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Last active July 13, 2022 20:49
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  • Save Randomblock1/3c5c449608840939180baaf604f3f456 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Randomblock1/3c5c449608840939180baaf604f3f456 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Mass convert videos from one type to another
# By default, this will convert all MP4 files in the specified directory to AV1-encoded MKV files.
# You can specify parameters to the command, or modify the default behavior below.
# Run `Get-Help MassFFmpegConvert.ps1` for more information.
[String]$path = ".",
[String]$inputExtension = "mp4",
[String]$outputExtension = "mkv",
[String]$videoCodec = "libsvtav1",
[String]$crf = "30",
[String]$audioCodec = "copy",
$recursive = !$notRecursive
if (Get-Command ffpb -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $executable = "ffpb" } else { $executable = "ffmpeg" }
$filesToConvert = Get-ChildItem $path\*.$inputExtension -Recurse:$recursive
$numFilesToConvert = $filesToConvert.Count
if ($numFilesToConvert -eq 0) {
Write-Host "Searched for $inputExtension files, but couldn't find any!" -ForegroundColor Red
if ($inputExtension -eq $outputExtension) {
Write-Host "You just tried to overwrite a file with itself. The input and output extensions can't be exactly the same!" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host "Transcoding $inputExtension to $outputExtension with c:v $videoCodec, CRF $crf, c:a $audioCodec" -ForegroundColor Blue
$vidNum = 0
foreach ($inputVid in $filesToConvert) {
$outputVid = [io.path]::ChangeExtension($inputVid.FullName, ".$outputExtension")
$vidNum += 1
$percentProgress = [double][Math]::Ceiling(($vidNum/$numFilesToConvert)*100)
Write-Progress -Activity "Transcoding in progress" -Status "$(Resolve-Path -Relative -LiteralPath $inputVid) ($vidNum/$numFilesToConvert)" -PercentComplete $percentProgress
if (!$dryRun) {
& $executable -hide_banner -hwaccel auto -i $inputVid.FullName -c:v $videoCodec -c:a $audioCodec -crf $crf -map_metadata 0 $outputVid
if ($deleteOriginal) {
Remove-Item $inputVid
Write-Host "Done! Follow me and leave a star if you liked this script." -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Transcode all files in a folder recursively with a given file extension.
Transcode all files in a folder recursively with a given file extension.
Prints the name of each file it transcodes.
Uses ffpb to display a progress bar if possible.
Required. Specifies the folder path to recursively search for files.
.PARAMETER inputExtension
Specifies the extension. "mp4" is the default.
.PARAMETER outputExtension
Specifies the extension. "mkv" is the default.
.PARAMETER videoCodec
Specifies the video codec. "libsvtav1" is the default.
Specifies the constant rate factor. "30" is the default.
.PARAMETER audioCodec
Specifies the audio codec. "copy" is the default.
.PARAMETER notRecursive
Specifies if it should scan recursively for files. "false" is the default.
Specifies if it should perform a dry run. "false" is the default.
.PARAMETER deleteOriginal
Specifies if it should delete the original file after transcoding. "false" is the default.
PS> MassFFMpegConvert -path .\Videos
Transcoding mp4 to mkv with c:v libsvtav1, CRF 30, c:a copy
Transcoding .\Videos\test.mp4
test.mp4: 100%|#############| 600/600 [00:05<00:00, 120.0 frames/s]
Done! ✅
PS> MassFFMpegConvert -path .\Videos -inputExtension webm -outputExtension mp4 -videoCodec libx264 -crf 20 -audioCodec aac
Transcoding webm to mp4 with c:v libx264, CRF 20, c:a aac
Transcoding .\Videos\test.webm
test.webm: 100%|#############| 600/600 [00:05<00:00, 120.0 frames/s]
Done! ✅
PS> MassFFMpegConvert -path .\Videos -dryRun
Transcoding mp4 to mkv with c:v libsvtav1, CRF 30, c:a copy
Transcoding .\Videos\test.mp4
Done! ✅
# Notice how nothing is actually transcoded. It's just a dry run.
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