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Last active September 27, 2022 01:36
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
unit_map = {
'京': 10**16,
'亿亿': 10**16,
'千万亿': 10**15,
'百万亿': 10**14,
'十万亿': 10**13,
'兆': 10**12,
'万亿': 10**12,
'千亿': 10**11,
'百亿': 10**10,
'十亿': 10**9,
'亿': 10**8,
'万': 10**4,
k_unit_map = {'万': 10000, '千': 1000, '仟': 1000, '百': 100, '佰': 100, '十': 10, '拾': 10}
num_map = {
'幺': 1, '一': 1, '二': 2, '三': 3, '四': 4, '五': 5, '六': 6, '七': 7, '八': 8, '九': 9,
'壹': 1, '贰': 2, '叁': 3, '肆': 4, '伍': 5, '陆': 6, '柒': 7, '捌': 8, '玖': 9, '零': 0,
def str2num(target: str) -> int:
for char, num in num_map.items():
target = target.replace(char, str(num))
return int(target)
def resolve(string: str) -> int:
num = 0
for unit in k_unit_map.keys():
split_result = string.split(unit, 1)
if len(split_result) ==1 :
big = split_result[0]
small = split_result[1]
if big == '':
big = '一'
num += num_map[big] * k_unit_map[unit]
num += resolve(small)
return num
return num_map[string] if len(string) > 0 else 0
def split(line: str) -> int:
num = 0
for unit in unit_map.keys():
if unit not in line:
split_result = line.split(unit, 1)
if len(split_result) ==1 :
big = split_result[0]
small = split_result[1]
num += resolve(big) * unit_map[unit]
num += split(small)
return num
return resolve(line) if num != 0 else resolve(line)
def main(target: str) -> int:
if not re.match('^[幺一二三四五六七八九壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖零十百千拾佰仟万亿兆京]+$', target):
raise ValueError('Invalid input')
if next(
(False for k_unit in k_unit_map.keys() if k_unit in target),
all(unit not in target for unit in unit_map.keys())
return str2num(target)
return split(target.replace('零', ''))
test = '一一四五一四一九一九八幺零'
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