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Forked from plmercereau/raspberry-pi-zero-2.nix
Created September 3, 2023 16:25
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Nix module to create SD images for Rasperry Pi Zero 2 W
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
imports = [
system.stateVersion = "23.11";
# Pi Zero 2 struggles to work without swap
sdImage.swap.enable = true;
sdImage.extraFirmwareConfig = {
# Give up VRAM for more Free System Memory
# - Disable camera which automatically reserves 128MB VRAM
start_x = 0;
# - Reduce allocation of VRAM to 16MB minimum for non-rotated (32MB for rotated)
gpu_mem = 16;
# bzip2 compression takes loads of time with emulation, skip it. Enable this if you're low on space.
sdImage.compressImage = false;
networking = {
interfaces."wlan0".useDHCP = true;
wireless = {
enable = true;
interfaces = [ "wlan0" ];
networks = {
"<ssid>" = {
psk = "<ssid-key>";
# Enable OpenSSH out of the box.
services.sshd.enable = true;
# NTP time sync.
services.timesyncd.enable = true;
# This module extends the official sd-image.nix with the following:
# - ability to add a swap partition to the built image
# - ability to add options to the config.txt firmware
# - fix the uboot bug with pi zero 2
# Related issue:
# Original file:
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
rootfsImage = pkgs.callPackage <nixpkgs/nixos/lib/make-ext4-fs.nix> ({
inherit (config.sdImage) storePaths;
compressImage = config.sdImage.compressImage;
populateImageCommands = config.sdImage.populateRootCommands;
volumeLabel = "NIXOS_SD";
} // optionalAttrs (config.sdImage.rootPartitionUUID != null) {
uuid = config.sdImage.rootPartitionUUID;
options.sdImage = {
swap = {
enable = mkEnableOption "Create a swap partition.";
partitionName = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "SWAP";
description = lib.mdDoc ''
Name of the partition which holds the swap.
size = mkOption {
type =;
default = 2 * 1024;
description = lib.mdDoc ''
Size of the swap partition, in megabytes.
extraFirmwareConfig = mkOption {
type = types.attrs;
default = { };
description = lib.mdDoc ''
Extra configuration to be added to config.txt.
config = {
# Override of the sd image build to optionally add a swap partition = lib.mkForce (pkgs.callPackage
({ stdenv
, dosfstools
, e2fsprogs
, mtools
, libfaketime
, util-linux
, zstd
}: stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = config.sdImage.imageName;
nativeBuildInputs = [ dosfstools e2fsprogs libfaketime mtools util-linux ]
++ lib.optional config.sdImage.compressImage zstd;
inherit (config.sdImage) imageName compressImage;
buildCommand = ''
mkdir -p $out/nix-support $out/sd-image
export img=$out/sd-image/${config.sdImage.imageName}
echo "${pkgs.stdenv.buildPlatform.system}" > $out/nix-support/system
if test -n "$compressImage"; then
echo "file sd-image $img.zst" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
echo "file sd-image $img" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
${lib.optionalString config.sdImage.compressImage ''
echo "Decompressing rootfs image"
zstd -d --no-progress "${rootfsImage}" -o $root_fs
# Set swap size. Set it to 0 it swap is disabled.
swapSize=${toString (if config.sdImage.swap.enable then config.sdImage.swap.size else 0)}
# The root partition is #2 if there is no swap, but is #3 is there is one
rootPartitionNumber=${toString (if config.sdImage.swap.enable then 3 else 2)}
# Gap in front of the first partition, in MiB
gap=${toString config.sdImage.firmwarePartitionOffset}
# Create the image file sized to fit /boot/firmware and /, plus slack for the gap.
rootSizeBlocks=$(du -B 512 --apparent-size $root_fs | awk '{ print $1 }')
firmwareSizeBlocks=$((${toString config.sdImage.firmwareSize} * 1024 * 1024 / 512))
# Note: swap size is 0 if swap is disabled
imageSize=$((rootSizeBlocks * 512 + firmwareSizeBlocks * 512 + gap * 1024 * 1024 + swapSize * 1024 * 1024))
