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Last active September 3, 2020 09:44
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Randomized Algorithm to solve Problem of computing the ith smallest element of an input array (e.g., the median).
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Aug 31 19:53:34 2020
@author: Ravi
Random Selection Algorithm to compute ith order statistic in O(n) time with
high probability, this algorithm is just a made by simple modification of
Quick Sort. If we are very very unlucky then worst case running time = O(n**2)
This problem can be solved with the help of sorting which will take
from random import randrange
def partition(arr,pivot_index = 0):
arr : array which have to be partitioned
pivot_index : random index from {0,len(arr)}
i : index around which the array is partitioned
arr : partitioned array.
#swap the first and the pivot index for simplification
if pivot_index!=0:
arr[0],arr[pivot_index] = arr[pivot_index],arr[0]
#make the pivot index 0 and the content of that index into pivot
pivot_index = 0
pivot = arr[0]
#initialize both pointers i and j with 1
#loop until the last element
for j in range(1,len(arr)):
#swap if lower element is found
if arr[j]<=pivot and j!= pivot_index :
arr[i],arr[j] = arr[j],arr[i]
#swap the pivot with the i-1 (we are taking i-1 because we have inititalize
# i with 1 that is one index after the pivot from the original )
arr[pivot_index],arr[i-1] = arr[i-1],arr[pivot_index]
#return both the partitioned array
#And the pivot index which is at its sorted position
return i-1,arr
def Rselect(arr,i):
Rselect call itself for finding the index we are looking for
arr : input array
i : the ith order statistics we want to find
i : The ith order statistic index which we are looking for
#base condition if length is 1 return that element
if len(arr)==1:
return arr[0]
#partition the array around the pivot
j,arr = partition(arr,randrange(len(arr)))
#if the pivot index is same as we are looking for return it simply
if i==j:
return arr[j]
#if the pivot index is greater than we only have to
#recurse on the left sub array
if i<j:
return Rselect(arr[:j],i)
#if the pivot index if lessert than we only have to
#recurse on the right sub array
return Rselect(arr[j+1:],i-j-1)
arr = [1,2,3,4,4,4,4,5,6,7,8]
for i in range(len(arr)):
print(Rselect(arr, i))
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