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Last active August 8, 2024 16:25
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Save RepComm/c1a2f1d8d8dc52d954eb01ab88866153 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
pocketbase pb_schema.json to typescript definitions ( ex usage: ./schema2jsdoc.mjs > schema.d.ts ) - runs where-ever current directory is and finds pb_schema.json, outputs to stdout, pipe to a file to save, or copy paste text
export interface pb_schema_entry_schema_options {
min: number;
max: number;
pattern: string;
export interface pb_schema_entry_schema {
system: boolean;
id: string;
name: string;
type: string;
required: boolean;
presentable: boolean;
unique: boolean;
options: pb_schema_entry_schema_options;
export interface pb_schema_entry_options {
allowEmailAuth: boolean;
allowOAuth2Auth: boolean;
allowUsernameAuth: boolean;
exceptEmailDomains: boolean;
manageRule: string;
minPasswordLength: number;
onlyEmailDomains: boolean;
onlyVerified: boolean;
requireEmail: boolean;
export interface pb_schema_entry {
id: string;
name: string;
type: string;
system: boolean;
schema: pb_schema_entry_schema[];
indexes: any[];
listRule: string;
viewRule: string;
createRule: string;
updateRule: string;
deleteRule: string;
options: pb_schema_entry_options;
export type pb_schema = pb_schema_entry[];
#!/usr/bin/env node
import { readFileSync } from "fs";
import { exit } from "process";
function log(...msgs) {
console.log("//", ...msgs);
function warn(...msgs) {
log("WARN:", ...msgs);
"schema2jsdoc -",
function error(...msgs) {
console.error("//ERROR: ", ...msgs);
let schemaData = "";
try {
//read stdin (aka 0 in the first arg) fully to text instead of an actual file
schemaData = readFileSync(0, { encoding: "utf-8" });
} catch (ex) {
"couldn't read schema from standard input, try: cat pb_schema.json | ./schema2jsdoc.mjs",
/**@typedef {import("./schema2jsdoc").pb_schema} pb_schema*/
/**@type {pb_schema}*/
let schemaJson = {};
try {
schemaJson = JSON.parse(schemaData);
} catch (ex) {
"couldn't parse schema json, try: cat pb_schema.json | ./schema2jsdoc.mjs",
if (!Array.isArray(schemaJson)) {
error("schema root is not an array");
if (schemaJson.length < 1) {
error("schema root array length < 1");
function fieldToPropType(field_type) {
switch (field_type) {
case "text":
return "string";
case "number":
return "number";
case "relation":
return "string";
case "editor":
return "string";
case "file":
return "string";
case "select":
return "string";
case "bool":
return "boolean";
warn(`unknown field type '${field_type}' using 'any' as a catch-all`);
return "any";
/** May be incomplete, but should handle many cases
* Used as a reference
const JS_RESERVED_WORDS = new Set([
function resolveName(field_name) {
if (JS_RESERVED_WORDS.has(field_name)) {
return `__${field_name}`;
} else {
return field_name;
let output = "";
output +=
'declare import PocketBaseImport, {RecordService,RecordModel} from "pocketbase";\n';
const collectionToInterfaceNameMap = new Map();
const collectionNameToIdMap = new Map();
for (const entry of schemaJson) {
//not all strings are valid typescript interface names, quell some common issues here
const ifname = resolveName(;
//track collection id - used for relation mapping of 'expand' property in typescript definition output
//save the remapping for later for output type pb_schema_map
collectionToInterfaceNameMap.set(, ifname);
//begin writing the interface
output += `interface ${ifname} extends RecordModel {\n`;
const fieldNameToRelationIdMap = new Map();
const fieldNameToRelationExpandIsArray = new Map();
//output props of collection types
for (const field of entry.schema) {
if (field.type === "relation") {
fieldNameToRelationIdMap.set(, field.options.collectionId);
output += ` /**relation id, use .expand property*/\n`;
if (!field.options.maxSelect || field.options.maxSelect !== 1) {
fieldNameToRelationExpandIsArray.set(, true);
const ft = fieldToPropType(field.type);
output += ` ${}: ${ft};\n`;
//output expand prop if necessary
if (fieldNameToRelationIdMap.size > 1) {
output += ` expand?: {\n`;
for (const [name, collectionId] of fieldNameToRelationIdMap) {
//use the relation collection id to avoid extra looping thru schema for lookups
//typescript definitions are good at this anyways, plus it looks cool
if (fieldNameToRelationExpandIsArray.get(name) === true) {
output += ` ${name}: CollectionIdNameMap["${collectionId}"][];\n`;
} else {
output += ` ${name}: CollectionIdNameMap["${collectionId}"];\n`;
output += " }\n";
//end the interface
output += "}\n";
//output pb_schema_map for mapping collection names to interface names
output += "export interface pb_schema_map {\n";
for (const [k, v] of collectionToInterfaceNameMap) {
output += ` "${k}": ${v};\n`;
output += "}\n";
//output TypedPocketBase
output += "export interface TypedPocketBase extends PocketBaseImport {\n";
output += " collection(idOrName: string): RecordService;\n";
for (const [k, v] of collectionToInterfaceNameMap) {
output += ` collection(idOrName: "${k}"): RecordService<${v}>;\n`;
output += "}\n";
//output CollectionIdNameMap for mapping collection ids to interfaces
output += "interface CollectionIdNameMap {\n";
for (const [name, id] of collectionNameToIdMap) {
output += ` "${id}": ${name};\n`;
output += "}\n";
//output result
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RepComm commented May 16, 2024

