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Last active August 17, 2023 15:49
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  • Save RichardBronosky/81a3991aa63580283bf2f3db18ecf2fb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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A collection of tools for working with JS and JSON
* This script adds to your bash shell, a collection of tools for working with JS and JSON
* To install it, cd to where ever you checkout git repos and copy-paste the following line:
dst=jtools; git clone $dst && echo -e "\n[[ -f $(dirs +0)/$dst/source.bash ]] && source $(dirs +0)/$dst/source.bash" >> ~/.bash_profile
# converts serialized python to JSON
p2j() { python3 -c "import json, sys; print(json.dumps(eval("; }
# pretty prints JSON with nested/embedded escaped/encoded JSON in it
jqp(){ jq 'walk(
if type == "string" then
if tonumber? // false then
fromjson? // .
)' "$@"; }
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