff[2] + "'>" + upgradestatstuff[0] + "/" + upgradestatstuff[1] + "</span></p>"
if (y === affixes.length - 1) {
$("#info").append("<p>Item Level: " + player[clickeditemid]["level"] + "</p>");
var totalperc = 0;
for (var i=0; i<rarityarr.length;i++){
if (rarityarr[i] === "Common"){totalperc = totalperc + 1;}
if (rarityarr[i] === "Magic"){totalperc = totalperc + 2;}
if (rarityarr[i] === "Rare"){totalperc = totalperc + 3;}
if (rarityarr[i] === "Epic"){totalperc = totalperc + 4;}
if (rarityarr[i] === "Legendary"){totalperc = totalperc + 5;}
totalperc = Math.floor(totalperc / 45 * 100)+"%";
player[clickeditemid].powerlevel = totalperc;
$("#powerlevel").text("Power Level:"+player[clickeditemid].powerlevel);
// to unequip items
$(".slot1").mousedown(function(e) {
if (e.button == 2) {
clickeditemid =;
'display': 'none'
'display': 'none'
'top': mouseY,
'left': mouseX,
'display': 'block'
function resetplayerstats(){
player.buffHealth = 0;
player.buffMana = 0;
player.buffDodge = 0;
player.buffMagicPow = 0;
player.buffDamage = 0;
player.buffIceDMG = 0;
player.buffFireDMG = 0;
player.buffStormDMG = 0;
player.buffBloodDMG = 0;
player.buffCritical = 0;
player.buffShadowDMG = 0;
player.buffNatureDMG = 0;
player.nerfHealPow = 0;
player.nerfHealth = 0;
player.nerfMana = 0;
player.nerfDodge = 0;
player.nerfMagicPow = 0;
player.nerfDamage = 0;
player.nerfIceDMG = 0;
player.nerfFireDMG = 0;
player.nerfStormDMG = 0;
player.nerfBloodDMG = 0;
player.nerfCritical = 0;
player.nerfShadowDMG = 0;
player.nerfNatureDMG = 0;
player.nerfHealPow = 0;
function reloadeverything(){
// we load inventory items
for (var f = 1; f < 29; f++) {
var invcount1 = "i" + f;
var itemidcount1 = "#" + invcount1;
var itemid1 = itemidcount1 + "S";
if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(inventory[invcount1])===false) {
var allclasses1 = "item sprite " + inventory[invcount1]["icon"] + " " + inventory[invcount1]['rarity'];
$(itemidcount1).append("<img id='" + itemid1 + "'class='" + allclasses1 + "' '></img>");
// we also load character items
for (var x = 0; x <slotplayernames.length; x++) {
var itemslot1= slotplayernames[x];
var itemid1 = "#" + slotplayernames[x];
var newid1="#c"+x;
if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(player[itemslot1])===false) {
var allclasses1 = "item sprite " + player[itemslot1]["icon"] + " " + player[itemslot1]['rarity'];
$(itemid1).append("<img id='" +newid1+ "'class='" + allclasses1 + "' '></img>");
setInterval(countplayerstats, 1000);
function save() {
var save = {
player1: player,
inventory1: inventory,
boss1: boss,
localStorage.setItem("save", JSON.stringify(save));
function load() {
var savegame = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("save"));
var basicint = setInterval(addsummon,10000);
if (savegame != null && savegame != undefined){
inventory = savegame.inventory1;
player = savegame.player1;
boss = savegame.boss1;
$("#bosslevel").text("LVL: "+boss.level);
$("#summons").text("1 spawn per: "+Math.floor(player.summoninterval/10000)+"min");
setInterval(save, 10000);
window.onload = function() {
}); // doc rdy
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