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Created August 3, 2024 16:37
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priority queue implementation in lua
-- Piorirty queue, used for implementing other algorithms such as
-- prioritized message queues, or the A* algorithm.
-- Create a new priority q like so:
-- q = prio_q()
-- Add elements to the queue, each has a cost associated. THe cost is
-- used to sort the elements, where the lowest cost is considered the
-- highest priority (first out when pop() is called).
-- q:add("A", 5)
-- q:add("B", 10)
-- q:add("C", 3)
-- Pop elements from the queue to fetch them in sorted order.
-- v, cost = q:pop()
-- print(v, cost) -- prints "C", 3
prio_q = class:extend()
function prio_q:new()
self.values = {}
self.costs = {}
-- Push a value onto the queue with a cost.
-- ...lower the cost means it will be pop'd at higher priority.
function prio_q:push(val, cost)
local values, costs = self.values, self.costs
local i = #values + 1
values[i] = val
costs[i] = cost
-- Heapify up.
while i > 1 do
local parent = math.floor(i / 2)
if self:predicate_min(i, parent) < 0 then
self:swap(i, parent)
i = parent
-- Pop the value off of the queue with the minimum cost.
-- ...return v, cost
function prio_q:pop()
local values, costs = self.values, self.costs
local count = #values
if count == 0 then return nil, nil end
local val = values[1]
local cost = costs[1]
-- Move the last element to the root.
values[1] = values[count]
costs[1] = costs[count]
-- Remove last element.
values[count] = nil
costs[count] = nil
-- Heapify down.
local i = 2
while true do
local left = 2 * i
local right = 2 * i + 1
local smallest = i
if left <= #values and self:predicate_min(left, smallest) < 0 then
smallest = left
if right <= #values and self:predicate_min(right, smallest) < 0 then
smallest = right
if smallest ~= i then
self:swap(i, smallest)
i = smallest
return val, cost
-- Return the cnumber of elements in the queue.
function prio_q:count()
return #self.values
-- Clear the queue.
function prio_q:clear()
self.values = {}
self.costs = {}
-- This is an internal function used for sorting.
function prio_q:predicate_min(iA, iB)
local costs = self.costs
local costA = costs[iA]
local costB = costs[iB]
return costA < costB and -1 or (costA > costB and 1 or 0)
-- This is an internal function used for sorting.
function prio_q:swap(iA, iB)
local values, costs = self.values, self.costs
values[iA], values[iB] = values[iB], values[iA]
costs[iA], costs[iB] = costs[iB], costs[iA]
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