truncate -s $imageSize $img
# type=b is 'W95 FAT32', type=82 is Swap, type=83 is 'Linux'.
# The "bootable" partition is where u-boot will look file for the bootloader
# information (dtbs, extlinux.conf file).
sfdisk $img <<EOF
label: dos
label-id: ${config.sdImage.firmwarePartitionID}
start=''${gap}M, size=$firmwareSizeBlocks, type=b
${lib.optionalString config.sdImage.swap.enable ''
start=$((gap + ${toString config.sdImage.firmwareSize}))M, size=''${swapSize}M, type=82
start=$((gap + ${toString config.sdImage.firmwareSize} + swapSize))M, type=83, bootable
# Copy the rootfs into the SD image
eval $(partx $img -o START,SECTORS --nr $rootPartitionNumber --pairs)
dd conv=notrunc if=$root_fs of=$img seek=$START count=$SECTORS
# * Create the swap if it is enabled
${lib.optionalString config.sdImage.swap.enable ''
# Create the swap
eval $(partx $img -o START,SECTORS --nr 2 --pairs)
dd if=/dev/zero of=swap.img bs=''${swapSize}M count=1
mkswap -L "${config.sdImage.swap.partitionName}" swap.img
dd conv=notrunc if=swap.img of=$img seek=$START count=$SECTORS
# Create a FAT32 /boot/firmware partition of suitable size into firmware_part.img
eval $(partx $img -o START,SECTORS --nr 1 --pairs)
truncate -s $((SECTORS * 512)) firmware_part.img
mkfs.vfat --invariant -i ${config.sdImage.firmwarePartitionID} -n ${config.sdImage.firmwarePartitionName} firmware_part.img
# Populate the files intended for /boot/firmware
mkdir firmware
find firmware -exec touch --date=2000-01-01 {} +
# Copy the populated /boot/firmware into the SD image
cd firmware
# Force a fixed order in mcopy for better determinism, and avoid file globbing
for d in $(find . -type d -mindepth 1 | sort); do
faketime "2000-01-01 00:00:00" mmd -i ../firmware_part.img "::/$d"
for f in $(find . -type f | sort); do
mcopy -pvm -i ../firmware_part.img "$f" "::/$f"
cd ..
# Verify the FAT partition before copying it.
fsck.vfat -vn firmware_part.img
dd conv=notrunc if=firmware_part.img of=$img seek=$START count=$SECTORS
if test -n "$compressImage"; then
zstd -T$NIX_BUILD_CORES --rm $img
{ });
swapDevices = lib.mkIf config.sdImage.swap.enable [{
device = "/dev/disk/by-label/${config.sdImage.swap.partitionName}";
sdImage.populateFirmwareCommands = lib.mkIf ((lib.length (lib.attrValues config.sdImage.extraFirmwareConfig)) > 0)
# Convert the set into a string of lines of "key=value" pairs.
keyValueMap = name: value: name + "=" + toString value;
keyValueList = lib.mapAttrsToList keyValueMap config.sdImage.extraFirmwareConfig;
extraFirmwareConfigString = lib.concatStringsSep "\n" keyValueList;
# The initial file has just been created without write permissions. Add them to be able to append the file.
chmod u+w $config
echo "\n# Extra configuration" >> $config
echo "${extraFirmwareConfigString}" >> $config
chmod u-w $config
# Ugly hack to make it work with Pi Zero 2
sdImage.populateRootCommands = lib.mkForce ''
mkdir -p ./files/boot
${config.boot.loader.generic-extlinux-compatible.populateCmd} -c ${} -d ./files/boot
DTBS_DIR=$(ls -d ./files/boot/nixos/*-dtbs)/broadcom
chmod u+w $DTBS_DIR
cp ${}/dtbs/broadcom/bcm2837-rpi-zero-2-w.dtb $DTBS_DIR/bcm2837-rpi-zero-2.dtb
chmod u-w $DTBS_DIR
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