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Last active September 1, 2023 20:20
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  • Save RalphORama/c38f0174872dd68362156ddc0c34e1e9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RalphORama/c38f0174872dd68362156ddc0c34e1e9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
template gmod server.cfg for pterodactyl
// I dont admin sandbox at all. Not sure if these are decent values.
sbox_maxprops "100"
sbox_maxragdolls "5"
sbox_maxnpcs "10"
sbox_maxballoons "10"
sbox_maxeffects "10"
sbox_maxdynamite "10"
sbox_maxlamps "10"
sbox_maxthrusters "10"
sbox_maxwheels "10"
sbox_maxhoverballs "10"
sbox_maxvehicles "20"
sbox_maxbuttons "10"
sbox_maxsents "20"
sbox_maxemitters "5"
sbox_godmode "0"
sbox_noclip "0"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// WARNING: DO NOT SET rcon_password IN THIS FILE!!!
// Prior exploits have stolen the rcon password from server.cfg
// Set rcon_password in your startup script instead.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
hostname "Garry's Mod"
// General server settings
sv_password ""
sv_loadingurl ""
sv_allowupload "1"
sv_allowdownload "1"
sv_downloadurl ""
net_maxfilesize "64"
// Steam Server List Settings
sv_region "0" // 0 = US East
sv_location "us"
sv_lan "0"
// prevent ddos from server list queries
sv_max_queries_sec_global "30000"
sv_max_queries_window "45"
sv_max_queries_sec "5"
// Logging
log on
sv_logbans "1"
sv_logecho "1"
sv_logfile "1"
sv_log_onefile "0"
lua_log_sv "0"
// network settings
sv_minrate "75000"
sv_maxrate "0"
net_splitpacket_maxrate "45000"
// tweak these based on your tickrate
//sv_maxupdaterate "66"
//sv_minupdaterate "33"
//sv_maxcmdrate "66"
//sv_mincmdrate "33"
// rcon security
sv_rcon_banpenalty "0"
sv_rcon_maxfailures "3"
sv_rcon_minfailures "3"
sv_rcon_minfailuretime "20"
// additional server settings
sv_cheats "0"
sv_pausable "0"
sv_allow_voice_from_file "0"
decalfrequency "4"
sv_filterban "1"
sv_forcepreload "1"
sv_footsteps "1"
sv_voiceenable "1"
sv_timeout "120"
//sv_turbophysics "0"
//sv_max_usercmd_future_ticks "12"
//sv_client_min_interp_ratio "1"
//sv_client_max_interp_ratio "2"
//think_limit "20"
//gmod_physiterations "2"
//sv_deltaprint "0"
// Pick one of these files (or create your own) to tune settings for whatever
// gamemode the server is running.
exec sandbox.cfg
//exec terrortown.cfg
// Execute Ban Files
exec banned_ip.cfg
exec banned_user.cfg
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Taken from
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Round Structure
// Preparation and post-round
ttt_preptime_seconds "30"
ttt_firstpreptime "60"
ttt_posttime_seconds "30"
// Round length
ttt_haste "1"
ttt_haste_starting_minutes "5"
ttt_haste_minutes_per_death "0.5"
ttt_roundtime_minutes "10"
// Map switching and voting
ttt_round_limit "6"
ttt_time_limit_minutes "75"
ttt_always_use_mapcycle "0"
/// Gameplay
// Traitor and Detective counts
ttt_traitor_pct "0.25"
ttt_traitor_max "32"
ttt_detective_pct "0.13"
ttt_detective_max "32"
ttt_detective_min_players "10"
ttt_detective_karma_min "600"
ttt_killer_dna_range "550"
ttt_killer_dna_basetime "100"
// Voicechat battery
ttt_voice_drain "0"
ttt_voice_drain_normal "0.2"
ttt_voice_drain_admin "0.05"
ttt_voice_drain_recharge "0.05"
// Other gameplay settings
ttt_minimum_players "2"
ttt_postround_dm "0"
ttt_dyingshot "0"
ttt_no_nade_throw_during_prep "1"
ttt_weapon_carrying "1"
ttt_weapon_carrying_range "50"
ttt_weapon_carrying "."
ttt_teleport_telefrags "1"
ttt_ragdoll_pinning "1"
ttt_ragdoll_pinning_innocents "0"
/// Karma
ttt_karma "1"
ttt_karma_strict "1"
ttt_karma_starting "1000"
ttt_karma_max "1000"
ttt_karma_ratio "0.001"
ttt_karma_kill_penalty "15"
ttt_karma_round_increment "5"
ttt_karma_clean_bonus "30"
ttt_karma_traitordmg_ratio "0.0003"
ttt_karma_ratio "0.001"
ttt_karma_traitorkill_bonus "40"
ttt_karma_low_autokick "1"
ttt_karma_low_amount "450"
ttt_karma_low_ban "1"
ttt_karma_low_ban_minutes "60"
ttt_karma_persist "0"
ttt_karma_debugspam "0"
ttt_karma_clean_half "0.25"
/// Equipment credits
ttt_credits_starting "2"
ttt_credits_award_pct "0.35"
ttt_credits_award_size "1"
ttt_credits_award_repeat "1"
ttt_credits_detectivekill "1"
ttt_det_credits_starting "1"
ttt_det_credits_traitorkill "0"
ttt_det_credits_traitordead "1"
/// Prop possession
ttt_spec_prop_control "1"
ttt_spec_prop_base "8"
ttt_spec_prop_maxpenalty "-6"
ttt_spec_prop_maxbonus "16"
ttt_spec_prop_force "110"
ttt_spec_prop_rechargetime "1"
/// Admin-related
ttt_idle_limit "180"
ttt_namechange_kick "1"
ttt_namechange_bantime "10"
ttt_ban_type "autodetect"
/// Map-related
ttt_use_weapon_spawn_scripts "1"
/// Miscellaneous
ttt_detective_hats "1"
ttt_playercolor_mode "1"
ttt_ragdoll_collide "0"
ttt_bots_are_spectators "0"
ttt_debug_preventwin "0"
ttt_locational_voice "0"
ttt_allow_discomb_jump "0"
ttt_spawn_wave_interval "0"
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