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import React from 'react'
const MIXPANEL_TOKEN = '' // token here
const appProperties = {}
const _waitTracking = []
let mixpanel = null
let isInit = false
always load mixpanel dynamic because it's huge
It uses dynamic-import syntax, that is in a ECMAScript proposal and not currently part of the language standard. if you use babel you need
export const loadMixpanel = () =>
import('mixpanel-browser').then(_mixpanel => {
mixpanel = _mixpanel
if (!isInit) {
isInit = true
console.log('mixpanel init')
return mixpanel
// exec track event that occur when mixpanel doesn't load complete
function execWaitTracking() {
for (let i = 0, length = _waitTracking.length; i < length; i++) {
const params = _waitTracking.shift()
export function track(...params) {
if (!mixpanel) {
const [eventName, properties = {}] = params
console.log('track', eventName)
mixpanel.track(eventName, {
export const withTracker = Component =>
class ComponentWithTracker extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
// load mixpanel
loadMixpanel().catch(err => {
console.warn('load mixpanel failed', err)
render() {
return <Component {...this.props} track={track} mixpanel={mixpanel} />
// simply upgrade hoc to render props,
const Render = ({ children, ...props }) => children(props)
// convert hoc to render props
export const Tracker = withTracker(Render)
// auto track when rendered
export const Track = withTracker(
class Track extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
render() {
return null
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Ranatchai commented Jul 9, 2018

React Examples

For Tracker, it's a render props component

  {({ track }) => (
    <SomeComponent onClick={() => {
      track('eventName', { /* some props here */ })
    }} />

For a Track component, use it when you want to track along with render something. it's very simple and useful for me.

const SecretModal = () => (
  <Modal title="very secret modal">
    <Track eventName="very secret modal is rendered" properties={{ /* some props here */ }} />

For withTracker, it's a higher-order component.

const MyComponent = ({ track }) => {}
export default withTracker(MyComponent)

a bit old fashion, but still very useful for some case.

JS Case

// you can use track anywhere, but it's not automatic load mixpanel
track('eventName', properties)
// Not using global, but always using mixpanel instance via loadMixpanel(), to make sure it's loaded.
loadMixpanel().then(mixpanel => {

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