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Created August 9, 2024 19:50
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Giovane023 chose tails for the opening coin flip.
Ratstail91 won the coin toss.
Ratstail91 decided to go first.
Giovane023 drew 7 cards for the opening hand.
- 7 drawn cards.
Ratstail91 drew 7 cards for the opening hand.
- 7 drawn cards.
• Penny, Night Stretcher, Dark Patch, Pecharunt, Boss's Orders, Iono, Basic Darkness Energy
Giovane023 took a mulligan.
- Cards revealed from Mulligan 1
• Buddy-Buddy Poffin, Basic Water Energy, Arven, Buddy-Buddy Poffin, Ultra Ball, Counter Catcher, Basic Water Energy
Ratstail91 drew 1 more card because Giovane023 took at least 1 mulligan.
- Ratstail91 drew Earthen Vessel.
Giovane023 played Pidgey to the Active Spot.
Giovane023 played Manaphy to the Bench.
Ratstail91 played Pecharunt to the Active Spot.
Turn # 1 - Ratstail91's Turn
Ratstail91 drew Dark Patch.
Ratstail91 played Earthen Vessel.
- Ratstail91 discarded Basic Darkness Energy.
- Ratstail91 drew 2 cards.
• Basic Darkness Energy, Basic Darkness Energy
- Ratstail91 shuffled their deck.
Ratstail91 attached Basic Darkness Energy to Pecharunt in the Active Spot.
Ratstail91 ended their turn.
Turn # 1 - Giovane023's Turn
Giovane023 drew a card.
Giovane023 played Nest Ball.
- Giovane023 drew Cleffa and played it to the Bench.
- Giovane023 shuffled their deck.
Giovane023 attached Basic Water Energy to Pidgey in the Active Spot.
Giovane023's Pidgey used Call for Family.
- Giovane023 drew 2 cards and played them to the Bench.
• Froakie, Pidgey
- Giovane023 shuffled their deck.
Turn # 2 - Ratstail91's Turn
Ratstail91 drew Penny.
Ratstail91 attached Basic Darkness Energy to Pecharunt in the Active Spot.
Ratstail91 played Iono.
- Ratstail91 shuffled their hand.
- Ratstail91 put 6 cards on the bottom of their deck.
• Boss's Orders, Dark Patch, Penny, Dark Patch, Night Stretcher, Penny
- Giovane023 shuffled their hand.
- Ratstail91 put 4 cards on the bottom of their deck.
- Ratstail91 drew 6 cards.
• Ancient Booster Energy Capsule, Night Stretcher, Perilous Jungle, Perilous Jungle, Brute Bonnet, Nest Ball
- Ratstail91 drew 6 cards.
Ratstail91 played Brute Bonnet to the Bench.
Ratstail91 attached Ancient Booster Energy Capsule to Brute Bonnet on the Bench.
Ratstail91 played Nest Ball.
- Ratstail91 drew Pecharunt and played it to the Bench.
- Ratstail91 shuffled their deck.
Ratstail91 played Perilous Jungle to the Stadium spot.
Ratstail91's Brute Bonnet used Toxic Powder.
- Ratstail91's Pecharunt is now Poisoned.
- Giovane023's Pidgey is now Poisoned.
Ratstail91's Pecharunt used Poison Chain on Giovane023’s Pidgey for 10 damage.
- Giovane023's Pidgey is no longer Poisoned.
- Giovane023's Pidgey is now Poisoned.
Pokémon Checkup
1 damage counter was placed on Ratstail91's Pecharunt for the Special Condition Poisoned.
8 damage counters were placed on Giovane023's Pidgey for the Special Condition Poisoned.
Giovane023's Pidgey was Knocked Out!
Basic Water Energy was discarded from Giovane023's Pidgey.
Giovane023's Cleffa is now in the Active Spot.
Ratstail91 took a Prize card.
Colress's Tenacity was added to Ratstail91's hand.
Turn # 2 - Giovane023's Turn
Giovane023 drew a card.
Giovane023 played Collapsed Stadium to the Stadium spot.
- Ratstail91 discarded Perilous Jungle.
Giovane023 played Arven.
- Giovane023 drew 2 cards.
• Ultra Ball, Defiance Band
- Giovane023 shuffled their deck.
Giovane023 played Rare Candy.
- Giovane023 evolved Froakie to Greninja ex on the Bench.
Giovane023 attached Defiance Band to Greninja ex on the Bench.
Giovane023 played Earthen Vessel.
