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Last active July 16, 2019 03:48
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  • Save RickKimball/9009480 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RickKimball/9009480 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
configuration files for lpc812 using SWD from an stlink-v2 discovery board
# NXP lpc1114fn23 Cortex-M0 32k flash, 4k ram
set CHIPNAME lpc1114
set CPUTAPID 0x0BB11477
set CPUROMSIZE 0x8000
set CPURAMSIZE 0x1000
# After reset the chip is clocked by the ~12MHz internal RC oscillator.
# When board-specific code (reset-init handler or device firmware)
# configures another oscillator and/or PLL0, set CCLK to match; if
# you don't, then flash erase and write operations may misbehave.
# (The ROM code doing those updates cares about core clock speed...)
# CCLK is the core clock frequency in KHz
set CCLK 12000
# Include the main configuration file.
source [find lpc11xx.cfg];
source [find interface/stlink-v2-1.cfg]
source [find lpc1114.cfg]
reset_config none
# NXP lpc11xx family
source [find target/swj-dp.tcl]
if { [info exists CHIPNAME] } {
} else {
set _CHIPNAME lpc11uxx
if { [info exists ENDIAN] } {
} else {
set _ENDIAN little
# Work-area is a space in RAM used for flash programming
# By default use 6kB
if { [info exists WORKAREASIZE] } {
} else {
set _WORKAREASIZE 0x1800
if { [info exists CPUTAPID] } {
} else {
set _CPUTAPID 0x00000000
if { [info exists CPUROMSIZE] } {
} else {
error "_CPUROMSIZE not set. Please do not include lpc11xx.cfg directly."
# CCLK is the core clock frequency in KHz
if { [info exists CCLK] } {
} else {
set _CCLK 12000
if { [info exists TRANSPORT] } {
} else {
# Default to the SWD transport used by ST-Link v2.
set _TRANSPORT hla_swd
transport select $_TRANSPORT
if { $_TRANSPORT == "hla_swd" } {
hla newtap $_CHIPNAME cpu -expected-id $_CPUTAPID
set _TARGETTYPE hla_target
} else {
error "_TRANSPORT can only be hla_swd"
target create $_TARGETNAME $_TARGETTYPE -chain-position $_TARGETNAME
$_TARGETNAME configure -work-area-phys 0x10000000 -work-area-size $_WORKAREASIZE -work-area-backup 0
# The LPC11xx devices have 4/8/16kB of flash memory, managed by ROM code
# (including a boot loader which verifies the flash exception table's checksum).
# ISR Vector 7 contains the checksum
# note: the lpc2000.c code knows about the lpc1700 variant
# .... calc_checksum inserts a checksum into the flash signature vector
#flash bank <name> lpc2000 <base> <size> 0 0 <target#> <variant> <clock> [calc checksum]
flash bank $_FLASHNAME lpc2000 0x0 $_CPUROMSIZE 0 0 $_TARGETNAME \
lpc1700 $_CCLK calc_checksum
$_TARGETNAME configure -event reset-init {
# Do not remap 0x0000-0x0200 to anything but the flash (i.e. select
# "User Flash Mode" where interrupt vectors are _not_ remapped,
# and reside in flash instead).
# Table 8. System memory remap register (SYSMEMREMAP, address 0x4004 8000) bit description
# Bit Symbol Value Description
# 1:0 MAP System memory remap
# 0x0 Boot Loader Mode. Interrupt vectors are re-mapped to Boot ROM.
# 0x1 User RAM Mode. Interrupt vectors are re-mapped to Static RAM.
# 0x2 User Flash Mode. Interrupt vectors are not re-mapped and reside in Flash.
# 31:2 - - Reserved.
mww 0x40048000 0x02
# NXP lpc812 Cortex-M0+ 16k flash, 4k ram
set CHIPNAME lpc812
set CPUTAPID 0x0bc11477
set CPUROMSIZE 0x4000
set CPURAMSIZE 0x1000
# After reset the chip is clocked by the ~12MHz internal RC oscillator.
# When board-specific code (reset-init handler or device firmware)
# configures another oscillator and/or PLL0, set CCLK to match; if
# you don't, then flash erase and write operations may misbehave.
# (The ROM code doing those updates cares about core clock speed...)
# CCLK is the core clock frequency in KHz
set CCLK 12000
# Include the main configuration file.
source [find lpc8xx.cfg];
# lpc812_nucleo.cfg - use stlinkv2 on a nucleo board
# openocd -s . -f lpc812_nucleo.cfg
source [find interface/stlink-v2-1.cfg]
source [find lpc812.cfg]
reset_config none
# Main file for NXP LPC8xx Cortex-M0+
# !!!!!!
# This file should not be included directly, rather
# needed variables to the appropriate values.
# !!!!!!
if { [info exists CHIPNAME] } {
} else {
error "_CHIPNAME not set. Please do not include lpc8xx.cfg directly, but the specific chip configuration file (lpc812.cfg, lpc811.cfg, etc)."
# After reset the chip is clocked by the ~12MHz internal RC oscillator.
# When board-specific code (reset-init handler or device firmware)
# configures another oscillator and/or PLL0, set CCLK to match; if
# you don't, then flash erase and write operations may misbehave.
# (The ROM code doing those updates cares about core clock speed...)
# CCLK is the core clock frequency in KHz
if { [info exists CCLK] } {
} else {
set _CCLK 12000
if { [info exists CPUTAPID] } {
} else {
error "_CPUTAPID not set. Please do not include lpc8xx.cfg directly, but the specific chip configuration file (lpc812.cfg, lpc811.cfg, etc)."
if { [info exists CPURAMSIZE] } {
} else {
error "_CPURAMSIZE not set. Please do not include lpc8xx.cfg directly, but the specific chip configuration file (lpc812.cfg, lpc811.cfg, etc)."
if { [info exists CPUROMSIZE] } {
} else {
error "_CPUROMSIZE not set. Please do not include lpc8xx.cfg directly, but the specific chip configuration file (lpc812.cfg, lpc811.cfg, etc)."
if { [info exists TRANSPORT] } {
} else {
# Default to the SWD transport used by ST-Link v2.
set _TRANSPORT hla_swd
transport select $_TRANSPORT
if { $_TRANSPORT == "hla_swd" } {
hla newtap $_CHIPNAME cpu -expected-id $_CPUTAPID
set _TARGETTYPE hla_target
} else {
error "_TRANSPORT can only be hla_swd"
target create $_TARGETNAME $_TARGETTYPE -chain-position $_TARGETNAME
# The LPC8xx devices have 1/2/4kB of SRAM in the ARMv7-M "Code" area (at 0x10000000)
$_TARGETNAME configure -work-area-phys 0x10000000 -work-area-size $_CPURAMSIZE
# The LPC8xx devices have 4/8/16kB of flash memory, managed by ROM code
# (including a boot loader which verifies the flash exception table's checksum).
# Vector at 0x1c contains the checksum
# note: the lpc2000.c code knows about the lpc800 variant
# .... calc_checksum inserts a checksum into the flash signature vector
# flash bank <name> lpc2000 <base> <size> 0 0 <target#> <variant> <clock> [calc checksum]
flash bank $_FLASHNAME lpc2000 0x0 $_CPUROMSIZE 0 0 $_TARGETNAME lpc800 $_CCLK calc_checksum
$_TARGETNAME configure -event reset-init {
#mww 0x40048000 0x02 # SYSMEMREMAP 0x2 User Flash Mode, vectors reside in flash
$_TARGETNAME configure -event gdb-attach {
reset halt
$_TARGETNAME configure -event gdb-detach {
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