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Last active March 27, 2019 21:20
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  • Save RalphORama/ad490be63609eb2fc370edbf95ac361a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RalphORama/ad490be63609eb2fc370edbf95ac361a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive settings
// Ralph's custom CSGO config/autoexec
// Plagiarized with love from Team Gamerfood's Ted
// -
// -
// here's some placebo shit for the startup options as well
// change these to your monitor's dimensions, refresh rate, etc.
// shown here are the options for a 120hz monitor:
//-w 1920 -h 1080 -freq 120 -refresh 120 -novid -nojoy -tickrate 128 -console
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// General Client Shit
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
cl_allowdownload "1"
cl_autowepswitch "0"
cl_autohelp "0"
cl_downloadfilter "0"
cl_showhelp "0"
cl_forcepreload "1"
cl_lagcompensation "1"
cl_showfps "0"
cl_showloadout "1"
cl_disablehtmlmotd "0"
gameinstructor_enable "0"
voice_enable "1"
player_nevershow_communityservermessage "1"
mm_csgo_community_search_players_min "5"
mm_dedicated_search_maxping "100"
// Put your refresh rate +1, you cannot see frames past your Hz
// blah blah mouse lag blah blah negative mouse acceleration
fps_max "145"
// now no-one can say I don't do my part to save energy
fps_max_menu "60"
// so normals aren't too loud
voice_scale "0.75"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Viewmodels
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
alias "quakeview" "viewmodel_fov 68; viewmodel_offset_x -2; viewmodel_offset_y 2; viewmodel_offset_z -2"
alias "pr0" "viewmodel_fov 68; viewmodel_offset_x 2.5; viewmodel_offset_y 2; viewmodel_offset_z -2"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mouse stuff
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sensitivity "1.35" // 800dpi
m_rawinput "1"
m_customaccel "0"
m_mouseaccel1 "0"
m_mouseaccel2 "0"
m_mousespeed "0"
zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse "0.81"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rates
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rate "128000"
cl_updaterate "128"
cl_cmdrate "128"
cl_interp_ratio "1"
cl_interp "0"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Display damage given on death at top left of screen
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
developer "1"
con_filter_enable "2"
con_filter_text_out "Player:"
con_filter_text "damage given"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Weapon-Relevant Binds
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
alias "rotateguns1" "slot1; bind mwheeldown rotateguns2"
alias "rotateguns2" "slot2; resetrotateguns"
alias "resetrotateguns" "bind mwheeldown rotateguns1"
bind "mwheeldown" "rotateguns1"
bind "mwheelup" "+jump"
alias "+mlgswap" "slot3"
alias "-mlgswap" "slot2; slot1"
bind "q" "+mlgswap"
bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
unbind "MOUSE2"
bind "MOUSE3" "use weapon_knife; use weapon_c4"
bind "MOUSE4" "+voicerecord"
bind "MOUSE5" "+attack2"
bind "f" "+lookatweapon; use weapon_flashbang"
bind "alt" "+lookatweapon; use weapon_hegrenade"
bind "r" "+reload"
unbind "h"; unbind "j"; unbind "k"; unbind "l";
// My ctrl key is where the caps lock should be, fuck you.
