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Created April 10, 2019 17:07
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rofi.lua - rofi-powered menus for awesome wm
rofi = require("rofi")
change width (optional, default 500px):
bind to key:
awful.key({ modkey }, "f", function (c) rofi.client_flags(c) end)
local spawn = require("awful.spawn")
rofi = {
width = 300
function rofi.client_flags(c)
local opts = (c.maximized and "" or " ") .. " maximize\n"
.. (c.floating and "" or " ") .. " floating\n"
.. (c.fullscreen and "" or " ") .. " fullscreen\n"
.. (c.sticky and "" or " ") .. " sticky\n"
.. (c.ontop and "" or " ") .. " ontop\n"
.. " minimize\n"
local w = math.min(rofi.width, c.width)
local x = c.x
local y = c.y
local cmd = "echo -e \""..opts.."\" | "
.. " rofi -dmenu -matching fuzzy -auto-select"
.. " -p flags: -location 1 -width " .. w
.. " -xoffset " .. x
.. " -yoffset " .. y
spawn.easy_async({"bash", "-c", cmd}, function(output)
for k in string.gmatch(output, ". (%S+)") do
if k == "sticky" then
c.sticky = not c.sticky
elseif k == "ontop" then
c.ontop = not c.ontop
elseif k == "floating" then
c.floating = not c.floating
elseif k == "maximize" then
c.maximized = not c.maximized
elseif k == "fullscreen" then
c.fullscreen = not c.fullscreen
elseif k == "minimize" then
c.minimized = true
return rofi
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