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Created December 4, 2019 18:50
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This is a specification for building JSON HTTP API endpoints for exchanging data between e.g. clients and servers.

Basic URL structure


/api subpath and version

Serving the API under a separate /api path is optional, it usually helps to route requests correctly. If this rule is applied it should be consistently used for all endpoints.

The version should be prefixed with a v like so: v1. The version is also optional, but same as with the /api subpath: If it's being used for one endpoint it should be done for all endpoints for the sake of consistency.

entity, action and identifier

The entity describes the business entity that is operated on. It should always be written in plural.

The action describes what action / operation should be applied to the entity. Standard operations are list, get, create, update, delete or save. Special operations that may be customly defined could be e.g. search, login, bulk-delete, ...

The identifier is optional and only required for actions that should be applied to a single entity instance that is identified by this identifier. Usually this is simply an ID of some kind but e.g. for the entity users it can also be me for applying actions to the currently logged in user.

List all instances

GET  /api/v1/<entity>/list

Returns a list of the given entity.

Get single instance

GET  /api/v1/<entity>/get/<identifier>

Returns the identified instance of the given entity.

Create new instance

POST /api/v1/<entity>/create

Request body contains the new instance. Returns the new instance.

Update existing instance

POST /api/v1/<entity>/update/<identifier>

Request body contains the updated instance. Returns the new instance.

Save an instance

POST /api/v1/<entity>/save

A save endpoint is an alternative to the create and update endpoints using an upsert mechanism. If the instance in the request body has an ID an update will be performed. If no ID is given the instance will be newly created.

Special actions

Next to the standard actions given above, custom actions can be defined, e.g. search to query instances matching certain criteria, upload for uploading a file, login for logging in a user, register as a create alias.

The action name should always be a meaningful verb based on the name of the workflow step the endpoint should be used for.

Error handling

If an error occurs the API should send an apropriate 4xx or 5xx HTTP status code. The response body should contain an error object containing a field message that gives further information on what happened. Next to the message field that should always be present, the optional fields code and i18nMessageKey can be used. The code field may contain a custom application specific error code. The i18nMessageKey should be used for internationalisation and should contain a i18n key that the frontend can use to lookup and display a translation of the error.

Useful HTTP status codes

Code Error Use case
400 Bad Request Fields missing / wrong fields in request body
401 Unauthorized User lacks access permission for the endpoint
404 Not Found Requested entity instance does not exist
409 Conflict Given data conflicts with existing data, concurrent updates
413 Payload Too Large Payload too large, especially relevant for file upload endpoints, should already be handled by an upstream gateway
429 Too Many Requests Rate limit exceeded, should already be handled by an upstream gateway
500 Internal Server Error Used for basically everything else


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