bind "space" "+bounce"
alias "+bounce" "+jump; hoggwatch_cycle; +duck"
alias "-bounce" "-jump; -duck;"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Null-cancelling movement script
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
alias +mfwd "-back;+forward;alias checkfwd +forward"
alias +mback "-forward;+back;alias checkback +back"
alias +mleft "-moveright;+moveleft;alias checkleft +moveleft"
alias +mright "-moveleft;+moveright;alias checkright +moveright"
alias -mfwd "-forward;checkback;alias checkfwd none"
alias -mback "-back;checkfwd;alias checkback none"
alias -mleft "-moveleft;checkright;alias checkleft none"
alias -mright "-moveright;checkleft;alias checkright none"
alias checkfwd none
alias checkback none
alias checkleft none
alias checkright none
alias none ""
bind "w" +mfwd
bind "s" +mback
bind "a" +mleft
bind "d" +mright
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Misc. Binds
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// perfect jumpthrow nade bind
alias "+jumpthrow" "+jump;-attack;-attack2"
alias "-jumpthrow" "-jump"
bind "z" "+jumpthrow"
// New graffiti update
bind "t" "+spray_menu"
// quick mute/unmute everybody for those tense headphone moments
bind "x" "toggle voice_scale 0 0.75"
// hold G and you'll pick up any weapon on the floor automatically
bind "g" "+pickdrop"
alias "+pickdrop" "drop; cl_autowepswitch 1"
alias "-pickdrop" "cl_autowepswitch 0"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Preloaded NetGraph on Tab
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
net_graph "1"
net_graphheight "9999"
alias "+scorenet" "+showscores; net_graphheight 0"
alias "-scorenet" "-showscores; net_graphheight 9999"
bind "TAB" "+scorenet"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Crosshair shit
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Static crosshair
alias "statcross" "cl_crosshairalpha 255;cl_crosshaircolor 5;cl_crosshaircolor_b 250;cl_crosshaircolor_r 50;cl_crosshaircolor_g 250;cl_crosshairdot 0;cl_crosshairgap 0;cl_crosshairsize 3;cl_crosshairstyle 4;cl_crosshairusealpha 1;cl_crosshairthickness 0.5;cl_fixedcrosshairgap 0;cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 0;cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0;cl_crosshair_t 1"
// Dynamic crosshair
alias "dyncross" "cl_crosshaircolor 5; cl_crosshaircolor_b 96; cl_crosshaircolor_r 255; cl_crosshaircolor_g 96; cl_crosshairdot 1; cl_crosshairgap -2; cl_crosshairsize 4; cl_crosshairstyle 3; cl_crosshairthickness 1; cl_fixedcrosshairgap -2"
// Set to dynamic crosshair
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HUD shit
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
cl_hud_background_alpha "0.5"
cl_hud_bomb_under_radar "0"
cl_hud_color "4"
cl_hud_healthammo_style "1"
cl_hud_playercount_pos "0"
cl_hud_playercount_showcount "1"
hud_scaling "0.850000"
hud_showtargetid "1"
safezonex "0.9"
safezoney "0.9"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Radar shit
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
cl_radar_rotate "1"
cl_radar_always_centered "0"
cl_radar_scale "0.45"
cl_hud_radar_scale "1.1"
cl_radar_icon_scale_min "1"
// Radar Expanding + classic view model change for lining up nades
bind "E" "+radar"
alias "+radar" "+use; cl_righthand 1; cl_radar_scale 0.3; viewmodel_presetpos 3; cl_crosshairsize 800"
alias "-radar" "-use; cl_righthand 0; cl_radar_scale 0.45; viewmodeldefault; cl_crosshairsize 4"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Misc
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Commands for fucking around with friends
// Change Game Modes (changelevel after applying)
alias "classic_casual" "game_type 0; game_mode 0"
alias "classic_comp" "game_type 0; game_mode 1"
alias "armsrace" "game_type 1; game_mode 0"
alias "demolition" "game_type 1; game_mode 1"
alias "death_match" "game_type 1; game_mode 2"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Here Be Placebos
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Graphics
r_dynamic "0"
r_eyegloss "0"
sys_antialiasing "0"
sys_refldetail "0"
mat_monitorgamma "1.6"
mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled "1"
func_break_max_pieces "0"
cl_forcepreload "1"
cl_predict "1"
cl_predictweapons "1"
muzzleflash_light "0"
cl_detail_avoid_force "0"
cl_detail_avoid_radius "0"
cl_detail_avoid_recover_speed "0"
cl_detail_max_sway "0"
muzzleflash_light "0"
// Sound
windows_speaker_config "1"
snd_mixahead "0.05"
snd_music_selection "1"
snd_mapobjective_volume "0.25"
snd_tensecondwarning_volume "0.25"
snd_musicvolume_multiplier_inoverlay "0"
snd_menumusic_volume "0"
snd_headphone_pan_exponent "2"
snd_headphone_pan_radial_weight "2"
lobby_voice_chat_enabled "0"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Execute meme scripts here
// You can make them with
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// exec hoggwatch
exec bikinibabelover
echo " "
echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
echo " "
echo " Ralph's custom autoexec loaded."
