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Created January 19, 2023 09:22
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Simple encrypt/decrypt functions in clojure using AES GCM and argon2id key derivation.
(ns secret-box
[taoensso.nippy :as nippy]
[buddy.core.crypto :as crypto]
[buddy.core.codecs :as codecs]
[buddy.core.nonce :as nonce]))
;; Deps
;; buddy/buddy-core {:mvn/version "1.10.413"}
;; com.taoensso/nippy {:mvn/version "3.2.0"}
(def ^:no-doc ^:static
{:argon2id {:memory 65536
:iterations 2
:salt-bytes 16
:hash-bytes 32}
:aes256-gcm {:iv-bytes 12}})
(defn- key-stretch-wth-argon2id [weak-text-key salt]
(let [memory (get-in +parameters+ [:argon2id :memory]) ;; KiB
iterations (get-in +parameters+ [:argon2id :iterations])
salt-bytes (get-in +parameters+ [:argon2id :salt-bytes])
hash-bytes (get-in +parameters+ [:argon2id :hash-bytes])
salt (codecs/to-bytes (or salt (nonce/random-bytes salt-bytes)))
parallelism 1
params (-> (Argon2Parameters$Builder. Argon2Parameters/ARGON2_id)
(.withSalt salt)
(.withMemoryAsKB memory)
(.withIterations iterations)
(.withParallelism parallelism)
generator (Argon2BytesGenerator.)
hash (byte-array hash-bytes)]
(.init generator params)
(.generateBytes generator ^bytes (codecs/to-bytes weak-text-key) hash)
{:alg :argon2id
:memory memory
:iterations iterations
:parallelism parallelism
:secret-key hash
:salt salt}))
(defn- bytes->b64 [bytes]
(-> bytes
(defn- b64->bytes [str]
(-> str
(defn encrypt-bytes
[plaintext passphrase]
(let [salt-bytes (get-in +parameters+ [:argon2id :salt-bytes])
iv-bytes (get-in +parameters+ [:aes256-gcm :iv-bytes])
salt (nonce/random-bytes salt-bytes)
{:keys [secret-key]} (key-stretch-wth-argon2id passphrase (codecs/to-bytes salt))
iv (nonce/random-bytes iv-bytes)
encoded-plaintext (nippy/freeze plaintext)
ciphertext (crypto/encrypt encoded-plaintext secret-key iv {:algorithm :aes256-gcm})]
(byte-array (mapcat seq [salt iv ciphertext]))))
(defn encrypt
[plaintext passphrase]
(encrypt-bytes plaintext passphrase)))
(defn decrypt [secret passphrase]
(let [salt-bytes (get-in +parameters+ [:argon2id :salt-bytes])
iv-bytes (get-in +parameters+ [:aes256-gcm :iv-bytes])
decoded (b64->bytes secret)
salt (byte-array (take salt-bytes decoded))
iv (byte-array (take iv-bytes (drop salt-bytes decoded)))
ciphertext (byte-array (drop (+ salt-bytes iv-bytes) decoded))
{:keys [secret-key]} (key-stretch-wth-argon2id passphrase (codecs/to-bytes salt))]
(-> ciphertext
(crypto/decrypt secret-key iv {:algorithm :aes256-gcm})
;; Usage
(encrypt "hello world" "hunter2")
;; => "FWemUkExvsBiiP0YxO653XAp1GLRfz1-dToNOFUc7WKN7VBZVI8r4Qks85Y6mMWO0df_Mj1jbSjmtprXLg"
(-> "hello world"
(encrypt "hunter2")
(decrypt "hunter2"))
;; => "hello world"
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