- Giovane023 discarded Frogadier.
- Giovane023 drew 2 cards.
• Basic Water Energy, Basic Water Energy
- Giovane023 shuffled their deck.
Giovane023 attached Basic Water Energy to Greninja ex on the Bench.
Giovane023 retreated Cleffa to the Bench.
Giovane023's Greninja ex is now in the Active Spot.
Giovane023's Greninja ex used Shinobi Blade on Ratstail91’s Pecharunt for 400 damage. Ratstail91's Pecharunt took 200 more damage because of Fighting Weakness.
- Giovane023 drew a card.
- Giovane023 shuffled their deck.
Ratstail91's Pecharunt was Knocked Out!
- 2 cards were discarded from Ratstail91's Pecharunt.
• Basic Darkness Energy, Basic Darkness Energy
Ratstail91's Pecharunt is now in the Active Spot.
Giovane023 took a Prize card.
A card was added to Giovane023's hand.
Turn # 3 - Ratstail91's Turn
Ratstail91 drew Jamming Tower.
Ratstail91 played Colress's Tenacity.
- Ratstail91 drew 2 cards.
• Neutralization Zone, Basic Darkness Energy
- Ratstail91 shuffled their deck.
Ratstail91 played Neutralization Zone to the Stadium spot.
- Giovane023 discarded Collapsed Stadium.
Ratstail91's Brute Bonnet used Toxic Powder.
- Ratstail91's Pecharunt is now Poisoned.
- Giovane023's Greninja ex is now Poisoned.
Ratstail91 attached Basic Darkness Energy to Pecharunt in the Active Spot.
Ratstail91 ended their turn.
Pokémon Checkup
1 damage counter was placed on Ratstail91's Pecharunt for the Special Condition Poisoned.
6 damage counters were placed on Giovane023's Greninja ex for the Special Condition Poisoned.
Turn # 3 - Giovane023's Turn
Giovane023 drew a card.
Giovane023 played Arven.
- Giovane023 drew 2 cards.
• Rare Candy, Technical Machine: Devolution
- Giovane023 shuffled their deck.
Giovane023 played Ultra Ball.
- Giovane023 discarded 2 cards.
• Technical Machine: Devolution, Basic Water Energy
- Giovane023 drew Pidgeot ex.
- Giovane023 shuffled their deck.
Giovane023 played Rare Candy.
- Giovane023 evolved Pidgey to Pidgeot ex on the Bench.
Giovane023's Pidgeot ex used Quick Search.
- Giovane023 drew a card.
- Giovane023 shuffled their deck.
Giovane023 played Lost Vacuum.
- Giovane023 moved Giovane023's Boss's Orders to the Lost Zone.
- Giovane023 moved Giovane023's Neutralization Zone to the Lost Zone.
Giovane023's Greninja ex used Shinobi Blade on Ratstail91’s Pecharunt for 340 damage. Ratstail91's Pecharunt took 170 more damage because of Fighting Weakness.
- Giovane023 drew a card.
- Giovane023 shuffled their deck.
Ratstail91's Pecharunt was Knocked Out!
Basic Darkness Energy was discarded from Ratstail91's Pecharunt.
Ratstail91's Brute Bonnet is now in the Active Spot.
Giovane023 took a Prize card.
A card was added to Giovane023's hand.
Pokémon Checkup
1 damage counter was placed on Giovane023's Greninja ex for the Special Condition Poisoned.
Turn # 4 - Ratstail91's Turn
Ratstail91 drew Colress's Tenacity.
Ratstail91 played Colress's Tenacity.
- Ratstail91 drew Artazon.
- Ratstail91 shuffled their deck.
Ratstail91 played Night Stretcher.
- Ratstail91 moved Ratstail91's Pecharunt to their hand.
Ratstail91 played Pecharunt to the Bench.
Ratstail91 played Artazon to the Stadium spot.
Ratstail91 played Artazon.
- Ratstail91 drew Pecharunt and played it to the Bench.
- Ratstail91 shuffled their deck.
Ratstail91's Brute Bonnet used Toxic Powder.
Ratstail91 ended their turn.
Pokémon Checkup
1 damage counter was placed on Giovane023's Greninja ex for the Special Condition Poisoned.
Turn # 4 - Giovane023's Turn
Giovane023 drew a card.
Giovane023 played Professor Turo's Scenario.
- Giovane023 moved Giovane023's 2 cards to their hand.
• Greninja ex, Froakie
- 2 cards were discarded from Giovane023's Greninja ex.
