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--- a/src/script/interpreter.cpp
+++ b/src/script/interpreter.cpp
@@ -504,6 +504,14 @@ bool EvalScript(std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >& stack, const CScript&
return set_error(serror, SCRIPT_ERR_MINIMALDATA);
+ auto pc_tmp = pc;
+ opcodetype next_opcode;
+ valtype dummy_data;
huntrar /
Last active September 19, 2024 04:49
Arch Linux Full-Disk Encryption Installation Guide [Encrypted Boot, UEFI, NVMe, Evil Maid]

Arch Linux Full-Disk Encryption Installation Guide

This guide provides instructions for an Arch Linux installation featuring full-disk encryption via LVM on LUKS and an encrypted boot partition (GRUB) for UEFI systems.

Following the main installation are further instructions to harden against Evil Maid attacks via UEFI Secure Boot custom key enrollment and self-signed kernel and bootloader.


You will find most of this information pulled from the Arch Wiki and other resources linked thereof.

Note: The system was installed on an NVMe SSD, substitute /dev/nvme0nX with /dev/sdX or your device as needed.

System-Glitch /
Last active August 27, 2024 23:21
Tutorial for bitcoin regtest
# Script to generate a new block every minute
# Put this script at the root of your unpacked folder
echo "Generating a block every minute. Press [CTRL+C] to stop.."
address=`./bin/bitcoin-cli getnewaddress`
while :