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React Native Vision Camera x Reanimated v3 patch
diff --git a/node_modules/react-native-vision-camera/ios/Frame Processor/ b/node_modules/react-native-vision-camera/ios/Frame Processor/
index 3841b20..505f276 100644
--- a/node_modules/react-native-vision-camera/ios/Frame Processor/
+++ b/node_modules/react-native-vision-camera/ios/Frame Processor/
@@ -19,22 +19,6 @@
#import <React/RCTUIManager.h>
#import <ReactCommon/RCTTurboModuleManager.h>
- #if __has_include(<RNReanimated/NativeReanimatedModule.h>)
- #if __has_include(<RNReanimated/RuntimeManager.h>)
- #import <RNReanimated/RuntimeManager.h>
- #import <RNReanimated/RuntimeDecorator.h>
- #import <RNReanimated/REAIOSErrorHandler.h>
- #import "VisionCameraScheduler.h"
- #else
- #warning Your react-native-reanimated version is not compatible with VisionCamera, Frame Processors are disabled. Make sure you're using reanimated 2.2.0 or above!
- #endif
- #else
- #warning The NativeReanimatedModule.h header could not be found, Frame Processors are disabled. If you want to use Frame Processors, make sure you install react-native-reanimated!
- #endif
#import "FrameProcessorUtils.h"
#import "FrameProcessorCallback.h"
#import "../React Utils/MakeJSIRuntime.h"
@@ -51,154 +35,18 @@ @interface CameraView : UIView
@implementation FrameProcessorRuntimeManager {
- std::unique_ptr<reanimated::RuntimeManager> runtimeManager;
__weak RCTBridge* weakBridge;
- (instancetype) initWithBridge:(RCTBridge*)bridge {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
- NSLog(@"FrameProcessorBindings: Creating Runtime Manager...");
- weakBridge = bridge;
- auto runtime = vision::makeJSIRuntime();
- reanimated::RuntimeDecorator::decorateRuntime(*runtime, "FRAME_PROCESSOR");
- runtime->global().setProperty(*runtime, "_FRAME_PROCESSOR", jsi::Value(true));
- auto callInvoker = bridge.jsCallInvoker;
- auto scheduler = std::make_shared<vision::VisionCameraScheduler>(callInvoker);
- runtimeManager = std::make_unique<reanimated::RuntimeManager>(std::move(runtime),
- std::make_shared<reanimated::REAIOSErrorHandler>(scheduler),
- scheduler);
- NSLog(@"FrameProcessorBindings: Runtime Manager created!");
- NSLog(@"FrameProcessorBindings: Installing Frame Processor plugins...");
- auto& visionRuntime = *runtimeManager->runtime;
- auto visionGlobal =;
- for (NSString* pluginKey in [FrameProcessorPluginRegistry frameProcessorPlugins]) {
- auto pluginName = [pluginKey UTF8String];
- NSLog(@"FrameProcessorBindings: Installing Frame Processor plugin \"%s\"...", pluginName);
- FrameProcessorPlugin callback = [[FrameProcessorPluginRegistry frameProcessorPlugins] valueForKey:pluginKey];
- auto function = [callback, callInvoker](jsi::Runtime& runtime,
- const jsi::Value& thisValue,
- const jsi::Value* arguments,
- size_t count) -> jsi::Value {
- auto frameHostObject = arguments[0].asObject(runtime).asHostObject(runtime);
- auto frame = static_cast<FrameHostObject*>(frameHostObject.get());
- auto args = convertJSICStyleArrayToNSArray(runtime,
- arguments + 1, // start at index 1 since first arg = Frame
- count - 1, // use smaller count
- callInvoker);
- id result = callback(frame->frame, args);
- return convertObjCObjectToJSIValue(runtime, result);
- };
- visionGlobal.setProperty(visionRuntime, pluginName, jsi::Function::createFromHostFunction(visionRuntime,
- jsi::PropNameID::forAscii(visionRuntime, pluginName),
- 1, // frame
- function));
- }
- NSLog(@"FrameProcessorBindings: Frame Processor plugins installed!");
NSLog(@"Reanimated not found, Frame Processors are disabled.");
return self;