revision 3 - remaps most reserved js keywords in interface names to __${name} to prevent issues such as naming a pocketbase table "class" (shame on you, you should be using plural for collection names anyways! ;-) )

also outputs exported interface pb_schema_map with all the fields mapped with original names as string keys, and the interfaces as values

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RepComm commented May 16, 2024

TODO - map "expand" props for relation field types

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RepComm commented May 16, 2024

revision 4
map expands complete! and it is sick.

no longer tries to read pb_schema.json from current directory, instead expects to be passed pb_schema.json contents passed to standard input, example:

cat ./pb_schema.json | ./schema2jsdoc.mjs > schema.d.ts

this above line uses 'cat' command to echo content from a file 'pb_schema.json', pipes the output to schema2jsdoc.mjs shell script from this gist, and diverts output from that to schema.d.ts file where type defs will be written

example output as of now
// schema2jsdoc -
interface players {
 name: string;
 avatar: string;
interface alignments {
 name: string;
interface appearances {
 image: string;
 name: string;
 characters: string;
interface armor_classes {
 name: string;
interface background {
 name: string;
interface characters {
 name: string;
 player: string;
 class: string;
 level: number;
 background: string;
 race: string;
 alignment: string;
 xp: number;
 strength: number;
 dexterity: number;
 constitution: number;
 intelligence: number;
 wisdom: number;
 charisma: number;
 wisdom_passive: number;
 armor_class: string;
 speed: number;
 personality_traits: string;
 ideals: string;
 bonds: string;
 flaws: string;
 age: number;
 height: number;
 weight: number;
 eyes: string;
 skin: string;
 hair: string;
 appearances: string;
 backstory: string;
 treasure: string;
 additional_features_and_traits: string;
 expand?: {
  player: CollectionIdNameMap["_pb_users_auth_"];
  class: CollectionIdNameMap["6p9jdpn1ashwh1k"];
  background: CollectionIdNameMap["v5d83ccwckijday"];
  race: CollectionIdNameMap["irasc0g38drvkxy"];
  alignment: CollectionIdNameMap["kugurr24ahjs4nm"];
  armor_class: CollectionIdNameMap["r6u975oqxkxv66h"];
  appearances: CollectionIdNameMap["y99prlxo6k4folv"];
  treasure: CollectionIdNameMap["7bnpj5je1dn6jfi"];
interface __class {
 name: string;
interface races {
 name: string;
interface treasures {
 name: string;
 image: string;
export interface pb_schema_map {
 "players": players;
 "alignments": alignments;
 "appearances": appearances;
 "armor_classes": armor_classes;
 "background": background;
 "characters": characters;
 "class": __class;
 "races": races;
 "treasures": treasures;
interface CollectionIdNameMap {
 "_pb_users_auth_": players;
 "kugurr24ahjs4nm": alignments;
 "y99prlxo6k4folv": appearances;
 "r6u975oqxkxv66h": armor_classes;
 "v5d83ccwckijday": background;
 "knyh02k466va30x": characters;
 "6p9jdpn1ashwh1k": __class;
 "irasc0g38drvkxy": races;
 "7bnpj5je1dn6jfi": treasures;

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RepComm commented May 16, 2024

revision 5 - output comment about relation fields for each relation field in type definitions output for more convenience while using the types output by the tool

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RepComm commented Aug 7, 2024

Revision 6 - fixed bug where 'warn' and 'panic' functions didn't exist, replaced 'panic' with nodejs exit, and 'warn' calls 'log' now
Revision 8 - exports "TypedPocketBase", an interface that extends "Pocketbase" imported from "pocketbase", which you can use like so:

import type { TypedPocketBase } from "./schema";
const pb: TypedPocketBase = new Pocketbase();

as mentioned in pocketbase docs:

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RepComm commented Aug 7, 2024

Revision 9 - collection types extend RecordModel from PocketBaseImport now, so properties of records will have built-in property type definitions like

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RepComm commented Aug 8, 2024

Revision 10 - multiple relation now maps to expands field as array instead of singular, which was incorrect.

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