• Basic Water Energy, Defiance Band
Giovane023's Cleffa is now in the Active Spot.
Giovane023 played Froakie to the Bench.
Giovane023 played Buddy-Buddy Poffin.
- Giovane023 drew Froakie and played it to the Bench.
- Giovane023 shuffled their deck.
Giovane023 played Radiant Greninja to the Bench.
Giovane023's Pidgeot ex used Quick Search.
- Giovane023 drew a card.
- Giovane023 shuffled their deck.
Giovane023's Cleffa used Grasping Draw.
- Giovane023 drew 3 cards.
Turn # 5 - Ratstail91's Turn
Ratstail91 drew Penny.
Ratstail91 played Artazon.
- Ratstail91 drew Pecharunt and played it to the Bench.
- Ratstail91 shuffled their deck.
Ratstail91's Brute Bonnet used Toxic Powder.
- Giovane023's Cleffa is now Poisoned.
Ratstail91 played Perilous Jungle to the Stadium spot.
- Ratstail91 discarded Artazon.
Ratstail91 ended their turn.
Pokémon Checkup
3 damage counters were placed on Giovane023's Cleffa for the Special Condition Poisoned.
Giovane023's Cleffa was Knocked Out!
Giovane023's Froakie is now in the Active Spot.
Ratstail91 took a Prize card.
Basic Darkness Energy was added to Ratstail91's hand.
Turn # 5 - Giovane023's Turn
Giovane023 drew a card.
Giovane023's Pidgeot ex used Quick Search.
- Giovane023 drew a card.
- Giovane023 shuffled their deck.
Giovane023 played Rare Candy.
- Giovane023 evolved Froakie to Greninja ex on the Bench.
Giovane023 played Super Rod.
- Giovane023 shuffled 3 cards into their deck.
• Basic Water Energy, Basic Water Energy, Basic Water Energy
Giovane023 played Ultra Ball.
- Giovane023 discarded 2 cards.
• Maximum Belt, Iono
- Giovane023 drew Lumineon V.
- Giovane023 shuffled their deck.
Giovane023 ended their turn.
Turn # 6 - Ratstail91's Turn
Ratstail91 drew Boss's Orders.
Ratstail91 attached Basic Darkness Energy to Pecharunt on the Bench.
Ratstail91 played Boss's Orders.
- Giovane023's Greninja ex was switched with Giovane023's Froakie to become the Active Pokémon.
Giovane023's Greninja ex is now in the Active Spot.
Ratstail91's Brute Bonnet used Toxic Powder.
- Giovane023's Greninja ex is now Poisoned.
Ratstail91 ended their turn.
Pokémon Checkup
3 damage counters were placed on Giovane023's Greninja ex for the Special Condition Poisoned.
Turn # 6 - Giovane023's Turn
Giovane023 drew a card.
Giovane023 attached Basic Water Energy to Greninja ex in the Active Spot.
Giovane023 played Lumineon V to the Bench.
Giovane023's Lumineon V used Luminous Sign.
- Giovane023 drew Grant.
- Giovane023 shuffled their deck.
Giovane023 played Grant.
Giovane023 played Grant.
- Giovane023 discarded 2 cards.
• Eri, Boss's Orders
- Giovane023 moved Giovane023's Grant to their hand.
Giovane023's Pidgeot ex used Quick Search.
- Giovane023 drew a card.
- Giovane023 shuffled their deck.
Giovane023's Greninja ex used Shinobi Blade on Ratstail91’s Brute Bonnet for 200 damage.
- Giovane023 drew a card.
- Giovane023 shuffled their deck.
Ratstail91's Brute Bonnet was Knocked Out!
Ancient Booster Energy Capsule was discarded from Ratstail91's Brute Bonnet.
Ratstail91's Pecharunt is now in the Active Spot.
Giovane023 took a Prize card.
A card was added to Giovane023's hand.
Pokémon Checkup
8 damage counters were placed on Giovane023's Greninja ex for the Special Condition Poisoned.
Turn # 7 - Ratstail91's Turn
Ratstail91 drew Nest Ball.
Ratstail91 played Nest Ball.
- Ratstail91 drew Fezandipiti ex and played it to the Bench.
- Ratstail91 shuffled their deck.
Ratstail91's Fezandipiti ex used Flip the Script.
- Ratstail91 drew 3 cards.
• Town Store, Dark Patch, Penny
Ratstail91 played Dark Patch.
- Ratstail91 attached Basic Darkness Energy to Pecharunt on the Bench.
