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Created June 7, 2019 15:54
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#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h> // Include the mDNS library
const char* ssid = "JJAGD";
const char* password = "";
// Assign output variables to GPIO pins
const int pinHeater = 4;
const int pinPump1 = 5;
const int pinPump2 = 12;
const int pinPump3 = 14;
// Set web server port number to 80
WiFiServer server(80);
// Variable to store the HTTP request
String header;
int heaterState = 0;
int pumpState = 0;
double tempState = 0;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(pinHeater, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinPump1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinPump2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinPump3, OUTPUT);
// Relays are closed HIGH
digitalWrite(pinHeater, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pinPump1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pinPump2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pinPump3, HIGH);
// Connect to Wi-Fi network with SSID and password
Serial.print("Connecting to ");
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
// Print local IP address and start web server
Serial.println("WiFi connected.");
Serial.println("IP address: ");
// Begin mDNS so we can discover the device on the network from the client
if (MDNS.begin("poolduino")) {
MDNS.addService("http", "tcp", 80);
// HTTP Paths
// /heater/0
// /heater/1
// /pump/0
// /pump/1
// /pump/2
// /pump/3
// JSON Response
// { "heater" : 0, "pump" : 0, "temp" : 82.1 }
void loop() {
// Update mDNS in case something changes (Like our IP)
WiFiClient client = server.available(); // Listen for incoming clients
if (client) { // If a new client connects,
Serial.println("New Client."); // print a message out in the serial port
String currentLine = ""; // make a String to hold incoming data from the client
while (client.connected()) { // loop while the client's connected
if (client.available()) { // if there's bytes to read from the client,
char c =; // read a byte, then
Serial.write(c); // print it out the serial monitor
header += c;
if (c == '\n') { // if the byte is a newline character
// if the current line is blank, you got two newline characters in a row.
// that's the end of the client HTTP request, so send a response:
if (currentLine.length() == 0) {
// HTTP headers always start with a response code (e.g. HTTP/1.1 200 OK)
// and a content-type so the client knows what's coming, then a blank line:
client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
client.println("Content-type: application/json");
client.println("Connection: close");
bool heaterChanged = false;
bool pumpChanged = false;
// turns the GPIOs on and off
if (header.indexOf("GET /heater/0") >= 0) {
heaterState = 0;
heaterChanged = true;
} else if (header.indexOf("GET /heater/1") >= 0) {
heaterState = 1;
heaterChanged = true;
} else if (header.indexOf("GET /pump/0") >= 0) {
pumpState = 0;
pumpChanged = true;
} else if (header.indexOf("GET /pump/1") >= 0) {
pumpState = 1;
pumpChanged = true;
} else if (header.indexOf("GET /pump/2") >= 0) {
pumpState = 2;
pumpChanged = true;
} else if (header.indexOf("GET /pump/3") >= 0) {
pumpState = 3;
pumpChanged = true;
if (heaterChanged) {
Serial.println("Heater Changed to: " + heaterState);
digitalWrite(pinHeater, heaterState == 1 ? LOW : HIGH);
if (pumpChanged) {
Serial.println("Pump Changed to: " + pumpState);
// First make sure all pump relays are off
digitalWrite(pinPump1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pinPump2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pinPump3, HIGH);
// Now turn the correct one on:
if (pumpState == 1) {
digitalWrite(pinPump1, LOW);
} else if (pumpState == 2) {
digitalWrite(pinPump2, LOW);
} else if (pumpState == 3) {
digitalWrite(pinPump3, LOW);
// Print back JSON to the client
client.println("{ \"heater\" : " + heaterState + ", \"pump\" : " + pumpState + ", \"temp\" : " + tempState + " } ");
// The HTTP response ends with another blank line
// Break out of the while loop
} else { // if you got a newline, then clear currentLine
currentLine = "";
} else if (c != '\r') { // if you got anything else but a carriage return character,
currentLine += c; // add it to the end of the currentLine
// Clear the header variable
header = "";
// Close the connection
Serial.println("Client disconnected.");
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