- (void) installFrameProcessorBindings {
- if (!weakBridge) {
- NSLog(@"FrameProcessorBindings: Failed to install Frame Processor Bindings - bridge was null!");
- return;
- }
- NSLog(@"FrameProcessorBindings: Installing Frame Processor Bindings for Bridge...");
- RCTCxxBridge *cxxBridge = (RCTCxxBridge *)weakBridge;
- if (!cxxBridge.runtime) {
- return;
- }
- jsi::Runtime& jsiRuntime = *(jsi::Runtime*)cxxBridge.runtime;
- NSLog(@"FrameProcessorBindings: Installing global functions...");
- // setFrameProcessor(viewTag: number, frameProcessor: (frame: Frame) => void)
- auto setFrameProcessor = [self](jsi::Runtime& runtime,
- const jsi::Value& thisValue,
- const jsi::Value* arguments,
- size_t count) -> jsi::Value {
- NSLog(@"FrameProcessorBindings: Setting new frame processor...");
- if (!arguments[0].isNumber()) throw jsi::JSError(runtime, "Camera::setFrameProcessor: First argument ('viewTag') must be a number!");
- if (!arguments[1].isObject()) throw jsi::JSError(runtime, "Camera::setFrameProcessor: Second argument ('frameProcessor') must be a function!");
- if (!runtimeManager || !runtimeManager->runtime) throw jsi::JSError(runtime, "Camera::setFrameProcessor: The RuntimeManager is not yet initialized!");
- auto viewTag = arguments[0].asNumber();
- NSLog(@"FrameProcessorBindings: Adapting Shareable value from function (conversion to worklet)...");
- auto worklet = reanimated::ShareableValue::adapt(runtime, arguments[1], runtimeManager.get());
- NSLog(@"FrameProcessorBindings: Successfully created worklet!");
- RCTExecuteOnMainQueue([=]() {
- auto currentBridge = [RCTBridge currentBridge];
- auto anonymousView = [currentBridge.uiManager viewForReactTag:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:viewTag]];
- auto view = static_cast<CameraView*>(anonymousView);
- dispatch_async(CameraQueues.frameProcessorQueue, [=]() {
- NSLog(@"FrameProcessorBindings: Converting worklet to Objective-C callback...");
- auto& rt = *runtimeManager->runtime;
- auto function = worklet->getValue(rt).asObject(rt).asFunction(rt);
- view.frameProcessorCallback = convertJSIFunctionToFrameProcessorCallback(rt, function);
- NSLog(@"FrameProcessorBindings: Frame processor set!");
- });
- });
- return jsi::Value::undefined();
- };
-, "setFrameProcessor", jsi::Function::createFromHostFunction(jsiRuntime,
- jsi::PropNameID::forAscii(jsiRuntime, "setFrameProcessor"),
- 2, // viewTag, frameProcessor
- setFrameProcessor));
- // unsetFrameProcessor(viewTag: number)
- auto unsetFrameProcessor = [](jsi::Runtime& runtime,
- const jsi::Value& thisValue,
- const jsi::Value* arguments,
- size_t count) -> jsi::Value {
- NSLog(@"FrameProcessorBindings: Removing frame processor...");
- if (!arguments[0].isNumber()) throw jsi::JSError(runtime, "Camera::unsetFrameProcessor: First argument ('viewTag') must be a number!");
- auto viewTag = arguments[0].asNumber();
- RCTExecuteOnMainQueue(^{
- auto currentBridge = [RCTBridge currentBridge];
- if (!currentBridge) return;
- auto anonymousView = [currentBridge.uiManager viewForReactTag:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:viewTag]];
- if (!anonymousView) return;
- auto view = static_cast<CameraView*>(anonymousView);
- view.frameProcessorCallback = nil;
- NSLog(@"FrameProcessorBindings: Frame processor removed!");
- });
- return jsi::Value::undefined();
- };
-, "unsetFrameProcessor", jsi::Function::createFromHostFunction(jsiRuntime,
- jsi::PropNameID::forAscii(jsiRuntime, "unsetFrameProcessor"),
- 1, // viewTag
- unsetFrameProcessor));
- NSLog(@"FrameProcessorBindings: Finished installing bindings.");
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