echo " "
echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
echo " "
// Generated with TF2 Chatterbox v1.1
// Based on tweets by
alias "BikiniBabeLover0" "say Hey ''Vegan's'': If you love animals so much, why do you keep eating all there food? Also, why dont you marry it? Bitch"
alias "BikiniBabeLover2" "say I *lurve* my hubbeh. Especially when it's... (cough) ahem... <.< teh sexehtimes."
alias "BikiniBabeLover3" "say YES I go to renaissance fairs. YES, I wear corsets. >_> No, I won't give you teh bewbie hugz because I have a hubbeh. >_> Begone"
alias "BikiniBabeLover4" "say (jolts awake in the middle of the night, sweating) Holy shit.... oppa gangnam style"
alias "BikiniBabeLover5" "say Nice faucets Ass Hole. Your faucets arent even that cool, and I dont even barely love them a lot that much"
alias "BikiniBabeLover6" "say Mate my arse is well hairy innit. Mental"
alias "BikiniBabeLover7" "say Try Before Jerking Off - This Porn Game Is Guaranteed To Make You Cum 250+ Times In 5 Minutes - '' UNBEARABLE ''"
alias "BikiniBabeLover8" "say Facts About You: 1) Your thinking of sombeody 3) You didnt notice I just skipped nubmer five 4) Your smilein now 5) Im hot"
alias "BikiniBabeLover9" "say All rappers do is talk about having you-know-what with their girlfriend. >_> Oh, rap music... SO mature."
alias "BikiniBabeLover10" "say Thhe Bible has been proven true. Congrats to Christians and sorry too all Atheists"
alias "BikiniBabeLover11" "say *goes to a kiss a pretty lady but misses and accidentally sucks off a hot guys big dick*"
alias "BikiniBabeLover12" "say The first person ever to take a shit must have been like, >.> ummm excuse me... wtf is coming out of my but"
alias "BikiniBabeLover13" "say Most people, dont even realize, that our society, is a hypocrite of it self.."
alias "BikiniBabeLover14" "say every guy knows when you find that one perfect condom, you just never wanna take it off.."
alias "BikiniBabeLover15" "say When ya get to say ''im gonna sneak past ya...'' to somebody in public >>>"
alias "BikiniBabeLover16" "say (extremely congested nerd voice) according to my research, im about to blast diarrhea into the potty"
alias "BikiniBabeLover17" "say Why 'Gangnam Style' May Have Its Biggest Year Yet Under Trump"
alias "BikiniBabeLover18" "say About Me: No matter how you slice it im a heftey woman mate. Theres definately some meat too me. Im atheist as all get out."
alias "BikiniBabeLover19" "say I love to give off a carefree attitude by dunking my blowdryer in the bathtub, electrocuting myself to death"
alias "BikiniBabeLover20" "say our f*cked up generation in a damn nutt shell..."
alias "BikiniBabeLover21" "say (Emerges from 12 months of solemn meditation in ancient cave of wisdom) Marriage, is just like running a business"
alias "BikiniBabeLover23" "say Buddy, i live my life with one goal. And thats to find all the good shit out there, and to say that its bad"
alias "BikiniBabeLover24" "say Hmmm There a Fire Wall ... *pulls down my trousers and plants my butt directly on top of the keyboard* Were In"
alias "BikiniBabeLover25" "say Damn I Love How True The Facts Are"
alias "BikiniBabeLover26" "say *gl0mps my hubbeh* the squishie bewbie hugs of doom XD"
alias "BikiniBabeLover27" "say That stoner moment when your getting your dick sucked in zero-g by a martian stripper"
alias "BikiniBabeLover28" "say It owns to fall over and bonk youre coconut"
alias "BikiniBabeLover29" "say (sees somethin) oh hell yea baby"
alias "BikiniBabeLover30" "say Life is complicated. But eating, a handful of almond's? Shouldn't be.™"
alias "BikiniBabeLover32" "say That moment when half of the officers in the guild have tried to cyber with your toon. >_> When you knew my toon was pregnant"
alias "BikiniBabeLover33" "say Its healthy to eat a condom."