Ratstail91 played Penny.
- Ratstail91 moved Ratstail91's 2 cards to their hand.
• Pecharunt, Basic Darkness Energy
Ratstail91's Pecharunt is now in the Active Spot.
Ratstail91 attached Basic Darkness Energy to Pecharunt in the Active Spot.
Ratstail91 played Pecharunt to the Bench.
Ratstail91's Pecharunt used Poison Chain on Giovane023’s Greninja ex for 10 damage.
- Giovane023's Greninja ex is no longer Poisoned.
- Giovane023's Greninja ex is now Poisoned.
Pokémon Checkup
8 damage counters were placed on Giovane023's Greninja ex for the Special Condition Poisoned.
Turn # 7 - Giovane023's Turn
Giovane023 drew a card.
Giovane023 attached Double Turbo Energy to Greninja ex in the Active Spot.
Giovane023's Pidgeot ex used Quick Search.
- Giovane023 drew a card.
- Giovane023 shuffled their deck.
Giovane023 played Rare Candy.
- Giovane023 evolved Froakie to Greninja ex on the Bench.
Giovane023 attached Forest Seal Stone to Pidgeot ex on the Bench.
Giovane023's Greninja ex used Mirage Barrage on Ratstail91’s Pecharunt for 200 damage. Ratstail91's Pecharunt took 100 more damage because of Fighting Weakness.
- Ratstail91's Pecharunt took 100 damage.
- Double Turbo Energy was discarded from Giovane023's Greninja ex.
Ratstail91's Pecharunt was Knocked Out!
- 2 cards were discarded from Ratstail91's Pecharunt.
• Basic Darkness Energy, Basic Darkness Energy
Ratstail91's Pecharunt was Knocked Out!
Ratstail91's Pecharunt is now in the Active Spot.
Giovane023 took 2 Prize cards.
A card was added to Giovane023's hand.
A card was added to Giovane023's hand.
Pokémon Checkup
8 damage counters were placed on Giovane023's Greninja ex for the Special Condition Poisoned.
Turn # 8 - Ratstail91's Turn
Ratstail91 drew Energy Retrieval.
Ratstail91's Fezandipiti ex used Flip the Script.
- Ratstail91 drew 3 cards.
• Colress's Tenacity, Colress's Tenacity, Boss's Orders
Ratstail91 played Energy Retrieval.
- Ratstail91 moved Ratstail91's 2 cards to their hand.
• Basic Darkness Energy, Basic Darkness Energy
Ratstail91 attached Basic Darkness Energy to Fezandipiti ex on the Bench.
Ratstail91 played Colress's Tenacity.
- Ratstail91 drew Primordial Altar.
- Ratstail91 shuffled their deck.
Ratstail91 played Primordial Altar to the Stadium spot.
- Ratstail91 discarded Perilous Jungle.
Ratstail91 played Primordial Altar.
Ratstail91 ended their turn.
Pokémon Checkup
6 damage counters were placed on Giovane023's Greninja ex for the Special Condition Poisoned.
Giovane023's Greninja ex was Knocked Out!
- 2 cards were discarded from Giovane023's Greninja ex.
• Basic Water Energy, Froakie
Giovane023's Pidgeot ex is now in the Active Spot.
Ratstail91 took 2 Prize cards.
Munkidori was added to Ratstail91's hand.
Carmine was added to Ratstail91's hand.
Turn # 8 - Giovane023's Turn
Giovane023 drew a card.
Giovane023 played Froakie to the Bench.
Giovane023 attached Basic Water Energy to Greninja ex on the Bench.
Giovane023 played Roxanne.
- Giovane023 shuffled 3 cards into their deck.
- Giovane023 moved Giovane023's 8 cards to their deck.
• Jamming Tower, Penny, Town Store, Colress's Tenacity, Boss's Orders, Basic Darkness Energy, Munkidori, Carmine
- Giovane023 drew 6 cards.
- Giovane023 drew 2 cards.
• Town Store, Carmine
Giovane023 retreated Pidgeot ex to the Bench.
Giovane023's Greninja ex is now in the Active Spot.
Giovane023's Greninja ex used Shinobi Blade on Ratstail91’s Pecharunt for 340 damage. Ratstail91's Pecharunt took 170 more damage because of Fighting Weakness.
Ratstail91's Pecharunt was Knocked Out!
Giovane023 took a Prize card.
A card was added to Giovane023's hand.
Opponent took all of their Prize cards. Giovane023 wins.
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