alias "BikiniBabeLover34" "say i love, too get killed in a freak accident. One in a million chance"
alias "BikiniBabeLover35" "say Opinions, are like assholes.. They make an ass out of ''U'' and ''me''"
alias "BikiniBabeLover36" "say When your mates bellend gets stuck in the bin 😂😂"
alias "BikiniBabeLover37" "say im my wife"
alias "BikiniBabeLover38" "say I'm a father, a caring husband, and a teacher. And i love too, turn lesbien on cam, I use wwebcame to turn les, this is my life"
alias "BikiniBabeLover39" "say i like my women like i like my coffee: i Just shited into my jean shorts"
alias "BikiniBabeLover40" "say *picks up a pay phone at the mall* Im connected on line. I am looged on to web site"
alias "BikiniBabeLover41" "say technically, ''bugs'' are the most intellegent species., Because,. Theirs a lot of them"
alias "BikiniBabeLover42" "say Good sex, good food, funny laugh's, good friends, & Cool life. thats what i always say :)"
alias "BikiniBabeLover43" "say R.A.P. music... Retards acting retarded"
alias "BikiniBabeLover44" "say That moment, when you finally snap and go mentaly freakin insane....."
alias "BikiniBabeLover45" "say L.O.L. :-) Christopher, your father and I saw your twitter acount about Tits and Pussy. Very good stuff"
alias "BikiniBabeLover46" "say I love too hoist sails aloft, weigh anchor, swab the poop deck, and then be forced to walk the plank"
alias "BikiniBabeLover47" "say LET ME SEE YOU POP THAT BOOTY BITCH!!!!!!!!! O FUCK YEA!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!"
alias "BikiniBabeLover48" "say Lunariessa: The RP channel certainly is quiet tonight..."
alias "BikiniBabeLover49" "say Adorabella_Ravenmoor: I stabbed it. >_>"
alias "BikiniBabeLover50" "say We met this cool black guy at the mall! XD P.s. My eyes look Asian in this pic... O.o"
alias "BikiniBabeLover51" "say That awkward moment when I Eat A Lot Of Pussy And Get Complement's."
alias "BikiniBabeLover52" "say I love to get Down's syndrome in my late 30s"
alias "BikiniBabeLover53" "say George W Bush... an absolute lad and his banters good. Proper legend he is"
alias "BikiniBabeLover54" "say i love getting pussy... the womans pussy is attached to the woman, and than i fuck inside of it"
alias "BikiniBabeLover55" "say It owns to nut."
alias "BikiniBabeLover56" "say a REAL WOMAN has a BRAIN -- NOT boobs 👌"
alias "BikiniBabeLover57" "say SUCK ME OFF SO HARD THAT IT KILLS ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
alias "BikiniBabeLover58" "say I need to get my ass kicked by a 600 lb woman."
alias "BikiniBabeLover59" "say Oh Gods. >_> My S.O. (hubbeh) = being an ass. Meh. At least the Roleplayers' IRC isn't down."
alias "BikiniBabeLover60" "say word to the wise, fellas... learn to eat the titties right... your girl will thank you"
alias "BikiniBabeLover61" "say My name is Lord Kitteh. I have Attention Defecit... OOH! Shiny thing! >_>"
alias "BikiniBabeLover62" "say Acheaving an erection"
alias "BikiniBabeLover63" "say How come everyone always never give me a BJ..."
alias "BikiniBabeLover64" "say the worlds perfect woman is a pair of tiitts with a vaguna attach to it that watch the foot ball game."
alias "BikiniBabeLover65" "say Word of advice too all the ladies out there... Learn to titty fuck your man"
alias "BikiniBabeLover66" "say Ive been naughty ... spank me right on my Ass Buns"
alias "BikiniBabeLover67" "say (the whole party walks in on me getting pussy)"
alias "BikiniBabeLover68" "say Son its time we had a talk *sits backward on chair with one ball pokin out of my zipper*"
alias "BikiniBabeLover69" "say I love my clit"
alias "BikiniBabeLover70" "say Im sooooo damn pubic.."
alias "BikiniBabeLover71" "say *fucks and has sex*"
alias "BikiniBabeLover72" "say <('-'<)(>'-')>Teh Sexeh Dancing Kirby Sez: Didn't Read The FUCKING FAQ?Banhamm0r for j00."
alias "BikiniBabeLover73" "say i need 10+ pairs of double D's in my mouth pronto"
alias "BikiniBabeLover74" "say i love how, Im a pimp."
alias "BikiniBabeLover75" "say Crouch to find the pussy..."
alias "BikiniBabeLover76" "say I'm man enough to admit that i,m extremmely retarded"
alias "BikiniBabeLover77" "say 'Cmon, My Own Johnson!! Pound her pussy bro!!' - Me talkin to my own dick during sex"
alias "BikiniBabeLover78" "say Dont tell me Women Whering Bras Priveledge isnt real. Im 14 yrs old Belgian large boy with no titts and i want to where bra's"
alias "BikiniBabeLover79" "say Im eating a mans pussy."
alias "BikiniBabeLover80" "say I would describe myself as being a very orgasmic guy"
alias "BikiniBabeLover81" "say Being able to eat pussy is one thing... But knowing how to eat the titties right is another thing entirely"
alias "BikiniBabeLover82" "say Im blasting my pussy with a garden hose"
alias "BikiniBabeLover83" "say ''It feels so good when I shoot my load from having sex.'' - Albert Einstein"
alias "BikiniBabeLover84" "say Theses boobs are so sexy, that They make me want to get a boner about them"
alias "BikiniBabeLover85" "say *strokeing my bra* very god bobes"
alias "BikiniBabeLover86" "say theres a pussy in my rear ass"
alias "BikiniBabeLover87" "say Lol... All bitches care about is there pussys..."
alias "BikiniBabeLover88" "say ahhhh ahhh im cumming *a big ass fart noise comes out of my dick*"
alias "BikiniBabeLover89" "say Come to teh dark side.... We have cookies!!! >_>"
alias "BikiniBabeLover90" "say Im a huge floppy tittyed woman."
alias "BikiniBabeLover91" "say I would describe these honkers as being big-tity."
alias "BikiniBabeLover92" "say SOMEBODYS PUSSY SMELLS FISHY IN HERE"
alias "BikiniBabeLover93" "say im turning horny"
alias "BikiniBabeLover95" "say Wemon are bee-hotches... Enough said"
alias "BikiniBabeLover96" "say ph34r meh!! for i am teh sexeh penguin!!!! XD Squisheh bewbie hugs 4 j00!!"
alias "BikiniBabeLover97" "say im eating pussy, while eating a cobb salad"
alias "BikiniBabeLover98" "say I do not know what titties are."
alias "BikiniBabeLover99" "say *nomz teh spork* Aw now it's acting ell emo! Die emo spork!! XD But I /do/ hate emo kids. Emotions are retarded. >_>"
alias "BikiniBabeLover100" "say *opens up a picture of tittys* *looks at it for a while*"
alias "BikiniBabeLover101" "say Dont know what lebsiens are. Fucken BS how no1 will explain it to me..."
alias "BikiniBabeLover102" "say Men Have Penises... Gril have a Cooter"
alias "BikiniBabeLover103" "say There are many varieties of sexual play but the most important is Boneing"
alias "BikiniBabeLover104" "say shes so fucken immature... i swear her pussy still hasnt dropped yet"
alias "BikiniBabeLover105" "say It is illegal to fuck"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_0" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover0; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_1"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_1" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover1; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_2"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_2" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover2; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_3"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_3" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover3; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_4"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_4" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover4; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_5"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_5" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover5; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_6"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_6" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover6; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_7"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_7" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover7; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_8"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_8" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover8; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_9"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_9" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover9; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_10"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_10" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover10; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_11"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_11" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover11; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_12"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_12" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover12; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_13"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_13" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover13; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_14"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_14" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover14; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_15"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_15" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover15; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_16"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_16" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover16; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_17"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_17" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover17; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_18"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_18" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover18; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_19"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_19" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover19; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_20"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_20" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover20; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_21"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_21" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover21; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_22"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_22" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover22; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_23"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_23" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover23; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_24"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_24" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover24; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_25"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_25" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover25; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_26"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_26" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover26; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_27"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_27" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover27; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_28"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_28" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover28; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_29"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_29" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover29; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_30"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_30" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover30; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_31"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_31" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover31; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_32"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_32" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover32; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_33"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_33" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover33; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_34"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_34" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover34; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_35"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_35" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover35; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_36"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_36" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover36; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_37"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_37" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover37; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_38"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_38" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover38; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_39"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_39" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover39; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_40"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_40" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover40; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_41"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_41" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover41; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_42"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_42" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover42; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_43"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_43" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover43; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_44"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_44" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover44; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_45"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_45" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover45; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_46"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_46" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover46; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_47"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_47" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover47; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_48"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_48" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover48; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_49"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_49" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover49; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_50"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_50" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover50; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_51"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_51" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover51; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_52"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_52" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover52; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_53"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_53" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover53; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_54"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_54" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover54; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_55"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_55" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover55; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_56"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_56" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover56; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_57"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_57" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover57; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_58"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_58" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover58; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_59"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_59" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover59; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_60"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_60" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover60; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_61"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_61" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover61; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_62"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_62" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover62; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_63"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_63" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover63; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_64"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_64" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover64; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_65"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_65" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover65; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_66"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_66" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover66; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_67"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_67" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover67; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_68"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_68" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover68; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_69"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_69" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover69; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_70"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_70" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover70; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_71"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_71" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover71; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_72"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_72" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover72; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_73"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_73" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover73; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_74"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_74" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover74; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_75"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_75" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover75; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_76"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_76" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover76; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_77"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_77" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover77; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_78"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_78" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover78; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_79"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_79" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover79; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_80"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_80" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover80; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_81"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_81" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover81; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_82"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_82" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover82; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_83"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_83" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover83; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_84"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_84" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover84; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_85"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_85" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover85; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_86"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_86" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover86; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_87"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_87" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover87; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_88"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_88" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover88; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_89"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_89" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover89; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_90"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_90" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover90; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_91"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_91" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover91; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_92"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_92" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover92; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_93"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_93" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover93; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_94"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_94" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover94; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_95"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_95" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover95; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_96"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_96" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover96; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_97"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_97" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover97; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_98"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_98" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover98; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_99"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_99" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover99; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_100"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_100" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover100; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_101"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_101" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover101; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_102"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_102" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover102; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_103"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_103" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover103; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_104"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_104" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover104; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_105"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_105" "alias BikiniBabeLover BikiniBabeLover105; alias BikiniBabeLover_cycle BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_0"
alias "BikiniBabeLover_cycle" "BikiniBabeLover_diceroll_0"
alias "BikiniBabeLover" "BikiniBabeLover0; BikiniBabeLover_cycle"
// --------------------
// Shift key rebind
alias "+speedcycle" "+speed; BikiniBabeLover_cycle"
alias "-speedcycle" "-speed"
bind "shift" "+speedcycle"
bind "j" "BikiniBabeLover; BikiniBabeLover_cycle"
echo "bikinibabelover.cfg loaded."
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